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He holds me close
As the flames capture our legs
I should be scared but all I feel
Is the love for you
You call me your bluebird
I call you the flame
I sing for you
You burn everything to the ground
And we feel **alive
Is anything real anymore?*

Who can say?
Short poem of the day
I exist
You can choose to ignore
To hate
To renounce my existence
But I am here
I am real
I am me
And you cannot take that *away
The day they married marked the end of an era
But the beginning of something better
They were more in love then anyone could be
Until a girl with bigger **** came his way
And a man who didn't leave his towels on the floor came hers
And so they did what a lustful couple will do
They ****** someone other than their significant lover
And they thought they had pulled a fast one of each other
But the truth is much worse
For both woman
The wife
The one-night mistress
Glowed the way a pregnant woman should
And when the honeymoon was over
The dilemma was clear
There were two kids to feed that weren't even truly theirs
And a guilty conscious for them both
And that,my friends,was their downfall
idk what this is
"Is this how I will die? Alone?"*

A hard question to ask. An even harder question to answer.
IDK what this is this is just me spewing ****
A* is for *all the times you laughed at me
B is for all the ***** you threw
C is for never caring
D is for me drowning in my tears
E is for every word you said
F is for me faking a smile again and again
G is for never letting my guard down
H is for hating myself
I is for I want to die
J is for "don't take a joke so seriously"
K is for killing my skin
L is for her leaving me
M is for losing myself
N is "never again"
O is for me being "over-dramatic"
P is for picking up the pieces
Q is for quitting on myself
R is for regret
S is for suicide
T is for taking my own life
U is for the universe doesn't care
V is for me being a victim
W is for words can break me
X marks where my grave is
Y is for yearning for something better
Z is for the end of my story
Shaking hands will never do
Keep your eyes peeled for the next disease
A slip up will change your life

There is no cure for heartbreak
No love left for the lost soul
Wondering how they will live
If their lover dies
And you the surgeon
Cannot sugarcoat
Cannot attempt to make things better
All you can do is hold your head high
Take the tears and the blows with grace
And remember to smile next time you save someone
Because of you they can see better days
Idk if I like this one but oh well
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