Today was the ending
I felt nothing
Maybe relief
Ten years ago I thought
This would be the day
The day I'd be proud
But see, I've done nothing
And here standing in a mass of people
I don't stand out anymore
I have lost that spark
That thing that made me so me
That some days you'd just smile and say
Never change,
Never change because I love you
But today was the ending
And I'm sure amidst the mass of colors
You didn't even miss me
You never will
But I will
It's sad when something you're supposed to miss ends and you don't even care and you realize you're not the person you want to be. So now I'm looking for that person I want to be, the person who stands out and loves the world and doesn't just sit on the sidelines waiting for life to happen.
Seize every moment like it's a gift and won't come back because it won't.