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884 · Sep 2013
Vacation obsession
Anxioussssss Sep 2013
I'm scared, scared, that my purpose in life is to smoke cigarettes at 5 am.
I'm scared, scared, very scared. That my purpose dwelled on life is to only be a product sold.
but seemingly
If I already had a toxic mouth
and rotten lungs from the air I have taken in from the breath that was sold already by a consumer.

Then, I have no reason to listen to everyone who says I will die from this.
736 · Nov 2013
Anxioussssss Nov 2013
Screamed in the morning, wailing in the afternoon
shriek at night.

Each up toned voice, I will recite "I miss you."
A voice spoken, a slit vocalization

I miss you.

dejected from the synonyms
no words miserable, muted.
730 · Dec 2013
cup of tea love
Anxioussssss Dec 2013
****** me ,
out of the womb
painful visual images.

put me to sleep
on a quiet night
in my nice coffin
I waited for

until my eyes were open.
612 · Jan 2014
Anxioussssss Jan 2014
Gaze into your garden of a deep brown eye
I  leave my universe.
You never see the radiation of beauty on you,
Yet you are so big and full of life.
I see roses, daffodils, growing inside you.
Only one eye do I see gradation of colors have changed.
Beautiful, you are.
The gardener forgot to water you, your seeds never grew, sunlight was hidden,
you never knew the danger.
You were a dead garden never grown. Nonexistence
I ask you to let me take care of the garden.
I'll water you every day,
place you in a spot of sunshine,
tenderly listen to every thing a garden can say.
Everyone will know you exist
Your flowers will grow once more,
and they'll never stop.
607 · Sep 2013
Anxioussssss Sep 2013
I once was told when I was younger
that life isn't fair,
that I was ugly,
that no one in this ******* world could be stupid enough to love me.
That I am just in a mere sense of state, of happiness, that I didn't deserve that, I shouldn't get this.

but I didn't believe.

I am now older, and I believe it all, but now that I believe it,
people tell me, that those are just negative thoughts, obscene gestures over ones self.
However older now, and more aware, why is it you tell me they are negative thoughts when older, but younger you tell me it is trust, truth, honesty.

Why is it, that if I tell
a friend,
that these are the thoughts that are in my mind constantly days after days, why is it that I am told, I am the crazy one, I am the depressed one, I am the one that should be put in a mental hospital, that I need the medication,  Why am I that one?

I am now in this mindset, I am now stuck with gestures of myself.
But if you point a finger at me,
merely I suggest you read over your lips again.
420 · Sep 2013
Anxioussssss Sep 2013
I should be asleep,
but that's only when my eyes feast on images and sounds in my head from memories.
I am awake, and I'll regret it in the morning
you are too much on my mind to sleep,

This made no sense wow sorry for horrible poetry bye

— The End —