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April Nunez Jan 2019
my mind kept saying no
my heart kept on saying "go for it "
I did and look where it got us
a full moon outside and there we kissed
it felt amazing I never had such an amazing feeling since the last person who broke me
I looked up and told myself
do not feel anything
I guess it didn't work
now all I can think about is you and a simple
kiss you gave me
April Nunez Jan 2019
here we go again typing here after my exam
10:50 am thinking about after what I saw
it didn't hurt as it did the first time.
I told myself I moved on and I did not..
i'm not saying I want to be with you but Im not saying I iwhs I heard your voice again...
I know I have to kiss somebody else to forget your soft lips that had touched mine . well everything that was you
all those memories can not go away and I hat myself for that because any guy that comes near me I cannot let them treat me like you did because only you knew how I liked to be treated and you surprised me each time all I want to say for a last time is
I love you
its a love poem everyone said
April Nunez Jan 2019
we say the old year is gone but is it...
we still have those scars left in us
the ones we will never forget because they are deep deep into our skin that overtime you remind yourself to how much pain it caused you and it all comes back worst.
this is why we have to start a new chapter...
lets forget all the ******* we went through
laugh at how much stronger we became from those scars
not be scared to take those risk you couldn't take before
a new chapter where its only about
best advice I've listen to is to always follow your gut whenever you feel its the right thing to do , just do it don't think twice about it because the more you over think the more afraid you will become and that is how it will keep on going until you decide to change that
so I say fresh start equals
April Nunez Sep 2018
Everything is now left behind no more regrets, no more pain caused by people who are ignorant .
Trust me this new soul is happy with the people around her
no more tears falling down as these past rainy days we have had
a fresh start to fall n love someone new.
this new soul will take risks
n most importantly
love herself  before anyone else....
Proudly to say I'm glad you left me behind broken to realize I can be worth more than you tried to make me feel

April Nunez Aug 2018
Would you look at that
We didnt even say goodbye
Was it even an end? Or was it temporary?
What can we do when two people like each other
One just feels too hurt to like back
You wanna be back to the same feeling/moment
Yea it was amazing but you don’t understand how much this heart cried
Seeing you happy but not with her
Asking herself where she’d go wrong if all she did was dub everyone for
You prob didn’t ask her but she did it because her heart only wanted
Now its all an end
She can’t deal with this type of *******
Someone who is just gonna hurt her and not take it serious
It’s sad but this is the final goodbye
April Nunez Jul 2018
Imagine getting a free pass to anywhere would you take it or leave it?
Of course you would take it as I did.
We both know we won't regret it
why you may ask...
it's a get away from all the ******* people have caused or to get away from the stress that has been bothering you for days.
It's about time you forget about the ones who hurt you or stress you the most.
We have to also love ourselves be able to enjoy a day just about you and no one else.
of course when you come back it's all going to be there but at least you took a break and thought about the things you want to solve or leave it as it is.
Trust me no matter who you leave behind even if you don't want too they will always be there because no matter how far you go or take to come back they will be there waiting for you and that is what I call true love.
So risk it and take the free pass to anywhere you will love to go as I am taking the freedom pass.
April Nunez Jul 2018
Day 2 of not hearing a word from you.
At first it killed me, but now the pain is slowly becoming less painful.
I love you , but leaving me like this isn't the type of thing I wanted... I don't hate you ..
I hate myself for writing these things down so I won't cry over some dumb boy like you.
Man you played me so well congrats
because you played it so well that I can't hate you because.....
**** IT I LOVE YOU......

— The End —