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Jan 2015 · 255
go back
Ariel V Pacheco Jan 2015
go back to reality
it is the "only" way they say
leave all those fictitious lives behind
put those selfish eyes straight onto what really matters
but this ain't real is it?
i can not be, i can't believe in this, this world, this days
so beautiful sunsets, so bright skies ... surrounded by darkness
what is out there?
what is inside myself? what all those dreams mean?
still i like it here... but there and there i am not leaving ever!
Dec 2014 · 270
Ariel V Pacheco Dec 2014
wish you could see it like i do
and feel it this strong, beating
not needing anything else but us
the three of us
not rich, nor poor, free and complete
the three of us
waking up together every sunrise
sleeping together every night
sharing our every day, our food, our love, our time.
Dec 2014 · 462
Ariel V Pacheco Dec 2014
if i say i do not love you
that would be a complete and empty lie
but if do not try to get away from you
there would not be another going back

if i hoped for peace and light by my side
you only summon storm and darkness
with lies, indifference and pride
i know you do not enjoy it either

i remember your smile when we meet,
the sound of your voice saying my name from far away
that constant feeling of being haunted
then remember when everything, changed
Dec 2014 · 613
Ariel V Pacheco Dec 2014
i used to love to kiss you
i loved how i could not control myself over kissing you last night
i really miss your soft lips
the smell of you neck
and all those words of love you never said to me

that little girl you gave me
with those little kisses she smash to my face, everyday all day long
and all those loving looks
constrictor hugs
she has my name
Dec 2014 · 638
Ariel V Pacheco Dec 2014
mis ojos emiten luz, irradian para después absorver, como el sonar de los murciélagos.

me hablan historias incompletas sobre los minutos, horas y días pasados, dentro de mi, imagino que puedo ver mas alla.

siento el calor y siento el frío, las gotas de lluvia y los diferentes suelos que piso al caminar.

iluminó las noches y cierro los ojos ante el dia, imagino al sol ir y venir,
recuerdo saltar las bardas, el filo de las rocas en mis dedos, la constante y agresiva mirada de la noche a mi alrededor, envolviendo, vigilando, observando mientras me desplazo de un lado a otro hasta por fin encontrar un lugar para recostar, una piedra de mi tamaño, una superficie grande y plana, que deja mi vista apuntando hacia la inmensidad.

— The End —