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7.6k · Mar 2014
Arianna Stevens Mar 2014
I see the changes
            At times they are clear

Other times, they seem to pass right by me...

I am growing...

I am becoming a stereotype
                          Just not the one  I thought I'd be...

Breaking rules,
               Sneaking out,
                          Telling lies,

The list seems to continuously grow longer

            Is that bad?
                                    Or good?

                   I don't even know anymore
7.3k · Mar 2014
Arianna Stevens Mar 2014
I am the pencil I write with,
broken and cracked,
barely held together.
At first glance, you would think it normal
you pick it up, thinking you'll make it yours.
Yet when you look closer, you see the damage.
So you throw it back down,
And find a newer one.

I am broken.
I am cracked.
But please don't throw me down again,
you maybe the one to break me permanently.
I wrote this while looking at my old mechanical pencil, and I came to a realization
1.4k · Oct 2013
Arianna Stevens Oct 2013
As my dreams fade away
And the stars become clear
I realized I had lost sight of the moon
While chasing the sun
933 · Oct 2013
Forever Wonder
Arianna Stevens Oct 2013
Ever think and ever wonder
That you hit her heart like thunder
Tore it right out of her chest
Left a mark upon her breast
A mark of your possessive nature
The mark of an enragéd creature
Sold your soul to midnight’s beast
On her heart began to feast
You said that you would never leave
But left her in the dark to grieve
The loss of her heart’s other half
Torn by you on his behalf
You let the darkness in your soul
You turned hers into a black hole
Made her crazy, made her mad
Though she knew she never had
Your heart, your soul, your desire
Never made your heart feel fire
Of love, of hope, of childish glee
The only one that felt was she
She felt the love and then the pain
Now she cries out in the rain
The raindrops wash away her tears
The waters wash away her fears
And you, you monster, dark and grim
Boil the water past the brim
Boil her blood, her heart, desire
You can always see her tire
Tire of your jokes, your games
Tire of feeling ashamed
Ashamed of falling for your tricks
Ashamed of taking all your kicks
**** you, aggressive *******
The art of hate you quite have mastered
Feed her poison in your word
You can’t make sense of that which is slurred
Oh, but dear, don’t you worry
She’ll be gone in quite a hurry
Out of your way, out of your mind
She will no longer be of our kind
Sweet angel, so pained in this life
She pierced her heart with a biting knife
And still as her breath left her soul
Her body disintegrating as a whole
She thought of you, the horrid monster
Who brought this terrible fate upon her
She thought how you made her burst with love
As if you were a blessing from above

You knew she couldn’t live without you
But even as her face turned so blue
You held on to your use of her
Just as these hateful things once were
So was she, in the past tense
And no one could make any sense
Of why she loved you, dark and grim
Pushing her much past the brim
And now she’s gone, consumed by earth
Regretting so her day of birth
Six feet below, six feet in pain
And on her grave your tears do rain
Ha! You fool, you thing of loathing
The things you’ve done are unimposing
Too late, my sweet, the girl is gone
Her voice but echoes as a song…
By: myhearthasguitarstrings posted on
521 · Oct 2013
Arianna Stevens Oct 2013
A broken mirror,
A bleeding fist,
A silver blade
Against my wrist,
Tears falling down to lips unkissed,
She's not the kind you'll come to miss
488 · Mar 2014
Writer's Block
Arianna Stevens Mar 2014
This empty page frustrates me,
Why will the words not flow for me?

I am locked out of my own mind.
I've wished for this,

So why does it sadden me?
481 · Dec 2013
Lovers Torment
Arianna Stevens Dec 2013
They say that love triumphs all things...
            but what is love
      and what happens if
its the most painful love?

     the love where one is empty
   because she gave herself
mind, body, and soul

               to one who gave nothing

now he has two hearts...
    and she is left with an empty chest
                     full of only pain......
475 · Mar 2014
Arianna Stevens Mar 2014
Most people spill emotion from there eyes in the form of tears.

But writers spill their emotions with ink
433 · Mar 2014
Separate Hearts
Arianna Stevens Mar 2014
Two hearts will never become one

                                   The world tells so many lies

But some,

     Are so beautiful
424 · Mar 2014
I am my words
Arianna Stevens Mar 2014
They are a waste of paper,
Just as I am a waste of space
392 · Mar 2014
Arianna Stevens Mar 2014
"Why do you write such sad things?" You ask

Oh dear, don't you realize ink spills like blood?

Poetry is no place for happiness...
370 · Mar 2014
Lover's block
Arianna Stevens Mar 2014
The words,
                     They hide

Only so they may appear
                  At the most inconvenient times

Just like love
             Can come from the most

                       Inconvenient sources
362 · Oct 2013
True Love
Arianna Stevens Oct 2013
A dark night, a risk taken
I see you and it all becomes real
You're here, you're real

In your arms I find strength,
You kiss my scars and say I'm beautiful
You restore my faith and give me hope
I trust you, I love you
361 · Mar 2014
Arianna Stevens Mar 2014
I see dark
I see light
I see a sparkle
In the night
345 · Mar 2014
Arianna Stevens Mar 2014
Should my happiness be the cause of a friends misery?

Am I selfish to want this?
          Am I crazy for thinking this could happen?

                                        Who knows?
Arianna Stevens Oct 2013
Screaming inside my own mind

My heart is yours, the pain is mine

Screaming inside my own mind

The walls fade away, the memories decay

Screaming inside my own mind

The tears drop, the blood stains

Screaming. Inside my own mind...
342 · Oct 2013
Arianna Stevens Oct 2013
You left me, destroyed me

You were there physically, but your spirit had retreated to places unknown

Eyes empty, face blank

Not at all how you use to be

Memories of your smiling face flood my mind

Where did you go, my dear?

Will you ever return?
340 · Mar 2014
Arianna Stevens Mar 2014
A chill shivered down my spine
when your name crossed my mind
332 · Feb 2014
The Abyss
Arianna Stevens Feb 2014
I lost myself in the world of your eyes                              I let myself sink deeper,                                                   thinking you were a cloud to cushion me                  
              I let myself sink deeper,                                                    trusting all the lies                                                        
                     I let myself sink deeper,                                                   into the never ending sea                                                
                               before I knew it, you were the one drowning me
332 · Mar 2014
Arianna Stevens Mar 2014
Turmoil boils blood
                      But despair drowns you in it
326 · Mar 2014
Arianna Stevens Mar 2014
Ink is my oxygen,
Without it
I cannot breathe.
311 · Mar 2014
Arianna Stevens Mar 2014
They say
We all wear masks
That it's human nature

But is it really a mask,
When you don't even know
What lay beneath it?

My mask may morph
Into others
But it is fused with my skin

Its been on as long as I can remember
Was I born with it?


Will I ever know the contours of my own face?

                 Do I even have my own?

                         Or am I simply a failed display?
303 · Mar 2014
Arianna Stevens Mar 2014
Spilling ink

Is a weapon

And a drug
275 · Mar 2014
Arianna Stevens Mar 2014
Life hangs not by a thread

                                   But by a noose
271 · Mar 2014
Arianna Stevens Mar 2014
I am simply a mistake

That made a thousand more
255 · Mar 2014
Arianna Stevens Mar 2014
Hope floats
but depression drowns
232 · Mar 2014
Arianna Stevens Mar 2014
If you love me

                           Don't let me go.

— The End —