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Sep 2021 · 271
Art Sep 2021
Baby I know the night is young
Your mind is on getting intoxicated
A quick escape is all you’re asking
I see you do your thing
So free and liberating
The pain in you’re eyes
Seems to leave when you and I are near
You move it side to side
Has me yearning to see you next weekend
Oh darling come in
It’s nice and cozy
You’re more than just a link
When I close my eye
Please be there in the morning
Sep 2018 · 323
Art Sep 2018
I scroll through the gram
And All you see is people
Saying they need these goals
Or people claiming
This could be us
I lost focus on things
that are important to me
Before I used to be able to go ghost
Without a second thought
Oh how have the tables turned
Now I’m bummed when a week
Passes without a notification with from you
Goals I have for us
No I can’t say much but
Rings are involved
Talk less
Actions will impress and show
How much I adore
And how I need a partner like you
I tell you about my past
Because secrets I can’t keep
Plus anyone before you was just a
Stop before I came and fell
Then you caught me
You’re the secret I want to keep
I hope I’m not too late to say
Ima slow down and focus before
I see someone else with their arm around
Holding what really belongs to me
I’d fight to show these hoes I ain’t fooling
I can’t waste no more time
I see the things you do to put me at ease
Thank you for being the one I needed
Now I see it’s time to make things official
Feb 2017 · 411
Art Feb 2017
The rain still fallin
So let's stay in for another weekend
I know you want to hit the dance floor
But this move up north
Has me shivering in my all black vans
Yeah the authentic ones
Back to the topic
I love putting these words together
Because when you read them when I'm done
With each poems
You give me a
Aww, art you're so sweet
Plus, you cook me some good tastin'
Korean food
Juanita isn't your name
But I know a lot of people
Who will go through my followers
To see who you are
So they can tell you rumors
They heard from people
I went ghost on and still ******
That I don't text back
Girl I'm away for now but
I'll be in town soon enough
And I know I don't put my business out there
But I may want you to meet my momma
Don't bring girls around my family
But with you I may change that
So when you read this
I hope you smiling as much as I do
When you say come through
I'll give you a discount with a free drink
Girl, you keep treating me like this
You may have me shopping for a ring
So if you reading this
Just know I may disappear on you for a second
But promise I'm thinking of you
Oct 2016 · 627
Let me explain
Art Oct 2016
Oo I'm too stubborn
So just tell me your love me
One more time before i go
Let me get a bit closer
I know I don't show it often
But all I think of is you
Never want to leave your side
Forget studying
I rather get to know your favorite
Rave memories
Wasn't around much before
So let me spend the night
To make up for lost time
Don't ever think there's better for me
No lie bri, you're a blessing
Coming to save me from wasting my
Time being lonely
Let me explain
How I really feel when I see you
Over candle lights and trap music
I'm so down for you, I just might
Put a...
Nothing is getting in the way of my happiness
So give me time to get used to
Going out and holding hands
Spending the weekend with your family
Took a while for you to fully trust me
So let me make some announcements
To the world that it's no longer complicated
I'm no longer afraid of losing you
Cause everything you put up with
Shows me you're the really down for me
No more wasting time,
I'm so in love with you, I just might put
A ring on it before I leave
Sep 2016 · 285
Good to have you back
Art Sep 2016
Roses are red
& Violets are blue
I'll never get tired of looking into your eyes
I swear I keep thinking of you
Your smile is stuck in my thoughts
I love having your scent on my clothes
We've been apart for a while
But in this moment in time
I'm the happiest I've ever been
Every time I see your name in my notifications
I still get butterflies
Still working on getting your guard down
Trust me once that happens
You'll never have a reason to be upset
I hate the fact that I've been wasting time searching For someone
when you were just a text away
You are the one I want to travel with
You are the one who I want to see every night
Being honest I've never loved
No one like I do you
You gave me a cold
But luckily doctor said your kisses are
The perfect medicine
Come take care of me
The more and more I'm around you
The more I want to go take you
To go try on engagement rings
I'll never question if you're faithful or not
I want to meet all your family
Just to let them know how much Im in love with you
"You're too much. I'm soo done with you" just some things you say
But let me say it too
I'm soo done too
I'm done looking because you are
everything I've been looking for
to make into a wife.
Aug 2016 · 396
B, let's make it official
Art Aug 2016
Short and light skinned
Oh b, those photos you send me
Have me feeling a certain type of way
Wish I could lay with you just to
Give you a kiss in the mornin'
Oh yeah I need to say that I've fallen since that
One day I finally got to see you in person
We may have our problems
Let call this a Boomarang
We always find each other
When i realize it's been too
Long since I sent you an blush face emoji
B can't you see I'm still digging you
Couple years later
Remember dancing at my cousins party
Man I wish you have never left that day
Not interested in investing more time
With anyone else
There just isn't replacing the crazy b
I'm deep in love with
You like to rave
And I like to dance all night
Let's get together and dance to some dope mellow music
Can we make it official so I can
Go scream in the street
"I finally got bri back"
Oct 2015 · 600
Fallen for
Art Oct 2015
Known you almost all my life
Got me singing
How much I've fallen for you
Much words I use in my poems
Are to describe you
Or talk about moments we shared over the years
I've told you so much
That my own parents wouldn't know me
If I opened up to them
Girl I see you like a friend
But still I've fallen for you
You've got me writing melodies
Just talking about how you make me feel
You've been away for a while now
But **** I saw you this morning
& nothing seemed to be different
You gave me your new number
And said "better use it cause I would love
To talk to you"
Reading this one may ask
How could you like someone who isn't around
Well this girl has been there just waiting for
Me to finish my adventures
To come home and settle down with her
Oct 2015 · 404
Roses (interlude)
Art Oct 2015
See you from a distance
And never once did it ever cross my mind
To chase you
I rather sit here and continue to sin
And just claim that I'm just looking for the
One to call honey
Sorry but I'm too selfish to even
Think of setting down with you
Hopefully you see that I'm just having fun
Experimenting with hearts that have been
Broken before and now just filling their time with flings
One night it hit me
I'm confused
I want you here but only want see you once a week
But since you're gone
I wish you the best and you deserve
All the roses on the world from one
Who will love you unconditionally
Sep 2015 · 658
Evil man
Art Sep 2015
Dear white man in suits walking past
Me pushing a lawn mower
He expects me to be ignorant
He expects me to be under qualified
But let me spit facts
I'm educated, with a fierce mind
Ready to slay any man who touches mine
I will recite scripture written by old hairy
But yet wise men
An undergraduate, buying a suit and tie to fit in
With these snakes who call themselves
Politicians, I know the evils done to my race
Put fancy stores in my area to occupy my peoples' mind and force them to be like those on TV
But I will stand and serve with what I've learned
The white man slayed warriors of color
Abused beautiful queens of different races
Imposing that their way is best
Promising they will help everyone if elected
These actors need to be sent to North Korea
To experience famine
I was created of a system of self concentration
But still find ways to spread joy & happiness
I stress, stop making kids who won't stand up
To these Devils
Push children to ask questions
Graduate and make a better life
Because this life is so hard when you're just getting by.
Aug 2015 · 384
Tell me
Art Aug 2015
Tell me how you feel
Go head tell me
I know you don't talk about feelings
But I would love to know what you're thinking
Sorry for my long absence
I was doing some growing
I know you heard this and that
So let me clarify
I've been fornicating
Sinning according to the holy book
Still I thought of you much throughout
My growing journey
I heard you're taken and I'm happy to see
You with someone that makes you laugh
More than I did
I had to let you go
But Im very happy every time you
double tap my pictures
I hope you forgive me for giving up
I always advertised I rather be alone
But now I feel some type of way
Because I don't feel
Well I don't have want I always wanted
Just was to immature to see what I always wanted
Was there feeding me during lunch break
But I won't give up
Because I seek to feel
The way I did every time I saw you.
Jul 2014 · 533
Oh hey darling
Art Jul 2014
Oh hey darling
How was your day?
Sure, let me hear what happened
At work and I promise not to drift off
And when your done I'll be sure to
Tell you how much I enjoy being
With someone like you
Don't blush because it's all true
And hope I've been showing you
The same amount of love you
Show me on a daily bases
Went to get you flowers
And decided to write you a note
Saying thank you for being my
One love
Sorry for not listening when
You asked to take out the trash
Or when you fell in the toilet because
I didn't put the seat down
But it's funny to see you keep using it against me when I don't feel like driving around town
Hey remember our first date?
Well... I don't but I'm pretty sure it was a blast and look at us now.
By the way don't eat beans at night because your farts were killing me last night
Darling I just want to let you know I enjoy everything we've been through and looking forward to our future
Mar 2014 · 455
Art Mar 2014
Dear crush
What exactly will it take for me
To have you
If you said yes to be mine
Will you be willing to share your food
With me
No worries about your parents approval because I know your mom loves me
I passed you a note
Yes or no
If I went by at 8
Will you be down to go out
Or will you diss me
Good thing I'm good with words
Because I can't spend much money
On you because well
It's no surprise that textbooks are expensive
One day I will make you mine
But until then
Know that Ive fallen for you
Feb 2014 · 526
Art Feb 2014
Forgot where we met
But honestly since then
I fell for you
Now I'm here
Asking if you will be my valentine
Had fun meeting your mom
And some of your family
Now I ask you to be mine
Smiley faces when I text you
Don't linger on what they say about me
To be honest
Things happened before you
But now I'm trying to build something
Oh and before you say something
I really like donuts and oj
And you gotta feed me
If you say yes to me
Sorry but I'm one broke
College student
I've found out you
Don't really trust anyone
But I will work day in day out
Just for you to look for me
When you are having a horrible day
If you haven't notice I have a big crush on you
So what do you say
Will you be my boo?
Jul 2013 · 851
Art Jul 2013
Ah... I think love her now
She makes my mother proud
Cloud 9 and I ain't coming down
Girls like her
Don't really come around
I look into her eyes
And I feel like I just got struck
By the little man with wings
I stay up all night
Just looking at your icon
Wishing I could hold you
And talk about the lakers...
Or anything you'd like to
Chat about
Doesn't hurt that you like the something's as me
So things to talk about never end
You get my humor
And never get mad cause I
Get a some random text from a female but when I'm with you
The messages just get deleted
Hard to hold this back
I think I love her now
I've fallin'
For a pretty brown skin lady
I just sit back and think of
All the dishes you've made
And glad you're a awesome cook
Oh yes I've fallin
For this pretty young thing
Mar 2013 · 400
Your girl
Art Mar 2013
I see you walk past me
Holding his hand.
You look up every time
I pass with my girl.
I smile at you when
I catch your sight.
When things with my girl
Get rocky
I'll think of you and hope
I could run away with you
But then me and my girl
Fix our issues.
You and I had something before
When we were both single
But It wasn't the right time
To date
I regret not making you my girl
But it's okay
I have a wonderful lady.
One day when I was walking to my
Math class
I saw you crying
Your eyes out.
So I went over to say "are you ok?
Do you need a tissue?"
She told me
"My boyfriend broke up
With me, because he found a letter
Of how I felt for you"
She looked up
And whispered in my ear
"I never stopped loving you and
I still want to be your girl"
Mar 2013 · 867
Hard headed
Art Mar 2013
It was a hello
Then a quick bye
You and I were happy one minute
But the next second we
Got into it like cats and dogs.
The makeups were great
But the breakups were
Like wars in Afghanistan.
I bet you miss me
And so do I
But this is getting to old.
We make up
To break up
Just like fools that we are.
I'm fine saying goodbye
And your fine saying hi
They tell me you talk
to a lot of guys.
But I know you end up talking to
The girls that chat it up
With me
You keep hearing what I do
Through the grapevine.
We're so good for one another
But yet our hard heads
Don't let us be happy
So if you read this
I wish you the best
And stop letting me go back
To those empty arms.
Mar 2013 · 534
Will you read this?
Art Mar 2013
Can I talk to you
Even though if it's only for a minute.
I been wanting to talk
To you for I think months
It's not easy to come up to
Someone you have a crush on
And tell them hi
Even though you know they
Don't notice you
I was wondering if I could take you
On a walk in the park
You know
Hear the birds sing
While you tell me about your
Dreams and your future
Career plans
Also smell the roses while
I smell your sweet perfume
We can sit by the lake and
Let wind blow us closer
Everyone advised me not
To talk to you
Because your seen with different guys often
But I look at it like
You're still on the search for mr.
right for you.
I wanna tell you
Every poem I write
Has something to do with you
I wish I could talk
And express how I feel
But then again
I wonder if you'll read this
If I sent it to you?
Feb 2013 · 531
To be honest
Art Feb 2013
It's a year
From when I met you
Yet we still talk
Like we met yesterday
Asking what we like
And what is our ideal future.
You said if I talked to another girl
Like we talk
You would flip out
Because you really like me
You were over protective
As if I was a cub
And you were momma bear
You told me one cold night
In December
That you put your guard down
I kept quite
Because I knew
If we made it official
It would never be the same
If something causes us to brake up
But something about you
Made me feel safe making you
My girlfriend
So that night when I was leaving your pad cause me and your brother
Are very good pals
I told you
I know there's a bunch of people
That would hate us to be together
And see us happy
But would you be my wish come true
And be my girl
But to be honest
I want you to be my wife.
Jan 2013 · 1.7k
Sweetest language
Art Jan 2013
not every couple
has it easy nor stress free
they gotta work through
the ugly days and painful nights
you and I was a great example
fighting every other day
not because of anything with us
just too many people
trying to break us up
you said I hate that about my friends
and I said it's like maybe we
just should break up
so we went our different ways
not knowing it yet
but you were the one
suns came and went
the nights I tried to fill your spot
with friends and a new one to call
my girl
then i saw you
made me realize that true love doesn't
pass away
I talked to you saying hello
how has it been?
she said it's okay but I just can't talk
to you at this time
so she fled away
then the call came in
saying I miss you and can we fix our mistake
Of leaving each other
that's when I realized
that's the most sweetest language that I've heard
Jan 2013 · 490
One day
Art Jan 2013
it's you
who made life complete
it's you who helped me
it was you who was
there even when
I got to crazy
treated you
somedays I treated you as my queen
the other days made you
feel worthless
never knowing all this would
one day return to me
I left and came back
I can say I was taking advantage
of the love I was getting
and the great girl you are
not knowing the future I kept doing
what I was doing
somedays our relationship was sunny
but the others I made it so cloudy
and now I lost you
your gone and my days are grey
loving you was my thing
now I'm just another lost human being
Jan 2013 · 284
Let you
Art Jan 2013
days after days
just talking about how I am
and getting to know how you are
you made it clear you had strong feelings
after letting me know some deep things
you said at times I was
all you wanted to be with
months pass
and all we done was get to know each other
I was afraid
distance was an issue
but you kept saying it can work
but I just couldn't see it
so I started seeing others
not knowing that this would really cut deep
then you said you loved me and couldn't wait to see me
but I stopped talking
and fled
months passed and I found out
your happy without me
had me saying
how could i let you get away
Jan 2013 · 742
Art Jan 2013
light skin
with a great personality
it's you who I'm defining
but yet I still can't
seem to find a word
to come close to define you
you had no worries
about telling me your deepest fears
you asked if I could please
not search and destroy
people in your past
treated you like a gift
happy at first then throw you
away cause you got old
not me I'll treat you like a treasure
keep you close
and show everyone I found
the worlds prettiest diamond
I say diamond
cause you shine
like the star I wish upon
My vocabulary doesn't have bye
to say bye to you
is a sin
having you right here
well it feels unreal
you keep me happy
I guess we're living
fairy tale cause it's a
happily ever after
Jan 2013 · 388
2nd ll None
Art Jan 2013
2nd II none means you're first all the time
no one can come close
to how you make me feel
having you're embrace is heavenly
lovin' you is easy
could be myself
with no fine print
when we hug
I feel like I'm on cloud nine
you give me a natural high
when you said yes
I ran around screaming
I found my queen
Jan 2013 · 642
Art Jan 2013
Looking back at what coulda been
Shoulda been
But couldn't be a forever thing
Cause personally
He's not about tying strings
And this is why
Giving his heart to this
One young angel in a summer dress
Pouring out his
Fears, future plans and even shed couple tears.
But he didn't know that she still loved her ex
She was using him to make
Another brotha jealous
He found out and forever changed his view about the ladies
He became somewhat of a player
In the eyes of the girls at his school
He didn't care cause he thought all girls were the same so he played them like Nintendo
One girl thought of him of a diamond in the rough
So she chased after him
She also thought he was so cute
She didn't mind all the girls talking bad about him
Cause she knew him from
When he was a just a silly lover boy
So she got his number
He thought, oh look another piece of ***
So they went in couple dates
And this girl seemed to not mind opening up to this young player
As other girls call him by
She was trying to reach into the soft side of this young man
But it seems like
He was busy building this wall
Bigger than the one in china
He was hurt and told her
"Look I can't do this to you, I don't wanna lead you on and I don't wanna hurt another girl"
She responded like this
"Boy I don't know how to tell you,
But I love you"
He says nothing
But grabs her hands
And looks into her eyes
And starts to cry
Cause he knew she was for real.
Dec 2012 · 567
Didn't notice
Art Dec 2012
I remember she sitting there
Looking at me and I taking a peak at her.
She had thick legs, all guys wish they got in
Ima admit i had Little sinful thoughts.
You and I become friends
I said "shoot better than nothing."
You had every little trust in fellas
But yet opened up to me.
Still think, what about me
Did you see so you can knock down the wall
And let me stay in your palace.
You and I drifted away
Ima confess took a lot of ****
To get you out of my head.
A kid like me, falls to quick
So I thought its best to you in the past.
I turn my back on the whole love game
So just kept to myself.
New message is what my phone said.
Text from you, kinda surprised
Then opened it, wow you sent me something that I swear had to bigger than the bible.
The subject read " miss u, why didn't you read the signs."
You explained everything you felt for me.
You grew to love me,
And I left a deep scar for leaving.
Read the message, gotta say thats the first text to
Bring me to tears.
But it's to late, I moved on.
Dec 2012 · 918
The letter for you
Art Dec 2012
I never knew a love like this
Got me feeling so good
Just felt had to write about it.
Queen, haven't seen you in a minute
Wrote this letter
And finally decided to send it
Signed, sealed and delivered.
Love has no limit
So I hope we grow together.
I know your heart been broken
From the thugs you were with before
But I ain't gunna down them
Cause I probably did it before too.
But cause of you
I found feelings
I never thought I could feel for another human being.
I ain't the type to express my feelings often
But you gotta know deep inside
My heart has your name written all over it.
I wanna be the one who makes you happy
And hurt you the most when we're apart for more than a day.
It's important we communicate
Never call you my ***** or boo
There's so much to a name
Theres so much more in you.
When Cali had those grey days
You're my sunshine
You and I have a union
Just like its supposed to be
Women and man.
It's kinda fresh
You listen to more than hip hop
I can catch you bumping marvin to the king of pop
I like it how you shop at thrift shops
Just cause you like you're own style.
When I'm lost, I try to find you
You know to give me space when
I need to
My hearts dictionary, defined you.
Knowing you and I made it this far
Makes me feel complete.
I'll tell you the rest when I see you
Dec 2012 · 1.6k
Chasin' doves
Art Dec 2012
Out of the sky
Yes she was the sweetest love
I had pleasure of having.
I said no to all the
One night stands I had.
I stayed up all night
Searching for the right words to
Put in the poems i wrote for her.
She gave me sunshine
When I was hopeless.
Hours just looking at you
So happy to call you my girl
My mind just drifted away
Kinda forgot about family and stopped
All my social networkin'.
Then she hit me with
"I just need to be alone
But nah it's not you it's me"
I said " I need you"
With tears you said "sorry there's just a lot going on"
Caught her chasin' love
So I guess it's time to fly.
They say true love is really hard to find
But it all takes time.
So much on my mind
I couldn't even eat breakfast.
Getting back together, yeah I'll be a little patient.
My friends be saying
"stay focus give her a little time and space"
Others say
"forget her, she don't wanna be together.
You're a perfect guy you can do better"
But I still wait, thinking its true.
Till I see her holding hands with some other dude.
Heart broken thinking I wanna **** this stranger
Could of beat his *** but I just hold all my anger.
Now she uploads pics of them together
Higher's my blood pressure
But all I wanna do is forget her.
Never fall again
Don't ask why.
I was caught chasin' love
Guess you're ready to fly.
Dec 2012 · 541
I still..... Ooh yes I do
Art Dec 2012
Met cause you knew my cousin
And well I guess faith brought us closer.
Not knowing, that the things I would say
Would cause something bad to happen.
When we I met
Yeah I'll admit I had a side thing.
But after that was through
You came into view.
Dang I still remember those late night phone calls
Talking about who hurt you
And that I didn't really wanna make something out of this.
But that all soon changed
Due to what you made me feel.
When I received your messages
Oh man I had a big ol smile.
Yeah we were on and off
But when we were together
The feelings built quickly.
Who would of known that
Even when I turned my back on you
The feelings you had were still there.
Well the bad things comes
I became distant when you
Wanted me near.
I was next to you but you felt
I was million of miles away.
Even though we're through
I still love you...
Ooh yes I do!
Dec 2012 · 905
Art Dec 2012
This love started in the early spring
I told myself I didn't wanna fall
But I guess I tripped somewhere
Cause now I'm all gaga for her.
Well it was all good for the rest of the time of season
Summer came around
And little things about her slightly changed.
No more "morning" texts nor "what you up to babe"
But didn't really seem to bother me
So I started meeting new people
But not what you think
Just looking for friendships.
At the end of summer I convinced myself to say
"She's the love of my life
I fell for her once, but I would marry her twice"
Fall comes into view
I was looking forward
To cool days
And cold nights to cuddle when watching the sun go bye bye
Along with the heat
You're compassion left sight.
The fresh days were nice, but I enjoyed them alone
The cold nights were okay, cause of the movies that caught my attention
You hardly put the phone down
So all I got was cyber hearts.
Winter began
And well lets say I saw the break up coming.
You came fort
Saying in tears
"I feel so guilty, but I found a new man.
I hope you forgive me and hope this doesn't ruin your day"
So in the night she left
But what she didn't know
Was at the same time she was out at night
I was visited by someone very friendly
And when she sent me these texts with hearts
I was receiving kisses from my winter crush.
Lets see what the new seasons brings me.
Dec 2012 · 718
Girl from across the table
Art Dec 2012
Sitting here in the quad
Working on the homework
I was assigned by my professor
The light is fading
I guess the day is ending
So I look up
And there she is
Sitting down across the table
Putting her world history book down
I wanted to help her cause they looked pretty heavy
But I'm very shy, sorry i forgot to mentioned that in the beginning
So I sit back and glance at her when she's not looking
I feel weird, like is I was a creep
So I just back to my work
Cause I didn't wanna get caught staring.
Ring ring goes her cell phone
And I was just struck by cupid in the early of November
Her voice was soothing
Made me close my eyes
And imagine her telling me, "art I think I love you".
But I just come back to earth
Cause I got class at 6 and its 5 with a lot to write.
But still I can't get her out of my mind
I wanna go up to her and say
Hi my name is.....
But no that's to old school
I could just leave her a note with my number
Saying "text me i would really like to have a conversation
And even a date with you".
So this whole time I'm daydreaming of her in my life
The clock doesn't stop clicking
So it's time to go to class
But wait my homework!
Oh we'll hopefully my professor forgets
But I don't really ponder much on the homework
My mind is idling on this one young beauty I have to pass to get to class
So I get up and just pass by
Letting the want to make her mine go along
With the wind
She's just another crush in the season of fall.
Dec 2012 · 553
Can I tell you?
Art Dec 2012
What can I say
She's full of beauty
And also intelligent
Averaging a 4.0 every semester
So nice to everyone
Even though these guys you've dated
All did you wrong.
Every time we talk I get nervous
Every time i see you're icon
On my iPhone
I thank god
For giving you time to reply to
My iMessage
You told me you're life plan
And how you would enjoy a family
And I said don't worry
All these hopes and dreams
Will be turned into reality
And right after that i changed the subject so you wouldn't get suspicious.
To nervous to ever take it pass being friends
In my mind I wonder and pounder
How life with you will be
But every time I work up a nerve to ask you will you be mine
Some other guy
Comes into the frame
So I sit back
And keep picturing telling me you love me and how our life together will be one dream come true
One day I will have enough courage to tell you
Can I tell you how much
I wanna be with you.

— The End —