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Apr 2015 · 1.2k
one of a kind (original)
Arthur Doletzky Apr 2015
In my life I have lived many different lives. In these lives I've lived I have met people of many minds, different kinds.
  I've met people of the good kind, I've met people of the bad kind.
  I've met people of the "tall" kind, I've met people of the "short" kind.  I've sat with people of the nice kind, and people of the not so nice kind; people of the "laxed" kind, and people "tight" kind, people of the "big" and "small" kind.
  Of all these kinds, none compare to to one so fair, this kind is rare.
  I've known people of the "sweet" kind, and those of the "sour" kind.  Talked with those of the "high" kind, and helped those of the "low" kind.  I've had times with those of the "up" kind, and been there for those of the "down" kind.
  I've traded ideals with the creative kind.  I've worked with the athletic kind, and I've shared and learned from the smart and wise kinds.
  I've met narrow kinds, wide kinds, stubborn kinds, charming kinds, angery kinds, dark kinds, light kinds, honest kinds, lying kinds, sarcastic kinds, fun kinds, fast kinds, slow kinds, loving kinds, so many kinds! All different minds.
  I befriended many, but still I do not think there are any who compare, to one so rare.
You see This kind, is a kind of its own.  for you my dear, are one of a kind.
If you have any tips or suggestions, please share.
Sep 2014 · 346
A Quote from Jun Fan
Arthur Doletzky Sep 2014
I am learning to understand rather than immediately judge or to be judged.  I cannot blindly follow the crowd and accept their approach.
  I will not allow myself to indulge in the usual manipulating game of role creation.
Fortunately for me, my self-knowledge has transcended that and I have come to understand that life is best to be lived and not to be conceptualized.
  I am happy because I am growing daily and and I am honestly not knowing where the limit lies. To be certain, everyday there can be a revelation or a new discovery.  I treasure the memory of the past misfortunes.  It has just added more to my bank of fortitude.
That was not mine, that was a cover
Sep 2014 · 1.2k
one of a kind
Arthur Doletzky Sep 2014
In my life, I have lived many different lives.  In these lives I've lived, I've met many kinds, all different kinds.
I've met people of the "good" kind, I've met people of the "bad" kind.
I've seen people of the tall kind, and people of the short kind.  
I've sat with those who could be said to be of the "nice" kind, and those of the.. Well let's just say "not so nice kind"; people of the " laxed" kind, people of the "tight" kind, and people of the "big" and "small" kind.
  Of all these kinds, I dare not compare, for each kind is its own kind of rare.
I've known those people of the "sweet" kind, and those of the "sour" kind.  Talked with those of the "high" kind, helped those of the low kind.  I've had some times with those of the "up" kind, and been there for those of the "down" kind.
  I've traded ideals with creative kinds, I've worked with the athletic kind, and I've shared and learned from the smart and wise kinds.  
  I've seen the strong kind fall and helped back up by the caring kind, I've seen the strength in the loving kind, I've seen on kind change to another kind, one kind grow to become several kinds, and several kinds merged to become one kind.
I've met narrow kinds, wide kinds, stubborn kinds, anger kinds, dark kinds, light kinds, lying kind, honest kinds, pale kinds, annoying kinds, helpful kinds, pretty kinds, so many kinds! All different minds.
  I've befriended many, still I don't think I should compare, that just wouldn't be fair, each kind is rare.  
  Each kind is a kind of its own, special, one of a kind.  You see my friend, every kind; is one of a kind.
Sep 2014 · 294
the prison
Arthur Doletzky Sep 2014
Do I say something, or do I just let my thoughts sit?  Do I express myself, or do I just let this that goes through my head pass?
These things that go through my head, are they thoughts, are they feelings, what is the difference?
Do I tell this one what is going through my head, or do I leave them be?  If I speak what will happen, will this person listen, what does it matter?
Will this person enjoy the conversation that may follow, will I say the right things, will I make them smile, will they wish to speak again??
Will it matter to them them if we speak again, will they think of me if we do not?  Was I momentary amusement, am I someone they will continue to smile to, does this person like me or not!!?
These contents of these things that go through my head, they are a prison, and they need to stop. For the answer to the contents of these things that go through my head are unknown, that is just part of life.
All I need is to have faith in myself, and I will do just fine.  Just keep your head up, and mind out of this prison.

— The End —