Imagine if life were a lie.
You woke up one morning and realized the Life you knew was gone.
Nothing but a dream.
Reality had been ripped from your unsuspecting fingers.
You grasp to the feeling you thought you knew,
That has been traded for despair.
It’s now 1am and your life is gone.
You’ve become a ghost walking along the road.
People come and go.
As they pass through you,
Their emotions tangle with yours.
You feel all the regret, loss, and pain someone has felt and wonder how to help.
Is this how it feels to have the weight of the world on your shoulders?
It’s now 2am and time feels like an Everlasting breeze that never ceases.
You come to a corner, where a young boy sits, crying.
The old you wouldn’t have noticed, but somehow this new ghost of you can’t help but fear.
“Where are his parents?”
“Where is the love this boy so desperately needs?”
“And most importantly, why do I suddenly care?”
As quickly as the boy had appeared, he disappeared.
It’s now 3am,
And you are underwater.
The water fills your lungs as you gulp in your own tears.
When you think you’re gone, a face appears.
One so kind and gentle that you can’t help but smile.
The girl who brought you this joy softly strokes your hair.
The water now calms.
It’s 4am and all you want is rest.
You are transported to space,
Where time doesn’t exist.
All you see is thick, black, covering air.
Your mind is racing a mile a minute.
“What is happening?”
“How is this real?”
“I thought I was a good person.”
“Why do I feel like I’m failing?”
It’s now 5am, and you wake up to fine a note in your hand.
“Did you like what you saw?”
The note then continues,
“I know you’re confused but allow me to explain.”
“All you saw was an illusion of your mind.”
You must wonder why I gave you the vision.
It’s because all your life you never knew what went on else where.
The boy on the corner for instance.
He just needed a hug, yet you saw him two years ago, and did nothing but smirk.
The girl in the water, was from when you were drowning in your own sorrow, and needed comfort.
Finally, space was to show you that all you think you know is only the beginning.
For all you know, your life could be gone tomorrow.
So why waste life being scared and selfish?
Make your life your own, but never fail to see the needs of others.
Your life may be quick,
Your life may be long,
But live your life,
Like it’s a falling star.