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Arick carles Aug 2015
Have i ever told you how thankful i am,holding me loving me hand in hand....theses precious moments will never end its just the start so lets began...Time after time you've been there for me.To guide me straight through everything.Lost in my ways blinded by the light but ill always remember to fight,fight,fight.I'm growing old and so are you but will never stop standing two by two.
Arick carles Aug 2015
Me and you as one can be....
Time fly's by slowly...
We started out fine....
Now look at we!
The good days didn't last very long!
I still remember the long nights we sat up talking about unnecessary things....
The pale moon light blaring down on my face on a summer min night......
My eyes are closed tight.
My thoughts are at a whisper..
Morning light comes and still no progress....
I'm afraid its to late...
What we had is gone .....
Me & You are dead!
Arick carles Aug 2015
As I open my wide brown glazing eyes....
I stop and realize.....
This is who is am...
You get one soul as you do one mind....But as you know when its your time you will fly...
Fly high in the sky with the angles above with no shame like a white feathered dove....
Souring like a bird,swimming like i fish in the deep blue sea...
Standing perfectly still with no motivation of moving....
Going down 99 just crew-zing...
Waiting on god to answer my prayer......
I keep thinking to my self life just isn't fair...
As i lay me down,I sit an think....
There's better ways to get my way!!!!
Tho hes by my side.....
Still no tears i cry.....
I shall not die,With out goodbye......

So for now be still..........
Arick carles Aug 2015
Way past the windows......Far along the road!
Deep in the ocean.....
I know this can't be long.....
Way above the chimneys.......
Low a pound the ground.....
It was more then just a whisper, more then just a sound....
Two people combined......
But this two makes one.....
Not just love for now,but for forever.......
Time and time again,are pinky's held tight.........
Never give in on are love,remember to fight!
We grow old together as one......
No remember are love has just began.....
Arick carles Aug 2015
Them eyes really fooled me...
The words you spoke  to me were really true to me.....
All the lies that were said went right over my head......
I chose to love you instead....
The way you bared me with every breath....
I still chose to love you my best!
Tho we are no more......
There's still one more thing i have for you in store......
You never saw the real me......
Funny,silly,giggly as can be........
The person everyone wants to be around......But look at what we found out !
Time completely destroys a person....
anticipating  on looking over life for a while.......
Well unfortunately we have ran out o time with out a civil ending.....
Don't worry baby we can have the perfect beginning....
Time will go by and so will I .......
Like a forgotten soul ,no shame don't cry!!!!!!
God knows this is yet another battle i have to fight....
But that's it for now and im going to end this by saying them eyes really fooled me.
Arick carles Aug 2015
Counting down 5 two 1.
Lets be honest its just begun..
The walls in here are cold and bare...
Cant you smell it in the air????
The people you meet from far and near.....
Keep your eyes peeled its not very clear......
As days go by i start to fear ill never get the **** out of here!!!!!!!
Arick carles Aug 2015
unheard voice

I know this isn't where i belong,Ive tried telling them this all along.
People try helping me but there usually wrong,its like an old time record playing the same old song.Deep down it belongs to me,i don't understand why they cant the only one that holds the key,the key to my happiness so please don't take that away from me.For many years Ive never spoke whats on my mind,from here on out i think its time.To let that little unheard voice shine.
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