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Feb 2014 · 1.6k
Ariel Leann Feb 2014

My faith is running thin,
My world is turned upside down,
Always committing a sin,
The demons are forever bound


The constant thought of purging,
The teasing of a knife,
The thought is always urging,
To end this helpless life


The breaking of a single heart,
The pain whipping through my head,
Just when you think you’ll shatter apart,
The pain begins to numb instead


My soul is now hollow,
I can no longer feel pain,
Take another pill to swallow,
In order to stay sane


Living for tomorrow,
Yet stuck in the past,
Wallowing in my sorrow,
My life is fading fast

Feb 2014 · 492
I Don't Understand
Ariel Leann Feb 2014
I just don't understand.

How can you be so blind?
How can you not see,
The answers you need to find,
Are encrusted within the heart of me

I don't understand

How can you not see my crystal clear love,
To hear the words I have been screaming,
But it seems this wish,
Will only be granted when I am dreaming

I don't understand.

I don't want to sob, I don't want to cry
But it feels like I a piece of me is missing,
I feel like I will soon die,
I can no longer take it

I don't understand

These tears I can no longer shed,
My heart can no longer be broken,
So when I lay dead,
Remember these words I have spoken
Feb 2014 · 568
Ariel Leann Feb 2014
The Valley of Desperation she has seemed to has sought,
She has traveled through the depths of Hell,
Longing for her pain to end,
To no longer be under Suicide's spell

To end her long time suffering,
To put the depression at bay,
She will travel even if it's the end of her,
That will be the only way

The Demons in her pressence,
Trying to persuade her the other way,
For time is of the essence,
There is no turning her away

She has become stronger within the second,
Less vulnerable within the minute,
Free within the hour,
Unstoppable with the day

She will not be defeated,
She will never step down,
The screams of vengance are hers,
It will be the only sound
Feb 2014 · 1.6k
Ariel Leann Feb 2014
Just wanted to give a shout- out to my best friend,Nicki Paige. I have taken her under my wing, and she has become my protege' . Please check her out, follow her, and like her stuff. It's pretty good. Her name on here is Nicki Paige.
She has came along way, everybody deserves praise for their amazing work!
Feb 2014 · 2.2k
Stab, Punctured,& Torn Apart
Ariel Leann Feb 2014
A stab in the chest,
A puncture to the  heart,
I seek internal rest,
Because you tore me apart

This is how I have been living,
This is my pain,
Darling, This is only the beginning,
I am on a high speed train

Not a single tear to shed,
Not a single heart to be broken,
I am better off dead,
This can be your token

You put me through hell,
You had it your way,
I am no longer under your spell,
I no longer have to stay

A stab in the chest,
A puncture of the heart,
I seek internal rest,
Because you tore me apart

A pure inncocent life,
You corrupted with hate,
This is how I will survive,
I guess you can call it fate

I took all the pain I can endeavor,
I put your insults at bay,
My heart is now severed,
I have nothing left to say

Look into my eyes,
Tell me you believe,
Do not speak your lies,
Its time for me to leave

A stab in the chest,
A puncture of the heart,
I seek internal rest,
Because you tore me apart
Feb 2014 · 722
Unspoken Words
Ariel Leann Feb 2014
Her  anxiety is triggered, Her body starts to convulse,
Along with her heart racing, A never ending pulse,
Her breathing gets uneasy, A feeling that she craves,
She is an addict, She can no longer be brave,
The feeling that she senses, She is soon going to die,
This is it, Her all time high,
Please don't judge her , it is for the best,
It is time for her to *sleep
, In a never ending
Feb 2014 · 386
Remember Me
Ariel Leann Feb 2014
Every person has a story,
Each person has a life,
I'd want my words to be gory,
To end with a beautiful knife

I would want my story to be  a tragedy,
For everyone to know the Monster I have become,
I would want my setting to be dark and cloudy
Instead of a glorious translucent sun

I would want every one to feel the pain
The suffering that I have sought,
My life is a never-ending train,
Racing with each and every thought

I would want by enemies to feel each cut,
That has laid upon my wrist,
The scars that I have,
Still fate with a sick twist

I would want them to feel my heart that has broken,
Broken right apart,
To hear the silent words that I have spoken,
The sick and wonderful art

Most of all I would want them to remember my name,
To have it creep within every nightmare,
To feel an agonizing shame,
Because they are the one to **blame
Sick and twisted, I can't help it.
Feb 2014 · 502
Ariel Leann Feb 2014
Suffocated* by being endlessly alone,
Always feeling a constant ache,
I can sense the chill throughout my bones,
With every minor mistake

There is so much more under this glare,
A girl who actually has a heart,
I am just a girl who is filled with despair,
A girl who has been shattered *apart

Behind this fake smile lies a tinge of regret
The growing lust I feel for you,
I try not to be upset,
But my soul is shattered black and blue

Darling, I need your touch to go on another day
The electricity of your touch,
I don't want to ever feel this way,
But it seems as if your my clutch
Ehh, this is so true
Feb 2014 · 671
Love As A Flower
Ariel Leann Feb 2014
Love is a welcoming flower,
Its beautiful petals blossoming,
Surrounding us with its endless embrace
Going out of my comfort zone.
Ariel Leann Feb 2014

In an illusion of myself
Caught between the past and my own selfishness
Isolated between four walls that are caving in
Hearing the whispers of the unloved
Left alone with just memories to haunt me
No one could hear my cries for help
Nails digging in my back
Slowly puncturing my delicate skin
Feeling my blood seep afloat and slowly stream
Just the right amount of pain
One face left to clench my stomach
Her piercing green eyes in the rage they stayed
Her lips formed into a knarled, derranged twist
Her words cutting like daggers all over my body
Her hair flowing like a monster's
I try to scream but it is caught in my throat
Flashing back to the age of six
The monster ontop of me
Enjoying every little cry for help
A man who was suppposed to be a father
Corrupting an innocent child for his own twisted pleasure
He does not know how much he isolated me in my own little world
He laughs at my attempted cries for help
I will *Never
be the same
Purging because of my thoughts
The concept was introduced to me
I Never thought I was beautiful
I never really had the chance to be beautiful
Corrupted by uncontrollable words
I don't understand
Looking into the mirror at the monster that I have become
Always hid the razor a place where no one would find it
The one thing that I could always rely on
Something that would stay with me
Just wanted someone to love me
Someone to care
Feel the razor slice across my skin
Tears mixing with the blood
Wishing I were never born
Or accomplished my attemped suicide last year
TRAPPED* in the thoughts inside my own head
Isolated in the unheard tears I have been crying
Corrupted by the surrounding people
Twisted in my own thoughts and actions
Sorry, I just needed to let it all out.
Feb 2014 · 489
Who I Am
Ariel Leann Feb 2014
The weight of her screams like shattered glass,
Piece by piece drawing blood,
Shouting and reminiscing over the past,
The painful memories streaming in a flood

Her words tearing up my flesh inside,
Leaving every part of me to ache,
There is no place left for me to hide,
She wants to see how easily I can break

She switches her words to violence,
Beating me until my flesh turns an eerie blue,
Telling me that I was a mistake
That she will never forgive what I do

She beats me until I can't move,
Left cringing in pain and feeling weak,
She has something to prove,
Something she needs to seek

I look into her wounded emerald eyes
I can see all the way down to her soul,
The look leaves me memerized,
Her infliction  is beginning to take a tole

I have become her outlet to anger,
The only one who is left to care
To herself and others she is a danger
There is vulnerability under her glare

I almost want to comfort her,
To tell her that I understand,
But I have no forgiveness,
She made me who I am
Feb 2014 · 639
Memories Leave Scars
Ariel Leann Feb 2014
The secrets that I carry,
Will forever reside in my soul,
They will be buried,
For my innocence they stole,
They tear me up inside,
Until they get what they achieve,
They no longer want to hide,
They want everyone to believe"
The degration I feel about the molestation,
The derranged look in his eyes,
When he stole my innocence,
I am not one of revenge,
But I will seek my vengance,
How could it be,
An older man after a mere child,
He was my brothers father,
To make things more vile,
He enjoyed every kick and scream,
He is not behind bars,
It feels as if a nightmare, or a twisted dream,
It will forever haunt me, just like the scars
I am never believed,
They dont care what I say,
They think I try to decieve,
I never thought they would care anyway
Feb 2014 · 496
Mother was a Monster
Ariel Leann Feb 2014
She found herself in the closet,
Where she once had been,
Her mother had beaten her,
Blamed her of comitting a sin,
Her jaded green eyes,
Both troubled and pleased,
Filled with horror and surprise,
Her mother would decieve,
She had become a monster,
A victim to her distress,
She was her mother's outlet,
To her never ending stress,
Her long frail fingernails,
Liked to curl up in a fist,
Beating her daughter senseless,
Her face in a derranged twist,
The bruises on her body,
A sign of her mother's rage,
She was a troubled book,
You could barely decipher a page,
There was a touch of bitterness in her heart,
A fire of hatred in her soul,
Rage had torn her apart,
She was no longer whole
Feb 2014 · 505
The Choice Is Clear
Ariel Leann Feb 2014
The cuts of a knife,
All down her wrist,
Each scar has a story,
It was fate with a sick twist

Her soul is broken,
Too far from repair,
Each cut a token,
Of the pain that she will bare

She dreams of death,
With its seductive voice,
She can barely catch her breath,
When faced with the choice

She is deep in thought,
The choice is crystal clear,
Death is what she has sought,
It is what she holds dear

There will be no more gray skies,
Nor lousy sunsets,
Not a single lie,
Or a uneasy regret

Everybody has a dream,
Whether they are dead or alive,
This is what she has chosen,
This is how she will survive

She will be on the other side,
Swallowed up in the abyss,
No longer filled with pride,
Or the regret of who she will miss
Feb 2014 · 452
Battle Cries
Ariel Leann Feb 2014
The sounds of pain,
Fill her head,
She can no longer sustain,
That she was meant to be dead

She hears the battle cries,
Of the ones who are dying,
It's time to face the lie,
She needs to stop crying

She can no longer take a single breath,
She hears Hell calling her name,
It's time for her death,
This is no longer a game

The sounds of pure hatred,
Begin to fill her ears,
It is already too late,
They are finally here
Feb 2014 · 1.2k
Ariel Leann Feb 2014
I hear distant voices,
Inside of my head,
There are a million tears,
That I have shed,
There is no possible way,
That I can stay alive,
I have nothing left,
No need to survive,
I thought I was strong,
But I am not,
I was utterly wrong,
The battle was fought,
There is a cost,
To my wretched defeat,
My life is lost,
I was beat
Feb 2014 · 362
The Whispers of Death
Ariel Leann Feb 2014
The scowl in my eyes,
Are filled with hate,
I do not care if she dies,
It is already too late

The deadly blade,
Bound to my hand,
Not a thing I would trade,
For this moment in time

My hands at her neck,
She can no longer scream,
I am officially a wreck,
I have longed for this dream

With the last few breaths,
That she will ever take,
I hear death,
Calling her name
Feb 2014 · 1.4k
Ariel Leann Feb 2014
She was left with a broken heart,
It didn't matter what she believed,
The temptation of suicide ripped her apart,
She felt as if it were a relief

The sadness in her eyes,
The guilt through her bones,
Gloomy gray skies
Where aqua once had shown

Her life was depressing,
Just like a flimsy blade,
It is easy to break,
But can still leave you in pain

All the pain that she endeavored,
All the insanity she would take,
Enough to leave her severed,
As if she would break

Where the blade had shined,
Now she was dull,
Where the stars once aligned,
Now very dismal
Feb 2014 · 528
The Blade
Ariel Leann Feb 2014
I feel the warmth of the blade,
   As it comforts my hand,
The prickling feeling,
    As it runs across my skin,
I can feel the pain,
     I can feel the pleasure,
It's not a feeling,
      That I can measure,
I feel my pain,
       Slipping away,
I don't remember what I was upset about,
      As long as the blade stays
Feb 2014 · 404
Ariel Leann Feb 2014
All of my life,
I have been compared to you,
It feels like a knife,
Through and through

Father, why did you do this,
You just left me behind,
Left me here by myself,
With my own path to find

When she looks in my eyes,
She just sees you,
A piece of me dies,
When I hear what you do

I can remember you screams,
As you hit my sister,
They come to me in a dream,
You are a bad, bad mister

I feel like the devil's spawn,
When I look into the mirror,
I pray for the day when your gone,
I don't want you here

So please father leave me alone,
I do not love you,
Your true colors have shown
Feb 2014 · 398
With Out You
Ariel Leann Feb 2014
I never had a chance,
To spread my love,
I knew you wouldn't give me a glance,
You were like an angel from above

The sparkle in your eyes,
The easiness in your laughter,
It came to me as a surprise,
When I found out what you were after

I felt the beating of your heart,
The silkiness of your skin,
I never wanted to be apart,
Or for us to come to an end

I could not sustain,
When you said we were through,
I could not ease the pain,
I will never be the same with out you
Feb 2014 · 419
Ariel Leann Feb 2014
The scowl in her eyes,
Her hasty breath,
She didn't come by surprise,
For she is seeking death

The chill in the air,
The bitterness in her heart,
She is full of despair,
She has been torn apart

There is no where to turn,
Not a place to run,
The hell that she knows,
Has just begun

The monster inside,
Dragging her down,
She cannot scream,
Not even a single sound

She feels her life,
Slowly fading away,
No how much she tries,
The monster stays

There is no use,
To stay alive,
The monster will take her down,
Whether she is dead or alive
Feb 2014 · 632
Ariel Leann Feb 2014
She aims to trick,
She aims to ****,
Much like taking,
A deadly pill

She is so convincing,
She will make you believe,
But all a long,
She was out to deceive

She feeds on unsuccess,
You will hook on every verse,
She puts you in distress,
Much like a never ending curse

She exceeds her lies,
She will always steal,
Look into her eyes,
And you will never heal

Her piercing green eyes,
Burn into you soul,
You are left feeling trapped,
In a dark, miserable hole

Her words like daggers,
As she casts her spell,
Until we all begin to stagger,
In the depths of hell

Her nails like knives,
As she penetrates the skin,
Ending innocent lives,
Until she reaches the end

Do not fall for her tricks,
You best believe,
The woman with piercing green eyes,
Is out to decieve
Feb 2014 · 560
Ariel Leann Feb 2014
She stands on the ledge,
Taking a raspy breath,
She is over the edge,
Ready to face death

Her adrenaline is overwhelming,
It is beginning to grow,
She wants to be free ,
Just to finally go

Life is like a game,
But she already lost,
She has everything to shame,
Her defeat comes with a cost

Her face is expressionless,
As she glances down,
Filled with a rush of happiness,
Death calls with a seductive sound
Jan 2014 · 476
Ariel Leann Jan 2014
I need to stay strong,
Just to be myself,
But your breaking me down,
It's affecting my health

You said that you loved me,
Then you broke my heart,
I no longer know what to believe,
You tore me apart

Under this skin,
I am broken,
But you never have listened to me,
Or the words that I have spoken

The tears in my eyes,
Will never stop,
I am sick of your lies,
And all of your excuses

I am exhausted of feeling,
Like never enough,
You make me feel horrible,
My life is hard enough

No matter how you hurt me,
I don't want it to end,
I try to not want you,
But I can no longer pretend

I wont be here forever,
Darling you will miss me when I am gone,
Your heart ,too, will be severed,
Just like our bond
Jan 2014 · 421
Ariel Leann Jan 2014
See my pain,
See my pride,
See there's nobody,
Here by my side.

I am left alone,
Trapped inside my head,
There is no passion left,
I am full of dread

I weak inside,
Every time I wake,
Not a place to hide,
I am full of heartache

I am beginning to tire,
But still full of hate,
I wish to vanish,
To clean my slate
This is not as great as my others, but I came up with it in less than ten minutes. Thank you for reading(:
Jan 2014 · 526
Ariel Leann Jan 2014
She has fought to the death,
The darkness surrounds,
She will fight to her last breath,
No matter who is around

Her mind is full of hate,
She is trapped in a hole,
This was her fate,
It was bound to her soul

The hatred in her eyes,
The hell on her heart,
This hasn't came by surprise,
She has been torn apart,

She is full of anger,
No way to take it out
To herself she become a stranger,
Although not knowing what it's about
Jan 2014 · 662
Ariel Leann Jan 2014
My soul is gone,
I just want death,
I will reach the peace,
After my last breath

There is only so much,
That a person can take,
After so long,
They begin to break

Look into my eyes,
What do you see,
I am all alone,
It is getting heard to breathe

There is something poisonus,
Growing inside of me,
It is dragging me down,
Oh it is trying to decieve

It feeds me lies,
Beats me to the ground,
There is no compomise,
I am hellbound
Jan 2014 · 412
Ariel Leann Jan 2014
Look into my eyes,
What do you see,
The horrific pain,
That has consumed me

I put a smile on my face,
even though I am a shattered soul,
Just sitting here waiting,
For death to take its tole

The tears that I have been crying,
Have begun to flood,
Inside I am dying,
And still nobody knows

There's a monster inside,
No where to go,
Not a place to hide,
But nothing to show

I am alone,
All I do is cry,
People may wonder,
But they will never know the true reason why.
Jan 2014 · 416
Ariel Leann Jan 2014
I promised that I would be there,
No matter what you would need,
But for I have found,
My true

A note at my side,
A razor at my left,
No feelings to hide,
No everlasting

No more tears,
There will be no fears,
Nor worries,
Just pure

When death seals the deal,
With a fare-well kiss,
My heart years,
And my muscles

One cut for agony,
Another for hate,
Don't be sorrowful
For this was my
Jan 2014 · 1.5k
The knife
Ariel Leann Jan 2014
The shine of the blade,
The slice of a knife,
What a double- edged sword,
to end a depressed life

The magnificent red liquid,
Falling to the floor,
What a glorious night,
To knock on hell's door

No whimpers or pleads,
No hello's or goodbyes,
No regret or sorrow,
Not even a cry

My heart is replaced,
With a dark, miserable hole,
That once had held,
A daring soul

For I have seen,
The reality of life,
Soon to be ended,
By a beauitful knife

— The End —