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Mar 2013 · 792
Arizona Indigo Mar 2013
You were always in and out of my life like night and day

until i finally gave you up and you decided America

wasn’t for you so you flew back home living 7 hours

into the future ahead of me.

Sometimes i wonder if you did that just to torture me.

When we were together we were so full of life

it was as if we were the only two existing in the present time.

you have taught me that.

that it is wise to live in the present moment

but after you left I’ve been a foolish girl living in the past and future with your ghosts.

i cant stand at the thought that the sun rises with me

way before it even sets with you

at least if the sun rose here the same time it set over there

it would be like those brief passionate moments that you

were in and out of my life (like night and day)

Mar 2013 · 1.4k
Arizona Indigo Mar 2013
There are moments when the rain and my shoulders are at war

and my feet tumble across open graves;

I could never forgive the rain for filling my bones with aching love

or his hands that come from manhood used against God

setting hearts ablaze on glades of spinal chords and eyelash trees.

This is a war, you see.

This love is a never ending war.

I hate the way you stuff the caves of my spiked collar bones with flowers

as if my chest didn’t have enough gardens.

You suffocate the very cells in my small womanly body

the same way tragic moons die when you whisper my name for fun.

I spill my lungs in this fashion for you

I spill my lungs in this fashion for love.

Dying for you has become a necessity- it has become breathing.

You are a reminder of why life ever existed in the first place.

Truths and scars is all you ever wear for makeup

and i could never stand up to that

so i die for you again.

I breath for you again.

my dreary fingers speak again;

tonight my hands are pale, i bleed no more.

Mar 2013 · 936
Arizona Indigo Mar 2013
you loved me the way i loved the spirit of things

and i loved you the way you feared losing me

so i trapped the moon inside the caves of your lungs

and you wrapped me around your needy heart

just in case.

Mar 2013 · 1.1k
The Anatomy of An Apology
Arizona Indigo Mar 2013
I wish to find you again in the rain

so i can tell you that my body is an apology,

that my lungs are filled with our memories

and i cannot breathe.

You left me in open waters and i do not know

if i will ever see you again but for now i will

kiss the wind and hope that it travels to

your skin and brushes your heart.

Feb 2013 · 995
Arizona Indigo Feb 2013
These are the days where I am living on the rim of my throat.

I love to watch the sun drown the ocean

like cosmic spills from my mouth

of wild Indian oranges, It reminds me of when

I was four and I accidentally fell into the ocean

while the sun was eating it and i wish so badly to

understand the anatomy of your voice in the language

of the starry sea where the moon is swimming

because no one is watching. And I know that while

every time I undress your breath on my naked flesh

for the sake of my insanity you feign for the release

of blood like the day when that old man took me by my hand

and told me that I have an ancient cathedral carved

into my collarbones; how flattered I was, but you wished

that it came out of your veins instead of a complete stranger.

(I secretly wished the same)

I lay on the Persian rug while I devour the sun

to be enough for you because you said that you love me in colors.

You sow the pits of my womb with the force of vicious winter flowers.

My chest sinking as I rest a smile on your spine;

Extractions of wrists,

bruised plum lips,

this love is a creature divine.

I know that I am crazy and that I am susceptible to the evil eye

because every two years or so I would lose my hair brush

and the fortune teller would know why.

We became a part of the cult of cosmos,

we tore open suns and wore them behind ears like flowers.

You see I would dip my tongue in black holes to

taste the reverse of time on the lining between your legs

just to tell you what you were like before you were alive.

And I crashed into your limbs while you became my burial grounds

as you expected me to collapse like cascading stars from dead heavens.

Do you know how painful it is when you swim through my wrists?

I could look at you with dangerous eyes and still kiss your mouth pushing

rivers down your throat with my tongue and you would ask for the

Mediterranean sea.

I can still feel last afternoon on the back of my neck

the way you caught the last drop of rain and placed it

on my brow and swore with your hands like a little boy with broken

cigarettes that the more I wrote about love the more you wanted to die.

And how the sound of an opening flower is found between the winds of

an opening wound.

He stuck out his wrists and howled,

“My veins are at a boil and I do not know how to love you the way you love your words”  

I could tell he was ready for battle.

You declared war on my skin,

and I surrendered.
Jan 2013 · 1.0k
A Holy Kind of Love
Arizona Indigo Jan 2013
Your existence has recited to me
the working book of oracles,
Of the constellations immersed in
Ablaze triumph within the cosmos.

You have shown me the nebulae
Through the windows of
your cruel chest.
Your tongue reads the scriptures
Of the silent black waters,
Sacred black holes.

You have left a voice inside
of my metal core that brings my
stiff cage of bones to a tremble.

You have generously
rained your tears
Into my soils that have
Awakened this pathetic drought.

You have thoughtfully plucked
your delicate pedals to exalt
My ancient rib cage.

You are the queen of creatures in my unstable lands.

Between birth and death
lies the intricate manifestation
of our rituals.

I ask for permission to
conceive you into my womb.
I want to feel our cultivating roots
secure as one,
Into two breathing forms.
Let me give birth to you
so that I may know you
from the inside out- in the literal sense.
Bring me to the threshold of suffering labor,
So that we may share pure adoration .
Let me adorn you with my secretion and madness
And finally when I sway you in my arms,
Sing to me the poem of your being

I plant kisses of peach blossom
upon your eyelids.
Speak to me the language of the flowers
By which you are a native.

In between lost lovers
Rests our hearts.
Names and words patterned
into our wrists.
We lay like dead corpses
With awaken minds.
Our lights roam
Each to a galaxy
Given to me by your *****.

We await dawn
To dance with the demons
Welcoming The fire fusing element
That sustains the very madness of my being.
I will cast you down with the sun lights
And dance around you like an ablaze frenzy
Presenting a newborn still to life.

Jan 2013 · 1.1k
Arizona Indigo Jan 2013
Where I abide presents colossal trees

Stretching out like continents.

I am with a caravan of explorers/ artists.

Flower children adorned in green garments,

Upon it, heavy brocade

We are the kings and the queens

You have ordained us to become.

We gallop through your woodlands,

Plunge off of great bonds,

Clamber your mountains,

dream in bountiful verdant shades,

Smoke your fine leaves,

Bathe in the river of wine

And frolic under the feathers of the sun.

I sweat in Egyptian musk and lavish myself in fruits and pomes

harmonic melodies and symphonic winds breath in my ears

I read the books of the waters and the air

i sing the odes of the stars

I swim in your legion of seas

with the divine poetic creatures

The women with the eyes of sapphire and diamonds

Full Garnet lips that taste like mint and rose water.

We are thee queens

We call upon empires within you.

Your lands are ours now.

We Bathe in silk and pearls you have birthed for us

We Feast on lokum

our naked bodies like Venus

Sit upon bowing thrones,

Chanting hymns to the mother.

older poem
Jan 2013 · 1.0k
Arizona Indigo Jan 2013
You = Respectful, Understanding, Kind, Free, Individual. You make me free. You make me happy.

Every atom belonging to me and its bonds,

trembles to the thought of you.

The universe rapes me with its vibrating electricity.

Sensation is saturated.

It feels like eternity is collapsing upon my soul.

like a newborns cry, my eyelashes weep your name.

You and I living a day in simplicity.

A day in February,

Where the wind gives birth to lavender and mint.

I am lying bare-skinned in our white leaves.

long sinuous brown hair rested upon my shoulders and *******.

I bear your son.

You lay over and below me,

Brushing your deep puce lips

upon the frail roots maturing within me;

a wonder of the universe.

“My Queen”

you refer to me with such truth.

I see your humble black eyes and your child-like smile.

My burning rays send upon your face pure innocence.

Your eyes tell me two love stories.

Your demon holds me out of fear.

I see the way your love for me has arrived to its eminence.

for a man to witness such a goddess,

holds the depth of the universe.

aware, my pagan bows down to me.

Lover, you must sustain the nobility your soul possesses

for this warrior empress

carries the weight of

the sun in her womb;

awaiting to set a king ablaze

in this blessed state

my skin coruscates with youth and peace.

my identity screams power.

you my dear,

you whisper love.

older poem
Arizona Indigo Jan 2013
I apologize for my thoughts and my actions

But you must understand that I am what they call a man.

And no matter how perfect any woman thinks iam,

I might as well be nonexistent.

For women are the most alluring, sinful ,angelic animals on earth.

I am simply bewitched by your existence.

I can not resist directing an ******* daydream,

Every seven minuets.

The being of your facts,

Makes me want to fall to my death beneath your feet

Something about those hills

That makes my teeth want to sink into my lips.

That voice makes me want to do one thing:

Hear it moaning.

No matter how hard I attempt to be an angel,

My devil enduringly conquers.

We refuse to admit that a

woman is stronger than a man.

We could easily succeed

in having a human being develop

Inside of us and painfully ****** it out of a diminutive hole

Nine physically and emotionally draining months later.

“We could probably do it better than you can.”

We just act ignorant and

Heedlessly assume what is logical;

However, in the reaction center,

that every man denies,

lives the manifest verity that:




To be born into a stormy emotional spectrum

With color and darkness

Alone shelters the truth for you.

Fact: A man does use his small head much more often then

His actual head, simply, because men don’t know how to use it.

How convenient it is to be born with two heads.

let its roots anchor into your minds and consume your conscious.

older poem
Jan 2013 · 1.3k
Corrupted Innocence
Arizona Indigo Jan 2013
Take me to your room.

Let me through the doors

where your adventures run

barbaric and sinful;

and the opposite of that.

The core of your imagination

where the mountains grow heavy

Where you dream in endless dimensions.

I am the innocent corruptor of your lands.

Take me to the deepest caves of your secrets

Take me to the tallest mountain

enclosed by the heaviest Cimmerian clouds

cascading your loudest tears of sadness,

then lead me across your sturdy bridge

where the tears fall with joy and laughter.

I want to take it all in

Steal your thoughts and paint

a picture using you as my only instrument.

I am the innocent corruptor of your lands.

Let me step inside your little universal island

Where your password is …

And words are used silently

Our language is silence and poetry,

Emotion is felt in its severest

I want to visit every season through your eyes

I want to meditate with your greens and blues

Swim through your a thousand suns

dive off of cliffs and fall into a sea of honey

Stand on trees positioning The Vitruvian Man

and let the bees shower us clean- how natural is this in your world.

Let us walk through the desert of confusion,

where my name is crying out in pain-

in this expanse you suffocate,

for my name alone binds

around your throat and tugs.

and I am the innocent corruptor of your lands.

With this land I shall leave alone.

I want to lay asleep with you hand in hand

and watch our souls exit our bodies together

hand in hand creating a portal of another land.

This shall be a dream alone.

A dream within a dream

perhaps we go back to the end of a cold November

and attend your birth and steal the tears of delight

You are a universe of three worlds, and within them is infinity

You are so young and unaware

of what I planted in you.

I am the author of your being.

Grow into me and I will watch you like a mother

and raise you as a madman.

Take me by my spirit and watch me

illuminate yours with my black lotuses

that bloom within me attached to the veins of my soul.

Sleep under the orange blossomed moon.

Lay while I embed this into you, lover child.

I will forever be the corruptor of your lands.

Older Poem
Jan 2013 · 1.1k
Arizona Indigo Jan 2013
Lady, will you join me with a cigarette?

Will you share a kiss?

Will you hold my hand ?

And listen to my echoing abyss

Will you touch me here and there?

And have a quick stare

Oh wont you please braid my hair?

Will you have a sweet conversation?

With out your heart bursting in inflammation?

Will you laugh and sigh with me?

over a cup of jasmine tea

Or maybe some coffee?

Will you, lady?

Jan 2013 · 968
Arizona Indigo Jan 2013
I hold this in the creases of my palms;

The book of a creature who

eats the glittering horns of a devil.

I’ve witnessed the trees

weep where she will rest.

I’ve watched the stars

cascade from the sky

and rupture into her eyes

the morning she was born;

The same hour morning gave birth

to a sea of  her whispering fragrance.

The moon is where she folds

and envelopes the secrets of a prayer .

And we all will wait,

We all will wait

Where she takes her ***** and breath.

Cities ablaze and words ignite.

From underneath wounded heels

the world weaves a shrill tremble.

Fate twists and collides like

an eclipse shackling death.

And her flesh, her flesh is where the

violent pomegranates erupt nectarous words

Of forbidden languages,

Silent soliloquies of poetry

echo from between the arches of the

gothic cathedrals carved into her deathly collarbones.

Her breath melts the blood of man

For she is what holds the sun

And teems forth the spring of truth

From beneath the land of cinderous lies,

Where the starving incubi fornicate

And sit heavy upon the hissing

nightmares of beautiful women.

Men helplessly comply to the

catharsis in her brief passing.

The mouths of women bleed

and spines erode to her paralyzing current.

There are those who wish to tear her poetic guts

and wear them as victory crowns and armored robes

Those who dream of bathing in their triumph of her death

And those who desire to drain the mysteries of her sky

A sky of  roses made of stars

A sky of birthing constellations

A sky of dawn goddesses

I wish for this to rotate vagrant and mangle

The ill hearts who wish to rip

heavens body in one syllable.

Older poem
Jan 2013 · 876
Sapphic Renegade
Arizona Indigo Jan 2013
I’ve tasted your tears

Drank from you soul

Swam through the years

Of your woman hole

I’ve spoken to your skin

Named your body Yin

This is beyond thee original sin.

Come, take my hand

We’ll run away and expand

raise a child with the wolves

Steal this body of land

build a home out of this tree

Fill it with poetry and books

Exist in complete anarchy

We’ll be the towns rooks

Scream through the evening deserts

And summon the shooting stars.

Make love with the fire

Leave my body with scars.

Breathe in the wild

Let it run through our blood

Entertained like a child

Who romps in the mud

We shall live as starving artists

Yet enriched and wealthy from our great minds

Pray to the sun and bless the water

Keep the mountains young with our spellbinds

Bleed ink from our mouths of sonnets and runes

Kiss the dawn and bring her death

giving birth to Aquarian silver moons

Jan 2013 · 1.4k
About a Boy
Arizona Indigo Jan 2013
Your travel has given me freedom.

But what is freedom when

you possess a soul divided?

What is the chronic sea without

its unfathomable dominions?

My soul is thirsty for you.

My cold and naked ankles mope

around your desolated castle;

Jinn, dust, and piercing silence is all that echoes

in this darkened dungeon that I have succumbed to.

And then there is me.

A heavy-laden wasted artist with

Spiny paintbrushes and faded color.

I refuse to leave the spaces that you read and play.

I refuse to exhale the memories of your sky painted blue irises.

My skin hungers for your delicate surface.

My teeth long to bite into your fleshy thighs.

In the hour of the noontide I feel you most

For our souls sahasrara blooms colorfully in the hour

Of the sun-the ancient mother of our roots weaves  

Love with all of loves children and meets us with pneumatic cosmic kisses.

This is when I feel closest to you.

Without you, the world is just as it seems;

the sun burned into cinders,

Leaving the crops belonging to the sacred

soils of my flesh to prune and wither .

Ay! the droughts that you spread with your distance.

These are the days of my reaping

These are the days of my sulking.

The gardens are now closed and the

black raven cries out to a mournful mothers son.

Your scent died along with the laughter of the flowers

And the butterflies wont even flutter

Without your lovely eyelash kisses.

To live another day without the energy

Your presence fills my heart with,

Is to live an eternity hugging

Your coffin with sobbing rage;

fain would I take deaths hand.

The suffering of your glorious dawn

Wedded the universe deep beneath my skin.

You are the light,

And the absence of your holiness

leaves me opaque and hollow.

In my solitude I have watched the hours burn

And in each hour your fragrant sighs

escape with the dust motes

Surrounding the beaming light that

breaks through the cracks of the curtains.

I sit in the depth of myself

And listen for the echoes of your sounds.

A mother am I and a pitiful one too.

Like the rawboned mother with sunken eyes

carrying a baby in the womb, draining all of

the nutrition her body has to offer,

Your distance maps a massacred trail

Of my health and happiness.

You are the mother of patience

And the descendent of beauty and love.

You are the tsunami, and the still waters.

You are the uprising cub leading and mending.

You are the sap that feeds the giving tree of life.

You are the prince of wisdom.

You are

My flesh

In purest form.

- Arizona
This is what happens when my son travels
Jan 2013 · 774
Grande Dame
Arizona Indigo Jan 2013
Rise, my sisters, rise

For the waking glory of the skies

Carries the ancient goddess

of dawn to your windows.

Awake and rise

And meet one another.

Greet with the genuine

Kiss of women power.

Gather the grains of rights

From the fields of our mothers.

no, We must no longer delay,

We shall take away

What was created by

The singing birds

Who call for us.

Sweet is the shade

of our demanding raid

And sweet is the display

of poetic lungs

Who shine and parade.

don’t underestimate or

speak the wrong way.


It is not us who will

Wither and fade,

But the beards of our kings

Who will fall to extinct.

The kingdom of stars

Shall be ours,

And your wishes for more power

Have become nothing but

tormented curse beyond

Your very last hour.

So allow the riot of blame

amongst the innocence to the

Far-fetched shame;

Those who will always

Stay the same.

Those who frame their game,

And wear satan as there last name.

leaving us, yes, us, women,

to rust with the chains.

but i say,

We will always exclaim:





Jan 2013 · 3.0k
Arizona Indigo Jan 2013
Will it be that phantom lovers

Illustrate kisses of moon flowers

Within Its dreams and send it

upon your woozy current of sleep?

How they press upon your pillows

for souls to speak a fragrance ever so sacred

Never for a soul to keep.

So shall it be with a moment

when you draw in its scent

Will the summoning of you fall echoing

in every depth of your endless compass,

Indulged in content

Reaching you to the shadows of  the naked trees

Where the bats come to greet

thrown into the swelling of the seas- surging

And thronging of the white blooded elite

amidst the women, who are oh so petite.

I realize

I am in my dream.

Walking abundantly in my spiked sheath

Matching the flickering of the suns wreath

Offering the sacrifice of my fanged teeth

To halo the acres of sunflowers

That beam from your face.

Only true mother nature can tremble a thousand souls of envy

by the extol that is not from her grace

In that case

**** all that is true

Send it to the dreams of hell

in a black box adorned with fine lace

With kind words of thank and you.

I stay green all through my rind

I tell myself, don’t follow the blind

I tell myself don’t act unkind

I tell myself don’t abide combined

Speaking malign

Whispers now become wails preaching

Be in the right state of mind!— Peace of mind.!

Abandon the unrefined!

Remind that we are all mankind

!that we have been assigned

to stay on the grind!

And meanwhile find

The shadow we leave behind!

And finally answer

why do we comply to a life so confined!

And all in all

I am still asleep

Concocted  in a libertarian dimension so passionately deep

Driving my souls energy to rejuvenating madness it weeps

Emptying clouds carrying legions upon

legions of breathing ancient seas.

Reducing utopia, exiting the scenes.

Now choked door and blackness

Weightless amongst the scanning of chakras

Here iam

Dragging of feet through meadows of red

Could it be that I have awakened in the land

of the dying and dead?

Where the blood paints the sky an awful shade of red

And no specific cry will you hear

But a simultaneous screech cementing your ears.

It is not my feet that I lug

But my ****** knees that on its own dug

A grave ever so snug

That when it hugs

Ribcages become holding hands

While flesh is the feast to underground larva lands.

Like the beggar with hands who wishes for hands of alms.

Like the reader of fortunes with no voluntary palms.

As it is like a land force-fed with war and never ending bombs

These are sights that awaken me with qualms.

This poem is distinctly about when one is about to sleep and sees nothing but nonsense and then finally falls asleep and then shifts from dream to dream or as i would like to call it, dimension to dimension.
Jan 2013 · 678
The Sun Dances
Arizona Indigo Jan 2013
Upon the summer hills of Santa Rosa,

As I was laying near the flume,

With a belly as big as the sun,

I heard the peaceful streaming of my womb.

Motionless I held my breath and listened

To the winds rune, it frolicked with the

Trees green hair adorned with purple bloom.

And as I laid I felt the golden poppies

Grasp gods work of art, to gift the pulsing

Of the earth with the rhythm of your fragile heart.

And with that moment, the world stood still

Humming violin-guitars, I sensed myself

A boy with infant eyes made up of clustered stars.

We suddenly were no longer human

But a single molecule sailing softly beyond

The sky, carrying nothing but breathing

Jewel buds singing secrets of the universe

Through a simple sigh.

This memory lives upon these hills

And your name breaths with its roots

One thousand newborns screaming life

As I give birth to natures fruit.

A moment in California during pregnancy
Jan 2013 · 902
Arizona Indigo Jan 2013
When we are gifted with the secret knowledge of life,

it is in our heart’s nature to exult and boast with flurry; this feeling is power making love and giving birth, upon rapid waves of universal symphonic hums of intelligence rooting inside your true core and bursting through your bloodstream.


When such a lucid instance occurs,

surrender to silence,

for silence is the humble endowment you cosmically place upon the universes’ crown, as wisdom is what it celestially places upon yours.

Verbal language can never prove what the enlightening language of silence delivers.

the spiritual light recites its poetry in the psyche’s temple of wisdom that eternally makes up the soul, a sanctuary that we all must gain knowledge of, constantly be aware of, acknowledge, and nurture.

Only those who seek shall receive and in their triumph accept the religion of silence.

true language channels through the silenced mind and with that obtain truth.

Arizona Indigo Jan 2013

I awoke with different eyes today;

What felt like the eyes of Antares;

A lucid frenzy orbiting

ambrosial crimson dahlias,


You bore witness to the opening of my ribcage

That I have solemnly manifested

for your mind only.

I have opened my rib cage for you, yes,

Like a weeping delicate bloom,

Birthing in the winter desert,


This is your virginity

Mothered by my violent torn hands;

My bones shudder;

Vibrations of prophecies,

Oracles of each single atom

Bursting within the cosmos, singing—

I prostrate;

Submissive to your fragility.

You colored my skin

With the shade of your rouged lips,

And like the moon,

my branched bones became Spring

By your mouth

Entombed beautifully in the garden of our creed.

Don’t you know that your hands,

Your hands are flooded

With sins?

the sins you have encountered with your victims;

Like me, your victim;

Our veins flow from the rivers

of mother earths chest.

Nymphs with there pale skins;

They bathe in your hidden ocean of blood

That has yet to burst forth

Held behind the enshrined gates of virginity.

I hold you above my head,

I humbly wear you as my crown.


I awoke with different eyes today

Perhaps the eyes of the black cat

Dying her ninth death.

I devise these things,

And I can tell you

The pleasure of feeling



I awoke with different eyes today

Half life, half death.

I have gazed at life

And cried.

I have conversed with death

And laughed;

And by all means

Analogies have never seemed so bona fide

as the affairs of the sun and the moon.


You awoke with new eyes this morning,

A woman.

You are now a woman.

This is the only difference.

forgive me for my words.

Jan 2013 · 499
Arizona Indigo Jan 2013
every morning and evening join your hands in prayer

pray these words to your heart

and chant these words from your mouth:

just for today i will let go of anger

just for today i will let go of worry

today i will count my many blessings

today i will do my work honestly

today i will be kind to every living creature

Jan 2013 · 484
I had a dream
Arizona Indigo Jan 2013
what ever hour this was,

i had a dream that it was 12.12.12

and i look up in the night sky to see the sun it was just the sun it wasnt even shining. it looked like a photograph of space, however it was closer than ever to the earth.

right beside the sun was the moon and all of her phases dancing around in circles.
July 2012
Jan 2013 · 556
Universe Song II
Arizona Indigo Jan 2013
I stand forth with firm eyes before the truth;infinite.

and simply smile with molecular color transmitting from all of my frame.

let us join heads and stare into eyes

we’ll watch how two become one

how atomic colors align.

it speaks;

it talks of wisdom and reminds

that we are all from each other

and each other is from all.

iam here.

I am aware.

this means light.

this means colors

this is white.

these are my names.

Arizona Indigo Jan 2013
I saw the sun lingering in the rib of my garden

and i said,

“Oh sun, oh sun, you see I am swelling

with the night sky and her stars.

Take me by your hand,

I come to you from a different land.

You are heart in the midnight sea,

You are a fire shrine inside of me.

Instill your blaze into my veins,

I can bleed your light, these words can be your paint.

Coil my spine and wear it as a crown,

unfold my heart and fold it to your chest.

take me from earth, pluck me as an innocent child would

a flower, and peel me.

I am your delicate bloom,

You are my sail.

My mouth can barely speak;

You are my sail.

life is beauty,and beauty is my name

as long as iam your love; softly, softly.

and i ask,

“Tell me, which way were you born?”

Jan 2013 · 767
Fire Woman
Arizona Indigo Jan 2013
Fire woman, ancient flame;

mademoiselle, in this fashion you have become the sun.

madam with the white face

madam with ******* that leak

you **** wildfires into my gut

i touch myself

to your black painted eyes and

the rose hips hanging off of your gold lips

you see, there is an animal shaking inside of me

and yes ive spoken to the devil of me

i asked her to gather the light of your androgyny

and so she did, condensing it into falling stars;

i closed my eyes and opened my mouth as they crashed inside

hallucinations ignited by the forces that charged my every atoms.

i suddenly became the universe, my womb bore your flowering galaxies.

i consumed, made love to and birthed stars

you made me your ****** celestial star queen

and sent sibylline comets to burn into my chest the vow

that shined, spoke and reminded:

“i will live in your sin down to extinction.”

and your limbs,they are where extinction is found;

old love,it is where i commit to worship even when i burn

seventy thousand light years into the ground.

Arizona Indigo Jan 2013
The tongue of my soul is of

An ancient ancestor of the Sun.

Who knows, like me, what he tastes like.

Dimensional ***.

Psychic energies.



Atomic gambol.

Time travel.

Color travel.




I am the Sun.

The Black Sun.

The son.

The mud.

The dirt.

I am eternal life and eternal death.

Jan 2013 · 1.3k
Universe Song
Arizona Indigo Jan 2013
Dawn whispered the break of light

awakening trembling limbs.

Soulful sighs brought by ancient winds

marked the day.

“Its the festival of the trees.” she said

as the Earth dressed me this

morning amongst my forest bed;

and against my colored eyes

she laid the top of the bottom

of the arraying white sea.

Gathering at once body and spirit,

I fell into the greatness of water

bathing amongst the magnanimous.

She brushed my skin with

a soul daffodil full of sun

and kissed my mouth with natures liking.

It was the cosmic hour

of the atomic separation of my body.

It was beautiful.

It was divinity at its source.

She exalted my lungs with her

greenery and my rib her roots.

She anchored her song into my chest.

It pulsated a beat

some what of an effeminate child:

“I am an ancient song.

I sing the ever connecting

vibrations of Universe,

balancing body completely.”

Light sings through the heaven I am made of

and within its gardens of androgynous flower kings.

I have witnessed with sound and mind the crying of the Earth;

and the Earth cries her wonderful cries

to know how many lives she has lived

and where she still stands.

She sang to me the first sound of her body

and how nobody knows that the skies

are really at war with the seas,

and how the stars with their poetic

visions really see eyes in threes.

But this is just my rhyme alone.

The sun landed upon her *****;

night became of me from the mountains

where the moon and her lovely phases

flowered upon my breast

ravishing wild torrents of femininity

into the silver cosmic rivers.

You see, I am an ancient song.

I sing the ever connecting

vibrations of Universe,

balancing body completely.

This is me in my natural state,

whole and feminine.

Jan 2013 · 483
Book I.
Arizona Indigo Jan 2013
There is a cosmic garden that grows between our ribs;
it is rooted to the heart of us.
Your love, it breaks my chest
like wild flowers blooming ablaze in springtime,
wrapping around my horned collar bones.
It is the type of love that flowers endlessly.
This love, it reaps my petals and shrines all that is good
to gather love’s ancient children for worship.
You remind me of past lives;
of untouched lands,
of a truth written sky.
I know you.
You have been that soul
that has followed mine
for centuries.
It has always been you.

I was always meant
to lose all faith in
It hurts a simple kind
of freedom in me that you’ve finally introduced.
But if I were to be any religion,
it would be you.
Pure love.
Jan 2013 · 599
Book II.
Arizona Indigo Jan 2013
you kissed the scar below my breast.
the scar that resembles the
eye of providence.
there was horror in your eyes.
you asked me where
my blood flows from

and i did not know.

what i did discover, however,
was that with who I am
and all i believe in and love
corresponds with this scar
that i was born with.
i always knew where it was
but i never really focused
on the shape; and
come to find out that this symbol wound, to me, was
absolutely frightening
and completely satisfying at the same time.
when i discovered it,
i had stars in my stomach,
it was like looking at it for the first time.

it told me that
i was born to be;
born to create
born to know

I finally knew that i was of the sibylline highborn.
Jan 2013 · 521
Book III.
Arizona Indigo Jan 2013
Your book of fears spilled from your mouth.
There was a heaviness in your voice that only the sea carried.
There was a sadness in you, and that look on your face as you spoke
sheltered on my heart and collapsed. I was so sad. It made me want to do nothing more
than to pluck every flower that lives inside of me and put them inside of your eyes.
Those eyes that were pregnant with your very brine. I wanted your mouth on mine,
and I wanted nothing more then to tell you that it was all going to be okay  
that after we die everything will be okay.
Jan 2013 · 611
Book IV.
Arizona Indigo Jan 2013
It took a universe of thoughts ,endless research, observation, communication, and plain old life experience (and some magic) to understand what life is all about and who we are, and sadly in between all of what I know, I must admit that I do not know a thing. Every so often I would come to meet some brief moment of insight and within that i know all- I suddenly know the secrets of the Universe. This triumphant experience can feel the same as a meaningless speck lost in space somewhere. But as a soul that holds a body that holds a heart and a brain I will stand with the nothing that i know. I just know that i want to be a good soul to others and spread my love, happiness and humility.

Fear will never consume me nor will I allow the winds of it to travel through the lands of the ones i love. I DO believe that my soul was created to be more than just a limited body.
I was created from the universe, therefore, I am the universe —a limitless cosmic ocean.
Jan 2013 · 671
A dead song
Arizona Indigo Jan 2013
There is a grave-garden
somewhere underneath
my heart.
It smells of
rustic stardust
and curdled sighs.
My hair
it gets tangled up
with the bones of the flowers
and it kind of makes it hard to
walk around with all of that sound.
To them
its the sound of a poor girl making a ruckus.
To me
its the sound of
dead things.

I was born a blonde,
but my hair is now blacker
than the spaces of untold truths.

Arizona Indigo Jan 2013
Put the roses in the fire, jack,
my chest is broken.
I am much too tired,
and the sun wont rise
and the moon wont set.
Don’t come here.
Don’t pluck me.
Don’t come anymore.

When I was a little girl,
I never wanted
a tattoo.
I’ve always wanted
to marry a gardener
in hopes that he
would plant seeds in my chest
to make my shaky bones look pretty.
and so i did,
and so he did.
But I grew too tired,
and he grew too old
so one night the garden on my chest died
and the sun no longer rose and the moon no longer set.

Jan 2013 · 2.7k
Habibi Lebnan
Arizona Indigo Jan 2013
My land has been ripped.
Its seeds trapped beneath
cinders of ash and rock.
Its root suffocating.
Its branches
no longer branches,
and its buds weeping
somewhere along the edge
of heaven looking
down upon bent cities
mourning those whose
flesh are screaming
to kiss the innocent
skin-like fingernails
of newborn children who
have been burned to death.

And the children!
Oh! The children!
They are sealed within
the winds that dance along
Lebanons green motherly lands
as the embers and crumbs whistle
an eerie tune through the
emptiness of the streets;
My heart is burning with
the souls that have died
a thousand different ways.

Somewhere over the mounds
of Lebanon, souls
that once breathed her air full
of joyous pride, clutch
to the sadness and adorn her
in prayer.

I believe with all that I believe that
somewhere deep within the forests
of her beauty,
Lebanon is smiling
awaiting rejuvenation,
awaiting a nation
dancing in

One day we will open
our dead eyes and find
that the capital of heaven is
Finally salvation.

— The End —