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May 2013 · 902
Arabella May 2013
And as a lay in bed
for hours on end
I try to create my own

For my dreams
have seemed to run away,
and nightmares
are the only thing that keep my company.
Leaving each night
a never ending race
for sanity.  

Like a sweet breeze,
I whisper
into the silent
soft air
"I love you"
"I love you"
"I love you"
And I am reminded that my tongue will never get tired
of the taste of those words.

And every night,
As I watch you walk away,
I can't help but follow.

No matter how long it will be,
your tune
will be stuck in my head.

So for this one last night,
I beg you
too sing me to sleep again,
with your
In hopes that one day
I can sing my own.
this one is kinda old and definitely needs some editing, but a friend asked to see it so yes, here it is.
May 2013 · 413
one eighth
Arabella May 2013
And you traded my love
For a bag of ****.

Leaving me
A numb
Human being.
In the middle of my own storm.

These fragile memories,
Create a new crack in my wall
Each time they come back to visit.

And as you smoke that joint,
All I can say
Is that I hope it's sweeter than our first kiss.
I hope it make you spin even faster
Than when we danced to our song.

And I hope that
It makes you happy.
Because apperantly,
I never could.
this is most likely one that I will have to go back and edit but yeah enjoy~
Apr 2013 · 493
meet me in the forest ~
Arabella Apr 2013
And at this point,
I don't know what to do with myself.

I find that I can't stop chasing memories.

Whether or not I should stay,
Is unknown.
But the thought of going back,
Following you into the forest every night,
Teases me
As I watch the sun set,
And the moon rise.

Hiding from the stars.
Tempting me
With your sweet eyes
And your long fingers
That with a snap,
Could break my heart once again.

Yet all I can tell myself,
Is that until I see you again
And follow right in your footsteps
I am lost.
And forever will be.
I'm not really sure it's just some ideas jumbled together, sorry.
Apr 2013 · 1.6k
Arabella Apr 2013
This time,
I shall welcome death with open arms.
Greet it with a simple kiss on the cheek when he finds me.
Invite him in for tea,
and make sure that he has everything that he needs.
And until that day I'll keep packed bags waiting by the door.
Mar 2013 · 273
Arabella Mar 2013
Everything you say
Has already played off the tongues of millions of others today.
So who's to say what you think matters anyway?
Mar 2013 · 550
Arabella Mar 2013
I fear that if I close my eyes,
death will strangle me as I sleep.

I fear that dreams are no longer meant for escape,
but for revealing our deepest secrets to our worst enemy.

the blinds to these cracked windows,
shut out reality,
but release a monster inside me.

why sleep?

then open your eyes.
but why?

there is no way to escape.

so just *blink
Mar 2013 · 469
Arabella Mar 2013
I want to disapear.

Far away from anyone or anything here.

Swallowed in a cloud perhaps,
With the sun and moon keeping me company.
Mar 2013 · 1.8k
Arabella Mar 2013
Pebble after pebble,
my lungs fill.

The words "i'm sorry" have no meaning.

All I see is the black tangled mess that covers your head.
And the room is filled with echoes of once cherished memories.

Every second,
another drops.
Each drop takes away the meaning of the words spoken,
giving everything a bitter taste.
Nothing can come out of that word making hole on your face.
That weapon.
That promise.
That opening that tells others what you want, what you need, what you feel,
what this all means.
Or how sorry I am.
No words can fix this.

Every time I say it another pebble drops.
Eventually everything is meaningless,
And I can no longer breathe.
Mar 2013 · 991
Arabella Mar 2013
Seven trillion dots.
And they say no two are the same.

Each similar.
Composed of the same substance.
All the same thing.

Like snowflakes, they say each and everyone is unique.

I don't feel unique.

I can draw.
So can anyone else.

So whats so special about me?
One little dot.
A speck.
Nothing but dust.

Like everyone else one day I will die.
My body will decay, and memories of my flesh will be forgotten.
Just like you.

Each dot is a dot.
And there is nothing special
about a dot.

— The End —