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4.7k · Jan 2014
Iscariot at the Tavern
Aodhán Corr Jan 2014
What’s your poison, Judas?
Manhattan! I find myself now an integral component of the strangest coalition of strangers anyone could possibly imagine, from all different countries and backgrounds and walks of life, now wandering about, underneath and in and out of the streets and back alleys of this city of sin, from the fish markets to the brothels--

What’s your poison, Judas?
Irish Coffee! Never before has there been a better time to wake up, fling open the shutters of the musty, ancient houses on Main Street and smell the gorgeous plainness of the morning breeze in spring laced with simple undertones of violets and honey and dew all contained in a material essence of the awe-inspiring wonder of this perfect, elegant world--

What’s your poison, Judas?
Sidecar! Here I am riding with the king of kings to the great stone castle atop the hill with the peach trees and the plum trees and the juniper bushes out back that holds luxurious ***** in the luxurious ballroom every Saturday evening where all the loveliest of girls come to drink and dance and to rendezvous to the frozen pond on the edge of the property--

What’s your poison, Judas?
Old Fashioned! Those smug supercilious charlatans way down by the river at the old boys’ club with their tailored suits and their waxed mustaches all get mighty offended every time some young gun with an hopeful persuasion tries to stir the ***, tries to just start a ripple, dips his raw, gentle hand in the bowl for a measly ******* second--

What’s your poison, Judas?
Planter’s Punch! You’d think that we were common thieves by the way that we’ve been received lately, brutally being beaten like insolent slaves, earning scars on my back and my hands as punishment for speaking my mind, and sharing the wisdom I’ve been given while I toil in this unrelenting desert sun, hungry, poor and fatigued--

What’s your poison, Judas?
French 75! Tormented by the cruel pangs of doubt in the face of adversity, I wish day in and day out that I could keep the faith in this enterprise I had when we first began, but the suffering has become simply too miserable to bear any longer and I now feel a tremor in my bone marrow that urges me towards the rebellion on the horizon like a yellow-bellied turncoat--

What’s your poison, Judas?
Whiskey Sour! The air may be cold, and the winds may whip with biting fervor, but with every breath I desperately drag into my heavy, tar-coated lungs to cleanse myself with icy purity this bitter taste still refuses to surrender or concede, and my villainous mouth remains a moist, infectious cesspool harboring the basest of vicious, vile vermin and crawling roaches--

What’s your poison, Judas?
****** Mary! You could scrub the callous palm clean off of my left hand with a hideous clump of rusty, jagged steel wool and wash the wound through and through with vinegar and Borax and this cursed, godforsaken spot on my conscience and on my very soul wouldn’t fade a half of an inch, only sink itself deeper in the flesh and shoot out its brutal clawlike hooks--

What’s your poison, Judas?
Jack Rose! The sorry ******* ******* was doomed, ******, destined for the doghouse from his first innocent and infantile breath, but after thirty good years I had to be the unlucky one the powers chose to fulfill the predictions of the powers' sons, I had to put the leaded bullet in his bleeding back, I had to pull the devilish trigger, and testify--

What’s your poison, Judas?
Last Word! Is there nothing you can do to please just take it far away from me, where I can’t see it, where I can’t even imagine it, where it might as well not even exist, where someone who needs it can have it, where that someone is anybody with a lick of morality, anybody but a back-stabbing, treasonous, perverted, weaseling, ****-of-the-earth Benedict--

What’s your poison, Judas?
Wine with gall.
Aidan Corr Olsen (c) 2014
1.5k · Jan 2014
Shit Peddler
Aodhán Corr Jan 2014
Down to the docks, every Friday night
Goes a man with a glint in his eye
He says “Gather all around, all you boys and girls,
And I’ll show you how to conquer the sky
Yeah I’ll show you how to conquer the sky
Yeah I’ll show you what your money can buy

“You gotta put your best foot forward
If you wanna go far
Forward like a speeding car
Yeah, forward like a freight train
With fifty cars full of coal
The world’ll try to swallow you whole

“But you gotta keep moving
Keep moving; keep grooving
Dancing to the beat of a thousand drums
A thousand hums
Vibrations; gyrations
Twiddling a thousand thumbs

“Gotta beat out a thousand dum-dums
For your spot on the throne
Way high up on Olympus
Drink your ambrosia Jack!
And don’t ever look back
At that man that you used to be

“Can’t you see?
You’re better than that, now
You’re new, you’re fresh, you’re cool
Too cool for school
Relaxing by the swimming pool
The swimming hole

“Sitting with a fishing pole
Gonna catch the big one
Gonna reel it; keel it
Lug it in and tug it in
And hoist it up over your head
Like the champion you are

“You’re gonna be a real big star
Gonna be one soon
Picture in the paper
Gonna land on the moon
See you later, alligator
Stand up a little straighter

“You need a haircut
You need a new coat
You gotta buy a boat
You gotta buy a car
You gotta buy a big *** pile of gold bars
Buy silver

“Silver, silver, platinum, iron ore
You need that iron core
Get right down to that iron store
Get steel
Get real, get steel

“Unlock that inner potential
Go commercial
Get the **** out of residential
Totally existential
The steps on Jacob's ladder are entirely sequential

“You're gonna be great, kid
And you’re gonna have greatness
And that greatness ain't never gonna wane
Just get on the next train
Get in the fast lane
Go batshit Roman emperor insane

“You’re Nero! Caligula!
I figured a
Guy like you would be sold
It’s stone cold
It’s a deal
It’s a ******* steal

“Don't get it?
Don't sweat it; forget it
It’s not for you if you’re happy with all this
Happy being soaked in blood and sweat and ****
That’s just fine
‘Don’t cast your pearls before swine’

“You drink your watery beer
I’ll drink whiskey and wine
And special French cognac you can only get in Delaware
How can a fella care
With that kind of life?
No worries and no wife

“So get paid, and get laid
And get ready to wade
Knee deep in an ocean of *****
You’re the best
Puff out your chest
And the rest got nothing, absolutely

“Prosecute me, if I steer you wrong
If I appear too strong
Just don’t refute me
But if you want a stroke of luck?
Wanna get ******? get your little **** ******?
Then, first I’m gonna need a buck.”
Aidan Corr Olsen (c) 2014
1.4k · Jan 2014
The Whale
Aodhán Corr Jan 2014
Washed up on the sandy beach
amidst the summer rain,
The mighty king of the Pacific
lay in persecuting pain.
The creature wailed with ***** prowess,
but his health was soon to wane,
And by the morning that came after,
sovereign was reduced to stain.

Vultures from the distance
ripped apart his tender flesh
With spit to sear his wounded majesty
and claws to tear and thresh.
The wicked gang of savage butchers
in a loathsome, boorish mesh
Would make a swollen, seething carcass
of our one-time Venkatesh.

Three days after passing,
fallen Caesar, set to rise,
Was then revoked his Heaven’s passage,
and left wallowed in demise:
A body plagued by every virus;
swarmed by avaricious flies,
Stranded, rotting, in the Earth realm,
‘stead of claiming his due prize.

Hurricanes, October,
brought the wrath of Davy Jones
To wreak an evil-minded havoc
and to thrive on victim moans,
And dash the Herculean skeleton
upon the crags and stones
To rain on thousands with the splinters
of his elephantine bones.
Aidan Corr Olsen (c) 2014
1.2k · Jan 2014
Vulcan the Cripple
Aodhán Corr Jan 2014
A twisted body: neither man nor god
Was he, but rather ‘brute’ and ‘beast’ and ‘thing.’
Jove saw the creature worth naught but to fling
From heaven; landing face-down in the sod.
The Quasimodo--set ‘gainst every odd--
Found in this dreadful winter chance of spring.
He lusted after one day being king,
And saw his ruined body rightly shod.

Yet fortune saw the noble hero doomed
In giving him a wife with supple breast
And pretty face. There, in the distance loomed
The lame, repugnant blacksmith’s only test.
From jealousy sprung rage; abuse assumed,
When war-like Mars her hourglass caressed.
Aidan Corr Olsen (c) 2014
719 · Jan 2014
Lady Ames
Aodhán Corr Jan 2014
O, the treachery of the mind!
The foolish heart, corrupted
And the haggard, unlucky soul
Whose bonds will not soon be broken
Made a *******
And a scapegoat
And a dupe
By the mischief of the trickster id

Fires of neglected love rekindled
The seeds of that merciless charlatan, hope
Spilled and scattered
Take root and abound at a breakneck pace
In the tenderest fabric of dreams
Yet bear

Heavy chains that drag in mud and clay
That will not loose their hold
No matter the struggle of the flesh and the bone
Who wear them
Deserted by reason
Now, bereft of the promise of another
A curse upon her face! her mouth! her body!
Aidan Corr Olsen (c) 2014
609 · Jan 2014
Aodhán Corr Jan 2014
She’ll put a spell on you
She’ll make you lose your mind
And everything you do
Will be to please her kind
And when the demons crawl
Out of them earthly cracks
That’s when you’ll hit the wall
There’ll be no turning back
And yet the passion in the hatred makes the whole affair even hotter
But that’s what you get when you dance with the devil’s daughter
Aidan Corr Olsen (c) 2014
496 · Jan 2014
O, Cordelia!
Aodhán Corr Jan 2014
O, Cordelia! what did you do?
All of the nobles are laughing at you.
O, Cordelia! what have you done?
He bent back the bow, but you bought me a gun.
What'll it take to get you to stay?
Why do I drive all the good ones away?
O, Cordelia! why did you go?
Now I'm playing the fool down on lunatic's row.
Aidan Corr Olsen (c) 2014
474 · Jan 2014
Cat is a Hot Tin Mess
Aodhán Corr Jan 2014
I woke up in the garbage and my head was in a whirl.
I smelled a little fishy so I knew I met a girl.

My shirt was pretty tattered so she must have been a catch.
The chicks I like to go for always tend to bite and scratch.
Aidan Corr Olsen (c) 2014
Aodhán Corr Jan 2014
Gave her a ring
Asked for it back
“Gotta pay bills”
Well, I gotta buy smack
She’d leave me at once
But she don’t know the facts
And that’s just a part of the show
Aidan Corr Olsen (c) 2014
Aodhán Corr Jan 2014
Girl with no name
Caught in my snare
Hasn’t a clue
That I never once cared
But love is a war
So everything’s fair
And that’s just a part of the show
Aidan Corr Olsen (c) 2014

— The End —