go anywhere but to the movies.
show up to a party,
sip ***** in the kitchen,
at midnight let lips rest for an instant
--then draw back.
the boy in biology class
has wild curly hair
--be careful.
when lips brush against cheeks
when pale timid fingers trace spines
never stray too far from home.
never sacrifice anything
but once
make a journey.
turn away from civilization.
shake the sweaty hand of a bald, tan man
wearing sunglasses,
claw through the huddled masses,
yearning to breathe free,
step out
onto the cool gray platform.
feel awkward in your brown leather
jacket amongst black windbreakers,
lean back against the rumbling doors,
search drawn,
blank faces for reactions.
find nothing.
exit on the wrong end, the far end.
do not to walk on the left side of the street
-- that’s where the bad **** happens.
do not to look anyone in the eye.
do not think.
if you must think, think only
about lips and brown eyes and star-shaped sunglasses.
look around and realize
that this elevator's button don’t light up anymore,
and the number thirteen has been scratched out by someone’s keys.
let your footsteps echo against tile floors.
let your eyes catch,
and inhale deeply
because you like the smell of his deodorant,
just this once.