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May 2017 · 222
Antonio Caudillo May 2017
Dreaming of coffee dates
and your hand crawling towards

Dreaming of watching sunsets next to you,
My fingers excitingly reaching out to you.

Dreaming away these bitter cold days,
When the sun shines but fails to give me

Here I lay dormant under layers of ice,
Dreaming of the warmth in your touch.

Patiently waiting for the promise of your soft kiss on my chapped, shivering lips.

Dreaming of writing a verse that touches  you where my hands can't reach.
Feb 2016 · 367
Antonio Caudillo Feb 2016
Drained is the man sitting on the stool,
He is thoughtless and feels no more,
He was looking for himself but instead found you,
He is comfortless in his search of light in a world void of meaning.

His loneliness is like the pedal to the rose;
Without one, the other will perish.
Silently sitting he finds himself like the splendid flower;
Fragile and slowly decaying.

But just like the flower knows of its inevitable decay,
So does our dear friend,
He knows this and like the flower, he smiles to the world,
And plunging himself in thee, he feels comfortless no more.
Feb 2016 · 532
Sitting by the exit sign
Antonio Caudillo Feb 2016
Pondering, sitting watching the people walk by,
Silently brewing over my existence,
While my thoughts fall apart.

What hurts more?
The lonely existence I call life,
Or the wasted breaths I take?

What if its true that we don’t exist?
What if there exist a sun that never seizes to shine?
What if your eyes don’t shine like a flashlight in the dark?

Pondering, siting watching the people wak by,
Silently brewing over my existence,
While my thoughts fall apart.
Feb 2016 · 546
Antonio Caudillo Feb 2016
Two bodies face to face,
Two smiles emerging from nothing,
Their eyes losing themselves
underneath an ocean of darkness.

A whisper is exchanged ,
As the girl lets out a laughter,
An embrace ensues and a sigh escapes her.

Two bodies face to face
are at times two roots laced,
Under a dark night sparks fly
as they caress each other into submission.
Feb 2016 · 520
Antonio Caudillo Feb 2016
I order a medium dark coffee,
Instead I get a smile,
My eyes consume her, as her smell intoxicates my being,
My eyes wonder as I she pours my drink,
Her dark hair compliments her light skin,
Shoulders laid back, hips unshaken,
My excitement grows as I she turns towards me,
I wonder to myself if she knows that she conceals what men desire,
The moment scatters, motionless, I stay and I go: I am a pause.

— The End —