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1.2k · Feb 2011
Arlinda Feb 2011
Misconception. Misconstrued. Misdirected. Misinformed.
I may be mistaken, but I won’t miss you.
I. Don’t. Understand.
I’m not playing your little game of cat and mouse.
Go find a rat to infect with your false charm and winsome character.
My IQ may not be 130 but I know a thing or two.
And I’m not likening the likes of you.
You are in hiding; don’t deny it … I know you are.
I can see it behind your eyes.
There are doors and bolts and locks galore.
You often change them when you don’t want to feel anymore.
Maybe it hurts you to feel. Anything?
I’m not sure, not sure of anything now that I know that every lie you make could be as easy  as the breathes you take.
Your lips may say happy but your eyes reveal who you really are: dead, weak and false.
You know far too much to tell, yet your lips stay sealed, as if magically sustained of repeating information, well about you anyway.
You never want to talk about yourself.
Egotistic ?
You ?
Yet you speak non of it.
I can feel it radiating of your skin
Your pride.
It’s quite maddening.
1.2k · Aug 2011
Arlinda Aug 2011
I hate you
I don’t like you, no not even a little bit
I don’t like the way you smile
I don’t like your sarcastic comments
I HATE the way your eyes lock with mine and our souls might as well be intertwined.
You’re impossible.
You’re ridiculous.
I don’t like the way you look at me when you think my head is turned
I don’t like it when you listen, and speak to me the way you do
It makes me feel like I will never be as good as you.
You’re dogmatic
You’re erratic
I don’t like you when you overrun my dreams
I don’t like you when your emotions are so in-between
I hate that you’re so full of charm
And most of all I hate you for being my alarm
in this fairytale world of love I myself created
Because I always use to say reality is overrated.
907 · Jul 2011
Arlinda Jul 2011
He had a smile on the edge of a grin
A heart on his sleeve
No shoes on his feet
He spoke poetry
Conversations like memorized lyrics
Flowing out so simply
So surreal
He thought himself royalty
Testing his subjects
Beheading his lovers
So simple,
The language he spoke.
That it quickly became incomprehensible.
He lives for the next day
Stuck in the past
Forgetting the present
Living life fast
It’s too late now
He's falling behind
He’s far from reality
He’s losing his mind
879 · Feb 2012
I like Poetry
Arlinda Feb 2012
I like poetry. 
Soliloquies and sonnets 
I like Shakespeare's metaphors that spill into your thoughts 
His characters and love story's 
I like Hemingway and T.S. Eliot, Edgar Allen Poe 
The sarcasm, softness, and terror-beautifully personified in tone, text and time.
I like the drinkers and socially awkward, lives shattered, mind: pitch black
Because that road is paved with vulnerability , you see truth between the cracks 
I like poetry 
The haikus and similes the simplicity and complexity 
I like this language 
It makes sense to me
Arlinda Aug 2011
You're like a crossword puzzle, I just can't figure you out
I’m perplexed
The contradiction in the way you speak and act has got me vexed
It is a rhythm of rights and wrongs, of whom and what don’t belong
You’ve got your image of society set like it was a constellation. Permanent, only visible to the people who are searching
You say to never go right but occasionally turn down that road
Do not speak when hate is the driver you spit out
And yet often chime in with a snide comment about others appearance
I don’t understand
Your stature is not a brick wall; you lean to one side or stare off into nothing
As if everything is unimportant
As if a wind could swing by and scream you into a heap on the floor
You’d lie there not caring to get up, liking the hard bed that’s just sprang up and it’s solitude
How even if no one else will, you know the ground will always be there for you to hit you when you fall
The only thing you can rely on
I want to be the one to catch you
Tell you everything’s ok
Make you feel like the world beneath your feet is a miracle and the sun coming up every morning is a gift but…
But I can’t
I can’t help you
I can’t love you
Not if you don’t know who you are, like when you look in the mirror and wonder who’s string back
Not if you don’t have morals
Not if you can’t abide by them
Not if you don’t know where you’re going, like the way you treat dirt rode’s as if their lined with yellow bricks
Dear, I can’t follow a rabbit hole if I don’t know the fairytale on the other side
I can see a fire burning inside you, but it’s only getting dimmer
With each breath you inhale of poison slowly burning your throat, my air get’s thin and my throat get’s tight
You light your cigarette like your life. You ignite your own death. Make your own smoke.
You poison yourself.
With each step you take and word you whistle out you do it joyfully as if you’re happy for this series of unfortunate events.
Baby you confuse me every **** day
And I just wanted you to know.
I love you anyway
717 · Jul 2011
My Garden
Arlinda Jul 2011
I wake up to the sun kissing my skin
The silence slowly drowning me
Filling my lungs with emptiness
My room is flooded with old thoughts, tattered teddy bears, and torn up photographs
The past,
just makes me laugh
Old feelings, riseing from the dead  
Used and Abused
The past should of left me, body and soul in tangle, my heart dismantled; insanity , in shambles.
But my heart still beats hard and strong, I'm still smiling on  because I know I've done nothing wrong
I look at the past and I laugh because I know that life as a glass doll was a delicate one, my world like your snow globe shaking the life out of me as you please, disguising destruction with a sweet melody.  
You shattered me.
Took the pieces and left them in the dirt.
But darling they sank down into the earth ,
and although they have not been glued back together, I am still whole
I've grown up and my pieces have turned into roses radiating sweetness, painted in love.
I'd like you to know,
that I plan on growing 1,000 feet tall
Stealing your sunshine
and starry nights, inhaling all of your moonlight
Honey I'm going to tower over this world and make it my garden
My pieces
Blooming daisy's and lilacs , strength and integrity
No, I am happy to say
The past hasn't drove me down the road of insanity.
700 · Feb 2011
Arlinda Feb 2011
You are a killer and a saint.
You say one thing and mean the next.
You make me want to scream then smile, laugh then cry.
You tell me what not to do, so I do it.
You are a king in his throne, a criminal in his cell.
You are trapped in your own world.
You are starving for love-- taking--taking--taking.
You never open up your heart, but instead break open every else's.
You command life like she's your *****.
You control every step you take, but you couldn't control me.
You had a plan to break my heart.
You failed; but that's alright.
You were never much of a planner.
681 · Jul 2011
Arlinda Jul 2011
You look sad
Your smirk is kind of displaced
It makes me feel bad
Because frowns are just such a waste

Won’t you crack a smile and open your eyes
Just once stay locked in reality
Forget about turning time counterclockwise
Is your hobby watching false normality?

I want your smile to cross this distance
Past tattered heart and pain
Break through the resistance
Let only love remain

Vindicate to me about life
Every scattered thoughts persistence
Details of all your strife
We’ll slowly break your hearts resistance

Let the air adventure through you and breath in the sun
Let me fill your glass half full
Let me disintegrate away your fear like arson
Let me push and you can pull

Live in this very moment
Allow the sky to be your ceiling and the stars to be your light
There is no judgment
Not today or tonight

And although I can’t write a simple haiku
I’m certain there is one thing I can do
I can always be there for you
678 · Aug 2011
The Truth
Arlinda Aug 2011
I seldom speak of real feelings
Ones that climb to my brain and play in my heart ones that voyage to my nerves and have a fit with my lungs
Never do I speak of real love that pounds on my ribcage, like a criminal that’s trapped behind bars
Real sorrow that tightens my throat and goes to war with my mind
But here it is
Love doesn’t treat me well it’s got me on a ivy I’m addicted to it’s quick heartbeat like sweet love song melody’s
It coyly slips me butterflies like morphine
Has them whisper sweet nothings till I’ve built a castle held up by false promises
An empty tower waiting to be filled
A princess without a prince
Loves got me in its grasp won’t let me slip from its grip I’m clinging to your words like medication taking compliments like Vicodin .  
I don’t follow my prescription because they can't possibly measure how much I need  
Love’s got my hanging on the edge tiptoeing on warm embraces and familiar faces  
Sorrow ‘s..... taken me by surprise  
Inched it’s way into my brain and body  
Not sure how it’s got this far
Not sure how it’s eaten away at my heart like a parasite devouring it like a delicious meal
And It’s been there tasting terror taking me back to old memories like a serial killer pulling me into the dark afraid of what’s in that corners of my mind that I never retreat to.
Leaving me with a hollow heart and thoughts suicided onto the pavement.
They have me checked into the ward. Locked in my mind, I’m trapped in this familiar place between time and space
Afraid my feelings will escape
Afraid of they’ll give me away
They’ve got me wrapped in a strait jacket trapped by my own thoughts
I can’t speak because I‘m afraid of the truth I’ll spit out
I can’t stop lying to myself because then I’d be opening up the landfill of memories I thought I’d long left buried
So instead, I’ll take suitcases
Pack them one by one
Love, jealousy, hate, sorrow, and loneliness, I’ll throw them out to sea
Then , and only then will I finally be free.
647 · Aug 2011
You make me feel...
Arlinda Aug 2011
You call me beautiful
You treat my feelings like butterfly’s
My heart like it’s made out of glass
And your laugh lingers pin-balling off my nerves  
How can I keep lying to myself
Telling myself my heart doesn’t flutter when you say my name
That I don’t go to bed every night hoping that I dream where me and you are holding hands where our faces are only inches apart our hearts are interlocked and our fingers sewn together
I can’t possibly go on believing these lies I pour myself each morning
Every time I lay down to go to sleep  I imagine your next to me that my skin is skimming yours my arms wrapped around you like bows
Like you’re a present and I won’t dare let anyone else unwrap.
I’d like it if at 3am when I’m sitting alone on my couch listening to love songs
I’d hear you tapping at the door, telling me you love me that when you see the moon outside your window you pity it’s shine because it’s no comparison to my smile
That when you hear music it’s never sweet enough like the sound of my laugh playing with the wind
Tell me the sky will cease to be blue unless you’re with me and I’m with you
That the world is revolving beneath you but you live in space because you’re only treading the ground till you see my familiar face because I’m your world and if you’re not with me then you’d rather be lost in the galaxy.
501 · Aug 2011
I've Closed the Doors
Arlinda Aug 2011
I’ve closed the doors and sealed them shut
I refuse to open them and see reality
I’m fine being in the dark
I haven’t tasted tears like this years the kind that start in your stomach and brim over your eyelashes like waterfalls
The kind that make your head pound like a jackhammers hitting concrete and your throat feel like someone’s hands are wrapped around so tightly that you think maybe they’re trying to help constricting my air so that maybe sanity has room in my body
Maybe it wouldn’t hurt as bad
Maybe then, This wouldn’t hurt as bad
Without air my ribs would stop contracting and my body would go numb from head to toe
So, then , maybe I wouldn’t feel this hole as much
It wouldn’t be eating me from the inside out slowly as if trying to torture me
A parasite that’s managed to feed of my feelings feverishly
This holes so deep and only growing bigger, I fear one day it will devour my whole heart
That day there will be no pain, because it will have been eaten and done with
Or maybe I could stop it beating,  pounding like a constant reminder
Maybe if I stop my heart from pounding at my door , maybe if I lock it tight , every lock I have and maybe they’d go away these feelings I‘ve had
Maybe they’ll retreat once they notice  I never put out a welcome mat
476 · Feb 2011
Arlinda Feb 2011
The world
Is but a floating dream
And we,
Its nightmare

— The End —