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Aug 2011 · 981
Anthony Sexton Aug 2011
And as I sit the wind blows
Gently through my hair
When I come to the realization
That we're the perfect pair.

"A match made in Heaven"
Would be too cliché to say
So would "Everlasting love"
So I'll try another way-

Your smiles are bright and golden
At the sound of my voice
I have to say my dear
There really was no choice.

You had me from the beginning
If that's not too cliché to say
But today is something different
A new chapter on the page.

Our lives have intertwined
Into something that can't be undone
And as I say those three little words
I feel they weigh a ton.

Carry them with you
Wherever you may go
And with this you will remember
That you will never be alone.

Yes, these feelings may seem cheesy
And they may seem a little cliché
But I know of no other person
That I'd rather be with today.
Aug 2011 · 631
If The World
Anthony Sexton Aug 2011
If the world could look
Into a mirror
We'd be in a better place
Instead of here.

But people are dumb
Dumber than you and me
Their heads so far up their ***
They can't even see.

If the world could hear
The cries from below
Below the riches and materials
Then maybe they'd know.

But people are deaf
Too deaf for you and me
No matter how loud we shout
This is how it'll always be.

If the world could care
There would be peace and love
There would be no pushing
And no one would shove.

But people are bitter
Too bitter for you and me
Their face in a grimace
No one deserves to see.

The world isn't perfect
The world isn't pure
The world isn't mine
The world isn't yours
The world has a future
You and I can change
We'll be the beginning
Of a new chapter's page.
I had no idea, but after I had written this and titled it originally as "If" my friend referred me to a poem written by Rudyard Kipling called "If", I have to say I was simply amazed by it.  I've been getting my inspiration from politics lately, and the world around us...we'll see how long this goes on for.
Aug 2011 · 873
America Will Be
Anthony Sexton Aug 2011
America will be...

A place where everyone is equal
Where the voices of the few
Are more than a silent shout
A place where skin color is no different
Than an eye color.

It'll be a place where everyone
Marches into the unknown
Hand in hand
No man left behind.

There will be peace and love
Harmony among people
A family
A unity.

We will do what is right
No matter what we are told
Rather than what we are told
No matter what is right.

Every child will grasp happiness
And never lose their innocence
They are the future
They are us.

Our minds won't be the slaves
Of another man's thinking
We'll be free
Free to ourselves.

This is the vision of America
Through the eyes of many
And from the mouths of few.

This is the America
I wish for you.
This is a response to a question asked by Flobots on one of their sites, the idea was to write America Will Be, and then describe the ideal America for all of us.  I wrote mine in a poem form, short and sweet.  Their motto (I guess that's what they call it) is from a poem by  Langston Hughes called "Let America Be America Again".
Aug 2011 · 674
Growing Up
Anthony Sexton Aug 2011
Growing up wasn't always fun
There are many battles I haven't won.
Being on the outside never helped
Nor did hiding everything I ever felt.

Growing up wasn't always fun
Paying for wrongs I'd never done.
Being alone never helped
Nor all of the anger I ever felt.

Growing up wasn't all silver and gold
Like all the fairy tales I was told.
Sometimes it was grim, sometimes dark
I wish they'd bother to tell that part.

Growing up wasn't always fun
And I'll continue to fight the battles I never won.
I'll come to the inside and won't be alone
I'll enjoy it this time before it's gone.
Aug 2011 · 474
Thank You
Anthony Sexton Aug 2011
Sometimes the world is too much to bear
The problems, the worries, everything.
But something changed, I think for the best
I found you, you found me, fate some would call it.

You've touched a part of me I never knew existed
But I guess that's what love is about, right?
Opening the eyes of someone
And maybe even their heart.

I don't know what the future's like
I've never been there.
I've been told it's a dark and dim place
But I don't mind as long as you're there.

I keep hoping this feeling stays
That's all I wanted in the beginning.
I find that it's growing, now
That my hopes are becoming dreams.

There's nothing else I could possibly ask for
Mainly because I'm happy now.
If you could see into my heart,
There'd be a mirror.
You'd see yourself and everything I cherish.

You may not realize it
But I've changed.
I may seem like the same old guy
But I'm not. I'm a happier, newer me.

I just wanted to say, thank you
For everything.
Aug 2011 · 533
To Be Stolen
Anthony Sexton Aug 2011
If only I could show you how I feel,
Then your heart would be only mine to steal.
Your kisses would be sweet upon my lips,
With our souls close together and my hands on your hips.
We'd sway and step in the moonlight glow,
Entertaining ourselves with our own little show.
My arms would be open whenever you needed relief,
This I assure, isn't make believe.
Your smile would brighten even the darkest of days,
You'd be the change in my dare-devil ways.
Just free yourself and fall into my arms,
I promise, my dear, I'll do you no harm.
Aug 2011 · 679
My Wish
Anthony Sexton Aug 2011
My wish is a kiss,
And nothing more.
Because when I look in to your eyes,
I can't help but adore.

My wish is a kiss,
And maybe your love.
Because I'll never leave your side,
Or be a "never was".

My wish is a kiss,
And to take your hand.
To see the beauty in your eyes,
As I slip on this band.

My wish is a kiss,
Before you will depart.
Because even though you're gone,
You'll remain in my heart.

So here I kneel today,
With tears in my eyes.
Your grave in my arms,
And flowers at my sides.

My wish isn't a kiss,
Or even a band.
It's to have you here,
Holding my hand.

— The End —