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Arabella Sep 2013
papers clenched tight
with tears streaming down
a dirt covered face,
I wonder what  i've done this time.

Long car rides,
as such,
leave us to nothing but our thoughts;
wondering why the hell you would try and kiss me,
as your "lover" stood close.

like death,
She picks away at everyone and everything until they crumble
in her hands so that she can casually toss them to the side.
Going the extra mile,
making you want to turn inside out,
until she has her way.

One month ago you loved me,
and I wish
you were still my best friend.
Arabella Jul 2013
Seven more nights
of overflowing sunsets,

Soon the sleepless nights
will be gone.

Empty bottles
and burnt our cigarettes
are the reminder
that nothing lasts forever.

Words can not describe
how much i'll miss
the comfort of your laugh.

On this morning
my lungs are filled with the
sweet smell
of gasoline
and tears
as I watch you leave.

These times have changed,
and nothing
will be the same
still working on this for some friends.
Arabella Jan 2014
I hate you.

                                                         I hate you.

                 I hate you.
Arabella Oct 2013
I haven't eaten
in three days
because my own self loathing
has kept me full.

I haven't written my college essays
because I know that it won't change

I haven't told my friends
that by Christmas,
I won't be here,
because I'm afraid
to see them cry.

So I keep it to my self,
and watch as life goes on
as I silently weep
for what could've been.
Arabella Oct 2013
I went home.
Body swore
from you slamming into me.
Gliding my hands
over the cactus,
become another face
that forgot.
Summer melted away while
friendships froze,
just as they said.
Sticky fingers
placing prints on new skin.
Everything diseased.
Crossed legs;
bottle of whiskey,
face dripping
with battle wounds
from a war like storm.
We should have broken the mirrors.

Stand in the street.
Four hours of Wednesday
marking me with gray bags
on my not so innocent teenage face
and tears painted across my forearms.
A canvas.

Letting candle wax
burn my crooked skin,
cigarettes are sewn together
one by one.  

Sloppy handshakes,
cold coffee.

It's covered my toes now.

A piece of art
is never finished

So what am I becoming?
Arabella Dec 2013
as the music takes control of two lonely people
we danced through these months
with bruised feet and
****** toes.

as the year comes to an end we pick old broken glass
from our fingers to leave them in the sun.
lets not forget sober sunsets
and intoxicated rises.

as a new one comes so does the end.
so let's say our goodbyes now
and maybe leave a piece in -
for two thousand
and thirteen.
Arabella May 2014
maybe it's the rain pounding down on my ears

or the echoes of last summers laughter

those perfect yet empty beer cans that used to lie on your kitchen table

are a clear representation of who i've become

with no more love to give.

I'm numb from saving your attention

if only i had known those

memories made one blurred photograph

that you've kept hidden under your bed.

when i told them that after i reach those 4,000 miles i'm done

they sat in silence and nodded their heads because for the past 10 months

they too have been the empty beer cans on your kitchen table

waiting for you to throw them away.
ahhhh this is a draft people help
Arabella Oct 2013
drunken poets,
pouring out their melancholy lives
into ink.

eyes, singing with joy
under the spotlight,
along with nervous hands,
shaking violently,
crumbled paper in fist.

two rows back,
I sit with a cold coffee in hand.
new mixtures
playing with my comfort.

foot tapping,
after an applause,
congratulations on your wonderful find.

beat down chairs through the door way;
once upon a time the four of us sat there,
sharing each breath.

sweet poems,
and kind words
making coffee oh so less bitter.

a firm squeeze of a hand,
reassuring me that tonight
I won't be alone.

covered in crisp leaves,
these breaths
have been replaced with unanswered phone calls,
and the rubbing together
of two rocks.

no longer dancing
as fast as we used to.
Arabella Sep 2013
what has it all come to?
sleepless nights
filled with consuming anything
that will alter our bodies
and mind.
searching for a non-existing

old lovers
and promises
run around
like marathons,
and each Saturday night,
I fall apart.

My limbs
cause nothing but trouble.
And leaving my body
would be heavenly.

the leaves are changing,
and the long nights are getting colder.
there hasn't been a day in the past month in which I haven't cried,
and I'm terrified of what comes next.

— The End —