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AriGio Aug 2014
Today, I woke with such an overwhelming sense dread.
So many troubles rumbling in my head.
Feeling like the weight of the world on my shoulders.
Unmoving, like a ten ton boulder.
Feeling numb, alone, lost, afraid. The day is long to start dismayed.
Creeping along in the darkness of the forest. Listening intently for your chorus,
Of I love your & smiles, the glow in your eyes I see everyday.
Come to me and shine my way.
Speak to me, your words once soothed. You've always spoken simple truths.
Unknowing what cause the where's and why's, today I'm blinded with tearful eyes.
Afraid to express this and to send, to you who once my dearest friend.
Words of anger I cannot mend. Feeling now to have met my end.
I walk away and wave goodbye. Today's the day I choose to die.
AriGio Feb 2014
Open the book to pages blank, I, larva born alive, open, new, turning this life’s’ page, pupa, turning page, chrysalis encapsulating me safe, warm eager to too feel freedom. The comforts of light and darkness, sensing me entombed, darkness, being nourished, coddled, doted, protected…
Turn the page. Metamorphose, still, writhing, flailing, stretching straining to free from this bond.

Turn the page. Rebirth, excitement stretching, taking in new life, sensations of wonder, intrigue. Restless desire to reach to the breeze about and begin a journey in this, new life, powerful, strong aching to explore what is so new to the senses and learn more of these mysteries. Floating, darting, eyes bright, mind free to open to this newness of it all. Resting here & there taking in all that surrounds me. Time, something to which, I unaware nor care to know of. Exhilaration, without expectation or obligation I hover, flitter and roam.

Turn the page. Growing weary as the unending journey calls for rest to re-nergerize. Falling into a dream with reflections of this gleeful journey called life. Slowly, surely an undaunted sense of breath light slipping, teetering on this swaying reed, the inn, which gives me respite from this wondrous arduous journey. Fading reminiscing on what has been without regrets for the awes having experienced. Releasing my weakened grasp falling reaching the earth and dust from which I rose, espying the last of it with hopes of grace and dignity, I die.

Turn the page.Grateful for what has been and will be in my eternity of, Life!
AriGio Feb 2014
You have resurrected me from darkness, the depths of loss & self-pity, self imposed imprisonment with a renewed verve of light & love I have never felt in my entirety! Thank You my Love.

Words can never ever express all that is running through me with a mere piffling thoughts of you!  I am at times… scared witless, I will find myself awakening to sense it was all but the most delightful nightmare I have ever had ! Is this a dream!?!?

You are a Mistress Puppeteer, mastering, manipulating the strings to which this slutty little Marionette dangles! A tug here, twirl there, you have me dancing like a crazed little monkey, dangling on my strings waiting patiently to be plucked and tweaked again & again in the rahapsodies of your prowess and mastery of Love, Light and other maniplulations. Tugging at my heartstrings simply to muse over the silly ways you make me look and feel.

You have captured my Heart, my Mind, my Soul, leaving me willing to be gilt in a cage lingering, in hopes you lift the shroud from which you cover my nest, waiting to feel the radiance and warmth of your eyes to gaze upon me for even the briefest of moments. To see your hand reach in for me, to hop on your finger to be drawn out of my little haven which you have imprisoned me, simply to feel your breath and with hope, a peck on my beak.

Believing, from the depths of my heart, there is a purpose for our colliding in this metaphysical universe. So soulful, profound & electrifying! A connection so binding, so secure, feeling safe yet, on the cusp of such unimagined sensations, both boundless and mingled into a oneness I never thought possible...

I Love You like an eternal flame burning brighter each day! Feeling the infinite strength and warmth from it all!
Oft jilted into a quandary as to what is next?

I assure my self … ‘it will come to us’.
AriGio Jan 2014
There is no place I'd rather be
Than me with you, you with me.
Sweetest love there will ever be,
How I see you, you see me.

I see you with such beauty,
How I see you, you see me.
You tell me often, you are not that much,
I feel you always, my heart you've touched.

I think of you, my mind a reel,
Oh my love, it's how I feel.
You loving me, quite so surreal,
You make my heart oh so jovial.

You hold in you a wondrous soul,
You are my love, a lovely doll.
Your soul so bright, you light the skies.
This I see deep in your eyes.

I will wait forever, and patiently,
To feel your heartbeat vibrantly.
To have your love, sent from above.

I love you dear, I must insist,
Undying love that shall persist.
Love wild, crazy, also meek.
Your love my sweet is what I seek.

Each day I dream of all we'll share,
Love me now if you dare.
Without your love my life infernal,
I give to you my love eternal.

Come walk with me through life each day.
My heart is yours and will forever stay.
AriGio Jan 2014
I Wake up longing to touch you, to taste, tease, tempt and excite you!
I want to wake you up with soft lingering kisses & tender rhythmic touches...
I want to slide my tongue deeply within you, playfully persistent until your back arches
& your breath catches I want your spirit to soar... Your heart to rave, before your eyes are even open... I want to give to you the passion joy & love that you have hungered for... I want you to begin each day... Loved & fulfilled.
AriGio Jan 2014
Anger impacts every aspect of your life, and the lives of others around. It impacts our health and sense of self. It impacts everything you do in your life. From personal to professional. Anger is the most visible emotion. People see it even when you are not seething. It's ugly and shines through us driving people out if our lives. Just sayin
AriGio Dec 2013
Laughter echoes in my dreams
you are beside me, or so it seems
Awake to feel your eyes, so warm
so very tranquil in the darkest storm
Smiles etched so deeply inside my mind
of ones so thoughtful, deep & kind
A friend to me beyond compare
such friendship like this, quite so rare
To hear your whisper in the air
to look across, an empty chair
Beyond you've gone from this place
still hear your voice, & see your face
Life still tumbles end to end
always with me, dearest friend.
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