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Indistinguishable from the bed on which I lay
Or is it lie?

Am opening my eyes to see the light of day
But only after night

And the mucus seals my eyelids shut
And I have to ask

Did I ever wake up in the first place?
As a drone droning (, I)

In a cubic room with plenty of nothing
In an unknown town (, I)

And forget the glorious hustle
For which I groan

Eyes shut and bleeding from a screen
The Netflix streaming (, I'm)

Of being elsewhere, like a home, or the like
Having passion so closely
To me

But I'm acquainted with neither the past
Nor the present night,

Exist somewhere in between
As guilty as I am, I guiltlessly tell you that I miss you
You're never home, but hey, neither am I
Your freedom is important to you, and I want to understand that, but I can't say that I already do  

Now I have this aching, this urge, this itch, this feeling, that screams at me I have to appreciate you
And now when I try to do just that, you run away from the house which we used to live in

I hurt you whenever I pursued Romance
And that was wrought with a lack of understanding from both of us

And now here we are, standing so far away from each other, yet only a couple miles removed,
and I don't know who
or where
or what
you are anymore

You remember when we would love poetry together?
Do you remember the feelings we had and the solidarity
I remember feeling like you losing your faith was the worst thing that could happen to both of us,  

and then it happened to me

I remember fostering our relationship by going to a church which only you go to now
I miss when we talked about doing drugs in the abstract, never actually doing them
I miss when I could tell you about Romance, and you would listen

I miss sharing my whole self with you
I miss sharing any of myself with you
probably written 8-10-17
also, meh(?)
Thin, white, and a golden rose watch
Diagonally across, I sit and watch
The perhaps brilliant musings of a blonde determined to be studious
And ask only the best questions, of what do I do with this
Beautiful pony tail wrapped piece of gold
Who is no more an object than she is decrepit old
And if at one time she'd look and see this poem I write in her presence
Would she deny it like daggers or receive it like presents?

I do not know, and isn't that the whole point?
To not know, to keep the mystery in joint,
The one I have as close to me as my knuckles
And an Erosical conjecture that buckles
And heaves as if to tell me that it's not right
To sit and watch the watch to my right

Yet this conjecture is as valid as it is fruitless
Just an inflection as invalid as she is cuteless
But the cuteness still doesn't inspire me
To inhale holiness and ask the dreaded why are we
Sitting so terribly far apart, my Heart,
When we could be together a beautiful piece of art?
Lyrical, whimsical, and terribly romantic. A library poem.
Whatever thing existed
That merited that first dubbing of that word
Your long black curls are it
Though it feels that in a week
My world will end
There is life on the other side
And isn't that the point?
Have inflicted wounds and left me to suture
And labor to create my own future
An excerpt of something bigger, and less popular
There are few things
More arrogant
Than claiming to know
Who God is
Basically a mantra
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