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 Mar 2013 Uhh Who
Tim Knight
A red border box
asked for a lover.

The paper was folded,
creased down its spine.

A lover moved in
downstairs from me, below mine.

The apartment stood tall,
bricks to-attention, bricks in line.

A noise of unpacked
boxes filled the vents.

The removal men left,
now she’s alone to be content.

A knock at the
door, thud for attention.

The lock unlocked and
she entered, introduction over.

A late return that
night, date finished,
dive under cover.

Wake to see her,
next to you in the light.
I remember the day I re-met you.
With friends I no longer talk to,
pink hair that had been a mistake,
and a reckless way of flirting.

I ended up on your lap that night.
Could you sense my surprise?

My hands can still feel the memories of you.
A slow smile, sad eyes, they play through my mind on loop.  
You always looked at me with such tenderness.
When did you become someone I can't recognize?

It must have happened somewhere in between the ***
and the drugs.  The kisses and the fake goodbyes.
Before you, I never knew I could be a monster.
 Mar 2013 Uhh Who
White wash walls
White starch coats
Translucent skin/veins
Vision blinded by numbers
Personality sequence
My numbers
The label stapled across my eyelids
Like a chip for feeble shoulders to bear
A dash of this
A dab of that
Happy member of society
Girls stuffed with modelling clay
Feed me lye and cigarette ash
Replace my brain with silicone
Paint cherry red lips
And tell me to be unique.
 Mar 2013 Uhh Who
When You Left
 Mar 2013 Uhh Who
I would write you a poem

to tell you how I feel

but when you left

the melodic flow that

passionately pieced

my words together

followed you



 Mar 2013 Uhh Who
see around
forty thousand people
you know
talk to none of them

 Mar 2013 Uhh Who
"yeah i had a good break...was smashed the whole week...apparently i ****** on some dude's xbox"
"yeah mine does that too. they were ******* so hard the bed was squeaking"
"*** there she is! the one with the ears....hah check the sneakers! who the **** does she think she is"
"i'm glad my hair doesn't look like that"
"i think i was *****"
"did you get it in, man? hahahhh"
"it's cuz his **** is smaller than his brain"
"got a D...i'mma go shoot myself. i ******* hate this lady"
"hah! I like HER skirt. notttt! what the ****, she looks like a hippo"
"yeah we're kind of a thing now. he texts me like, 24/ parents were so ****** over break"
"oh my god i have this test in an hour...i was way too ****** last night to study"
"wow i didn't get **** on my midterms, hello mcdonald's"
"hey *****, you're lookin' ******"
"check my ***. good? good."
"yeaaahhh man! we make this's crazy. half a solo cup and you're gonneeee. tuesday, man. be there or be a little **** for the rest of your life, hahahhahh"
"duude we were dropping ecstasy like crazy! everything looked like pink marshmallow fluff...some poor ******* jumped off the garage roof, thought he could fly or some **** want some? i can get you some, bro. no prob."
"i couldn't even sleep last night, my roommate was banging her boyfriend and the moaning was sicking me out"
"yeah bathsalts are some **** cousin tried to rip out his kid's eyeball one was ******* hilarious"
"did you get in her pants?"
"i was so drunk man, i don't remember anythingggg hahahhhh"
"honey...i was drunk. i don't even remember sleeping with her, you can't blame me"
"i was drunk...surprise buttsex!!"
"dude she had her hands in my pants for half of the class"
"can you believe she posted that? i mean come on"
"yeah! then write ***** on it!"
"hahah i wrote this note on her door with my number...saying that i was a lesbian and thought she was hot....then the ******* ****** called me and me and my roommates basically pranked **** out of her for like, two hours"
"dad, i know. i get it. yeah. yeah. ALRIGHT! i just need a couple hundred. i'll pay you back. it's just to help me get by. yeah, this one professor wants me to do some extra reading. i need it for a book..."
"yeah he likes you! he texted me! text him back. COME ON! i'm telling're gonna end up 22 and STILL not have boyfriend. just do it already...jess!"
"yeah we didn't even have enough gas to get here. had to borrow money from my dad...ohmygodd...this app won't load..."
"it wasn't **** was more like...******* a dead fish...hahahhh!!!"

"i'm gonna fail"
"don't worry about it, it's the professor's fault. she's a ******."
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