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Ariana Mar 2012
I am the moth, you are the flame.
I am blinded in the darkness,
Surronded by the cold.
I am fragile, weak and fleeting.
I am the moth.

You are the flame.
You burn bright and true,
Chasing away shadows with your light.
You draw me closer and closer,
Enticing me with the heat you exude.

I am the moth intoxicated by the flame.
You are forbidden, yet irristable.
The fire is seductive, untameable, and wild.
My desires are undeniable.
But to touch is to be burned.

I am the moth, killed by your flame.
Ariana May 2012
I was born of Earth and made of stars.
I am neither great nor superior,
The beauty inside me shines through acts of kindness and compassion.
I am a product of my karma, I am a humble servant to the Earth.
I do not curse my faults and I give thanks for my blessings.
Every adversary I face is a teacher in disguise,
Showing me I have the strength and the will to carry forward.

There is joy in Death.
My spirit shall return to the darkness which bore me,
And I will be one with the Universe again.
Influenced by some Buddhist ideals and personal problems I've been dealing with.
1.5k · Mar 2012
Ariana Mar 2012
Fear is the razors edge pushing into a vein,
Making tears fall like bitter rain.
Attaching to every thought,
Seeding doubt within every action,
Or regret with every word spoken.

Over-thinking, and contemplating
That the worst is forever inevitable.
Inescapable, a hellish prison indeed.

Insecurities come flooding through,
Rushing like a wild river rapid.
It shatters confidence and plagues the mind,
Relentlessly gnawing at the intestines.
The festering infection spreading
Turning into a disease with no cure,
Leaving the hapless victim broken and unsure.
1.1k · May 2012
The Art of Deceit.
Ariana May 2012
I hide behind a guileless face; shameful.
I can't stand to see what lies inside.
You dredge up everything I've kept buried away.
All my secrets, my fears, my shattered dreams.
I'm always caught between the anger and apathy.
What is it that you want from me?
You, with your faithless eyes and ***** lies.
Forever building me up just to watch me fall,
Giving me everything, only to ****** it away.
At the end of the day, you're no savior.

But I refuse to break.
Not about a specific person per se, more like a mash up about everyone who's been bringing me down lately.
956 · May 2012
Hot Mess
Ariana May 2012
She's a pretty little thing walking the streets alone.
Once, she had the world in the palm of her hand.
She let it all go.

Now she wears a smile that doesn't reach her eyes,
A heart filled up with deadened dreams.
She does whatever it takes to pay her bills and buy her pills.

Another night with another man.
Waking up alone feeling bruised, abused and broken,
Drowning in cheap wine, doing another line.
There is no love in her life, and as she holds her head in her hands,
The tears of emptiness, loneliness and sadness stream down her pretty face.
873 · May 2012
Vicious Cycle
Ariana May 2012
Rip out my heartstrings
Throw it all away tonight
You show no remorse.

Exploit my weakness
Feeding into my worst fear
Eyes filled with sadness.
844 · Apr 2013
Shards of Glass
Ariana Apr 2013
When the mists fade away, slowly my eyes begin to open.
I gaze upon a face I ever so despise.
The hatred and disdain swimming in her eyes is almost too much to bear.
Everything she is -- simply a mockery of everything I aspire to be.
Her voice echos inside the corners of my mind.
Oh! How a honey sweet voice masks the poisonous soul beneath.

She is cruel.
She is unfeeling.
She is the girl trapped within the glass.
She is....

763 · May 2012
All the Wrong Reasons
Ariana May 2012
You're no different than a stranger on the street,
Everyone else can see what you can't see in me.

I miss you and the way things used to be,
But from the way you're acting it's quite obvious you aren't missing me.
I'll never forget the thrill of your hands upon my skin,
I'll be everything you need me to be, just let me in.

Let me know that you want this too,
I need to know I'm not wasting my love on you.

You never say the right things and sometimes you never say anything at all.
Still, you're worth the world to me,
Yet I'm worthless to you.
I'm the type to fall in love for all the wrong reasons,
And after all we've been through, I'll never be enough for you.
Very old, but I changed it up a bit.
692 · Apr 2012
The Emptiness
Ariana Apr 2012
All alone in a darkened room, I continue to wait,
Silent and still, minutes and hours ticking away.
Wishing for the pain and tears to dissipate.
But they don't.
No matter how fervently I pray.

Grief, separation and loss echo my empty soul,
Words forever ringing hollow and dry.
My world now meaningless, an inescapable black hole.
The numbness always haunting me, it will never die.

Restless nights, never able to peacefully sleep,
The worst of the memories invade my dreams.
The anger and despair lock me away inside their keep,
I'll never feel anymore than this it seems.

I cannot continue to run,
Everyone will lose someone someday.
In no way am I the only one.

But because time will never lend,
Nobody ever stays in the end.
675 · Mar 2012
Ariana Mar 2012
I envy every moment not spent with you,
All the wasted years taunt me with what should have been ours.
Oh, how I've longed to call you mine
How cruel it seems that when we've finally come together
You must leave me and I must let go.

But darling, never fear!
You are the only one to hold my heart
or to touch my soul.
While others may come and go,
Their presence never meant anything to me.

My love for you have never swayed,
And it is to you, and you alone, that I shall always return.
637 · Mar 2012
Ariana Mar 2012
I keep my memories safe
And jealously guard them
From the ruthless destruction of time.
For as long as I remember, you will still be here.
A very short stanza that came to mind.

Might add to it later.

— The End —