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Little Bird Mar 2017
I don't need another being to create beauty
My sadness creates enough beauty for both
I don't see any of your writing in mine
Little Bird Mar 2017
I'm here alone in my room
The lights turned and the only sound you can hear is one from the ceiling fan
It's not a special day nor happy day
Nor a sad day
Just a regular ol day
One of the few times I'm truly alone
And I miss you
Little Bird Feb 2017
You remind me of what is and what isn't
What could be and what can't be
You remind me of the times that our love was so strong and loud that it made the angels realize that they were not the only angelic beings on this earth
You remind me of the times you took my heart and kissed it , then tossed it away with another kiss as well down the infinite well of despair
You remind me of the times that your heart was so cruel even the demons down below noticed, not because it an act of atrocity or bloodshed but rather the continuous act of eradicating hope within someone
Some might argue that's the greatest crime of all, ridding someone of hope during light and dark times
For how can anyone continue on without hope in their life
But that is another story to tell
You remind me of what we are
You, a being of action
And me, a mere observer to any action
You create the music your soul sings, written on pieces of paper as if they were your everyday journal you carry with you every you go
Carrying your darkest secrets that you only let people get glimpses of
I , on the the hand , read
For anyone's story is worthy of reading  save mine
They can teach you a lesson no matter how bleak or bright the ending may be
From the girl who went out too late at night and never came back
To the boy that completed his tasks of bravery and married the princess, he lived happily ever after by the way
What have you taught me ?
Nothing save one thing
I'm still utterly and completely in love with you
And what can I learn from that ?
(It's in its beginning stages)
Little Bird Feb 2017
You believe in a higher being just so you can believe in yourself
Little Bird Feb 2017
Do you remember that Rose he got you for your birthday ?
Or was it Valentine's Day ?
It's a bit hazy
It looked so beautiful
...for an ordinary girl
Never been a fan of roses have you ?
So generic for a guy to get a girl a rose
He didn't even know you didn't like flowers
But you loved him nonetheless
After all, first boyfriends only happen once
So you kept that Rose , treasured it actually
It served as a memento of your time together
2 weeks went by, the soft petals remained
2 months passed and you got into a fight with him
But you stayed because you were too scared to loose him
The Rose grew and grew until its vines curled around you neck and choked the beauty out of you
It took the ambition
The purpose of your life
The dreams you once had when you were young
It's been 2 years and you're still with him
Working night shifts to keep him from giving up and take those acting classes
After he changed his major 3 times
It's been 2 decades and he comes home late
You don't ask why or dare ask yourself why you put up with it
There's a bit of lipstick on his cheek and you haven't worn any since the last time he took you out
8 years ago
You don't venture outside because why would you
What's out there ? More Roses to keep until they take something out of you too
You regret keeping that Rose and tried to throw it away
But its thorns stop you from even picking it up
They pierce into your skin so deep they touch bone
You do what you swore you would never would do
You swallow that Rose
Every thorn and every petal
You choke and tears come into your eyes
But you don't spit it out
You gulp it down and lie down
That's how they find you
Beautiful and dead
Little Bird Feb 2017
I like those carnivorous butterflies that eat you from the inside out
They look beautiful at first until you realize the red color of their wings isn't just for decoration
Their little mouths of sharp teeth are hardly noticable
But then you look down and see a hole in your body
and you ask yourself how you didn't notice it
You were too busy looking at the butterflies that  you didn't see them eat your heart out
Little Bird Feb 2017
Hearing your smile still took my breath way
Even if it was just for a second
But I no longer have to breathe
Since my heart is missing
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