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aria xero Oct 2012
You are mine.

An object of possesion.

I am not yours.

Superior, with thrones on top of stools.


Constricting your movement.

I am a Boa, ready to strike

When in terror you flee like a mouse.

You are mine.


Clenched fists of frustration

I knew you were upset, steam leaking

from ear to ear, you slap.

pushed back I'm enraged at your wrists grabbed tight.

I am not yours.


Heated discussions

rise like plumes of ash

smothering your lungs, I creep

to your side.

You are mine.


In public you hide

they never knowing the shadows

that lurk from behind, I am there though,

holding on tight. I am not yours.

But darling, you are definitely mine.
aria xero Jun 2015
A gaze of frozen adoration
Longed for bitter sweet adolescence.
One word from harmonious lips
Entangled boiling nerves
Hives of seduction splotched.
Faded shadowed figure lingers
Streaked heart yearning for unbearable
Amorous addiction.
Left teetering on reality
My dream is superfluous.
aria xero Nov 2012
You scream help

but no one listens

absence only lingers

pushing at your bones

tears become waterfalls

descending into muffled cries

you grab at your seams

scratching away the rose colored stains

please hear me

I'm falling into my own despair

my own defeat

I'm going under

so won't somebody hear me

Scathing cold eyes

bore into the black abyss

awaiting the silent terrain

of each ticking moment

You shutter violently

trembling before your pain

the lines scorch your skin

as they burrow deeper and deeper

Please hear me

I'm falling into my own despair

my own defeat

I'm going under

so won't somebody hear me

Pleading and needing

a sound to escape

this wanting desire

just aches to be made

I'm crawling inside

my heart beating along

please hear me someone

for I'm not alone

Please hear me

I'm falling into my own despair

my own defeat

so won't somebody hear me

please, won't somebody hear me
aria xero May 2013
Bring me your tired souls,
Of flesh burned
Marked limbs with numbers,
Age is nothing to me.

Still thy beating heart
Your song trembles,
Words of melody
Writes thy voice.

To thee a single petal
Of motionless thought,
Coalesce into thine mind,
You are the one.

Surging distress,
Lament one’s dying love.
For thy heart beckons
It’s hymn to me.

Indulge thyself
Into the sea.
Searching for love’s
True self.
aria xero May 2013
I'm addicted to crying,

for salty droplets of regret

to drip across my cheeks.

Craving dampened promises

to rain down from my blood stricken eyes.

Wanting to peel away at my flesh.

Tainted by words unclean.

Filthy fingers of actions taken

silence screams of breath,

running their nails from nape to chest

opening trenches infected by whispers.

Lies seep from oozing wounds

festering from the tears shed

that hit the floor like toxic waste

eating up memories like acid

to pictures engulfed in flames.

I'm addicted to crying.

— The End —