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756 · Apr 2013
From Me To You
Ariel Apr 2013
In your eyes i have found my home. In your heart, I have found my love. In your soul, I have found my mate. With you, I am whole, full and alive You make me laugh. You make me cry. You are my breath, my every heartbeat. I am yours. You are mine. Of this we are certain. You are lodged in my heart. The small key is lost. You must stay there forever .
639 · Apr 2013
I Learned To Love Rain
Ariel Apr 2013
I love the music of the morning
as rain drops
beat out their rhythms
on my bedroom window panes.

I have heard that beat before
under tin roofs
in faraway jungles,
where lonesome young warriors,
not understanding
the rhythms of the rain,
nor life,
cried to that beat
of that falling rain.

Now, that I am laying here
next to you,
I have no fears.
No anger.
No worries about bombs
or tomorrows.

I have learned to love
that rhythm of the rain.
I have learned to love you.
I have learned to love me.

So, I am satisfied
just sleeping here with you,
while listening to the falling rain
and the beating of your heart.

I have learned to love both.
as if somehow,
they were only one,
and not separate hearts.
Ariel Apr 2013
If these walls could talk,
you'd know all that you don't,
To know that mind has been taken over,
that's why I am so afraid,
anger is making me blind,
I've been left here on my own
chained to a hate of some kind.
If these walls could only talk.

If these walls could talk,
you'd know all my nightmares,
about all those nights I screamed for help,
about all these lost tears,
You'd know even about the demons
The demons that I so wish to drown,
But they could swim,
If only..
these walls could talk.

If these walls could talk
they would say that it's all right,
God sends His angels
to look over me at night.
They'd encourage me,
and keep these evil demons away,
I'm on my own.
But, he watches me, from above
and showers me with his blessing
Saying "It's Not Your Time Yet, Ariel"
418 · Apr 2013
The Big Bright Sun
Ariel Apr 2013
I woke up in the morning today with
the brightness of the sun on my face,
I glanced at my clock and to my bathroom
I did the race,
My mornings are meant to hurry,
My mornings are meant to run,
They don't even grant me a moment
to sit back and admire the beauty of the sun.
Don't let your morning be like this
try to make it a special one,
For not everyone gets a chance to wake up to the big bright sun.

— The End —