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Mar 2013 · 470
Don't Pull Me Back.
Ariana Strange Mar 2013
I breathe in.
I forget your taste.
I breathe out.
I forget your face.
I lay there.
Eyes closed.
And I forget your name.
But you keep pushing back in.
And you put back everything I had just pushed out.
I know this is a trap.
But it's so inviting.
Feb 2013 · 557
Don't Worry, I Fixed It.
Ariana Strange Feb 2013
So don't ******* worry.
DON'T ******* SWEAT.
I went the whole day,
Without your debt.
I was free of you,
And all you've left.
So don't ******* worry,
I patched up that hole in the wall.
That ******* one you left.
Jan 2013 · 340
Ariana Strange Jan 2013
Years have passed.
With only you to consume this body.
When it was over, I was filled with nothing; empty.
Then when she came, you just threw me to the side so fast.
It came so sudden, it blinded me.
You always said you'd put me first, that I was the best.
You even said so the day before you left.
She told you to get rid of me, and you ignored my plea.
But you listened.
I'm sure if she yelled "JUMP"
You'd Jump.
3 years.
2 months.
I thought there was a difference.
I was wrong.
Dec 2012 · 463
Ariana Strange Dec 2012
Do you remember when we were happy.
We talked until the sun shined through the blinds.
You would say things as I stared at you blankly.
Although we had this connection that was beyond our minds.
Do you remember when you left me.
I cried all night, begged you not to leave me.
You promised you wouldn't again, but did again it the next week.
And I finally said I was done for the last time.
Do you remember when I let you **** me.
Even though you had a girlfriend.
You even promised to always kiss me.
I was only just a secret, and you made sure she didn't see.
Do you remember when I found him.
That guy who makes me smile.
The one who did no wrong.
The one who ran miles.
The one who made me feel strong.
And do you remember how miserable I was because he wasn't you.

— The End —