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Archit Sureka Feb 2014
One saw it as an illusion,
another saw it as Darwin's Evolution.

i taste the bitter and sweet fruits of the tree,
while He sits and calmly observes Me.

What to do if the world is an illusion,
In this vast chaos and confusion,
we have lost track of some clear motivation.

Thou have seen clay moulded into figures,
By artistic hands of sculptures.
When I ask thou what it is,
you tell me its a shape defined by man.
Yet failing to recognize, it is ultimately clay moulded by man.

you could be an animal, a bird or a human being,
depending on the artistic eye of the sculptors foreseeing.

What you fail to realize, if you open your eyes.
you are not what you seem to be.

Darwins evolution or His Dream, an Illusion.

— The End —