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Anthony Duvalle Dec 2010
Hey lets start this thing and gain a little mnemonic
Cuz the teachers always explaining things so dull and robotic
But you got it, just trust this rhyme and I promise you'll have it
Let me teach you the equation for the function quadratic
It goes A, X and a 2 up high
Add that to a B multiplied with a Y
Put a plus sign and add the third term, the C
And set all that equal to a 0 bee
It's that easy, with that you can plot the graph
That will show you where the ball went and its flightpath
See the value of X shows where the line hits the axis
To illustrate where the ball was caught and where it was passed
It's cuts of cake to find this data with a formula rap
So keep in mind these fresh rhymes to the beat of the clap
You set X on the left, follow with an equal sign
Put the next little sect about a dividing line
And that little piece starts with a negative b
Add and subtract square root of B high 2 minus 4AC
Then divide what you get by 2 times A
If you forget this part man, your whole answers at stake
But if you follow my rules, and do all of this rap's math
I guarantee the next reports gonna say that you passed
Made this for a research paper my gf was writing on the benefits of learning with music
2.6k · Dec 2010
A Dance with the Devil
Anthony Duvalle Dec 2010
I once knew this one dude, whose real name I don't recall
But homie was haunted by ****, that would make your skin crawl
He'd wake up at midnight, cause he was feeling a fall
Covered in sweat, dreaming things from when he was six years tall
His uncle's a creep, a member of the ****** brigade
Real ****** up, he'd say bout anything to get laid
Spacing out, no friends, the kid just wanted to fade
So by age ten, homie cuts himself with a blade
Says it relieves, so he's always sure to make them deep
Says it fights back some things that he sees in his sleep
Awkward in class, shaking, always grinding his teeth
But no one else really knew what you can see in your dreams
When opaque, is how your barren, buried life seems
Drinking and toking just enough to make his empty room lean
Grades slipping, no job, cause they need the **** clean
******* cause unemployment can't buy the kid's green
Angry at life, his first resort was to kick and to scream
Feeling observed, living life under a social spot beam
The coach talking of courage, when he tried joining team
But I guess it's hard to keep your heart, when it bursts at the seams

So homie smoked constantly to chill out his thoughts
A high as **** THC count in every gram he bought
Seeing **** and hearing **** has got him distraught
In his mind he's not fine but what his sickness brought
Was an escape from his living, but he wanted it to stop
Addicted now to heroine so his bed he would hawk
Homies in his home alone so he scarcely would talk
Zoned with his mind blown, homie can barely even walk
But the voices always kept him company in the dark
Schizophrenia setting in, insanity's made it's mark
Hallucinating, kids ripping his punctured arms apart
Shooting up to see if he can stop the voices from the start
But AED's had to come around to kick start his heart
Overdosing, sometimes didn't think he'd ever come back
Shooting up the **** that he always carried in sack
Thought process making his mind and blood pulse attack
Stole a gun, needs some mons, now people gonna get jacked
Lost his project house so you're finding him blacked
Out on the curb but needs money earned
Succumbed to the voices he heard
And went back to his old house, sitting up in the burbs

Homie fought and he screamed but couldn't control himself
The voices told him to ****, take all the jewelry and wealth
Standing outside his old home, pacing, tearing his hair
Gun in hand, praying for help but his God wasn't there
Voices saying that homie's worthless and he deserves his despair
Telling him that if he died now the world wouldn't care
But homie felt that there was truth in every word they had said
So when they said his parents were scheming and wanted him dead
He grew paranoid and every thought he had crept with dread
You see the voices came from his brain and reflected back
Homie's rampant paranoia and his addiction to smack
If he was due for a fix, they got more persuasive and louder
And he'd feel like he was dying 'til he shot up his powder
Now he's posted up, 3AM, but his mind's lost it's time
He's lost the sense to differentiate a good deed and a crime
Back in the past, they didn't realize, but lord knows he showed the signs
And now its too late, our homie's stars have all come in line
On the doorstep, he lurks, priority's to quench this thirst
Between his fam and his fix, heroine to **** the voices comes first

He knocks three times, hides the gun in the back of his pants
If he could stop himself, he would, but he's stuck in a trance
His heart fights back but the voices take control of his hands
So when his father opened up, homie knocked him off of his stance
He had no chance, now there's a glock in the back of his throat
And he would scream for help but his windpipe's being choked
Homie cries out, "I'm sorry!" as the life left his dad's eyes
Mother ran in, paralyzed in a state of surprise
He lifted the gun and lined it up with the center of her forehead
She looked in shock at her son, her husband on the floor dead
Homie couldn't believe what the voices and his body'd just done
A loving father, now dead, killed by his ****** up son
And his mother, innocent, facing the barrel of a gun
The only gat that could do more than make that widow's blood run
So when the gunshot peeled and repainted the room
It was more than just a body that went into that tomb
A mother's love betrayed, lied dead in the same casket
And homie's realization of all this just came so fast it
Made him wanna redeem sins with punishment just as drastic
So he went through his parents house putting valuables in a basket

With his newfound cash, homie could finally **** the pain
Whispers in his ear told him that he should be ashamed
They reminded him of how his parents work was all down the drain
But he wasn't angry at the voices cause he took all the blame
He went as fast as he could, to try and get some more ****
And by the end of the night, homie had fifteen bags
Found a quite place to go where he could be all alone
Sat himself down in an alley and put his back to the stone
Pulled out his rusty syringe and an old spoon he had found
Cooked him up a couple shots and went round after round
Feeling like his life was an ocean and it was high time to drown
Visions of taunting demons encircled him and he couldn't find ground
The voices fed off of his pain and they ignored pleas to stop
So homie raised the dope amount to too much from a lot
His last shot, he cooked it all until there was none left
Pulled out a picture of his family that he always had kept
Looked at his parents holding him as an infant and wept
Pushed down the hammer, O.D.ed and took homie's last breath
He died in that alleyway and no one really knew
The story of what had happened to him, what homie'd gone through
Then the Devil approached his victim and collect his spirit
And there's a lesson to this story, I'm just hoping you hear it
So if the Devil wants to dance with you, you better say never
Because a dance with the Devil might last you forever...
Over the beat for "Dance with the Devil" by Immortal Technique.

******=North American Man/Boy Love Association
Anthony Duvalle Jun 2010
Blue infinity
Beautiful serenity
Breaking enmity
Food hopes crumbling
Stomach empty, grumbling
Taco bound stumbling
Polite, Educated
Enlightening, Enriching, Enthralling
Teachers, Students, Idiots, Parasites
Disgusting, Debilitating, Degrading
Disrespectful, Obnoxious
Poetic, Spoken
Rhyming, Entertaining, Battling
Real rap takes skill
Hip Hop
Unskilled, Foolish
Annoying, Boring, Defaming
Cinquains wish they were poetry
1.7k · Aug 2011
The Dead in the Street
Anthony Duvalle Aug 2011
I’m getting lost on this trail of my thoughts now I’m surrounded
Repressed how the shooter was dressed and how he sounded
Detectives saying recall’s selective, I’m not clouded
But it’s all boiled down to he’s dead and I’ve allowed it

The gun shots rang out, his whole chest caved in
Body hit the ground, the older folk began their praying
Shooters car peeling as soon as he finished spraying
My mind’s still saying there’s ways that I could have saved him
The concrete seemed to stick to my feet
I kept screaming, “You’re not dead, wake up, you’re just asleep!”
A horror scene homie always sees in his dreams
When nightmares control so much more than they seem
Checked the vitals, no trace of a pulse
Lost his life to some men who just shoot, **** and bolt
Men who rep to the death their colors, strapped with heat
But all colors bleed red when you’re lying dead in the street
I’m selling out my soul, my demons unleashed
Closing all my doors, punctuating the length of my reach
Giving up on school, teacher says she doesn’t speak slang
I retreat into my native land and run with the gang

I guess I wigged out, probably cause the pain was too much
Always kept in heart my homie, how his death was unjust
We used to smoke blunts, get down with the OPP
Now I’m busting shots, ducking from the C-O-P’s

After years of wilding out a gangsta starts to get ruthless
I could **** a man or worse, leave him tortured and toothless
Disrespect or debt mean death when you mess with my set
We’re coming quicker than a jet if the deadline aint met

I’m setting sights on stacks, a crazy train that ran off the tracks
I got a loco motive, loco mind, you boys best wear flaks
And my fury’s aimed at any lame that slows up my gain
Selling pure *******, it’s all about the cream up for claim

Controlling corners, got the junkies begging on knees
I got soldiers and I like your car so give me the keys
You got a bounty if you leave without paying your cheese
I got a Browning just in case police bust in yelling “FREEZE!”

Now I’m posted down the street a youngin holding his heat
Smoking joints of ****, waiting for the hit, breathing deep
His name is Johnny, at 5 on 10th walk el y amigo
But he owes me mons so homie’s got problemas conmigo
We tailed him two blocks, parked cause we’re starting suspicion
And police patrol this highway, sirens slow up your mission

Some stupid homies think they’re Tonys, I just sit back and listen
You gotta stand up with your heat if you gon’ come in this kitchen
But play my money, nothing funny, dummy thinks that he’s safe
Just cause he’s got himself a heat, and he’s been selling it straight

Who fronted you that coca kid? Who got you all that profit?
You got moved to the first class and thought you flew cockpit
I told you watch it, cheat me once won’t live to regret it
Cheated twice, so **** your second chance you’ve run out your credit

So yeah that’s me rolling up slow and smooth on you and your boy
I’ve got an *** automatic, fates been sealed, get destroyed
Lean out the window, load the clip, bandana as camo
Slow my roll, collect this soul, your time hits null with this ammo


I’ve gotten lost on this trail of my thoughts now they’ve surrounded
I’m dressed as the shooter, the blessed stay far from round it
Detective’s saying my main objective was not found yet
But the killer crashed his car after killing and that’s what counted

My gun shots rang out, his whole chest caved in
Body hit the ground, I told you folk I wasn’t playing
I peeled off quickly as soon as I’d done the slaying
And now I’m rigid laying, a pool of my blood to bathe in
I couldn’t quit, I saw myself in this kid
Screaming, kneeling, not truly grasping what the killer just did
Eyes staring back, body avoiding doing a bid
Going too fast, a turn caused my Scion to skid
They’ve checked my vitals, no trace of a pulse
Led my life as a parasite, just basked in my faults
I guess I repped to the death my colors, but can’t you see?
My colors bled red, I join the dead in the street
Revised and full version of "Horrify, not Glorify"
1.5k · Dec 2010
My New Xanax
Anthony Duvalle Dec 2010
I stutter
I shake
I sweat
Until this attack has passed
I fumble
I struggle
For breath
This one may be my last
You take hold
I breathe
I'm calm
Put my anxiety right to sleep
I need you
These pills
Were wrong
But you, my new Xanax, I'll keep
1.1k · Sep 2011
A Cheater's Plea
Anthony Duvalle Sep 2011
Caitlin, Courtney, Emma, and Ellen
Just a few of the girls that I know
I hit it, I quit it, forget it so quick
Their name disappears at the do'
They're here for the night and our bodies connect
At the hand, then the mouth, then the groin
This fish has been caught but my skin remains taut
Confining my soul from being joined
Until she arrives, these girls can kick back
Watch TV, relax, but leave me alone
I'll shout when I need, and grin when they leave
But grieve until my darling comes home
She'll walk through the door, I'll forget all those ******
Came by to visit or even existed
Forgive me my sins, a villain, ich bin
But simple *** is in man's logistics
Call me a chauvinist but when the days over with
I always treat my lady like a queen
The one-nighters sustain lust ingrained in my brain
But none mean a thang [sic] when I'm with that girl of my dreams
887 · Dec 2010
Horrify, Not Glorify
Anthony Duvalle Dec 2010
I'm getting lost on this trail of my thoughts now I'm surrounded
Repressed how the shooter was dressed and how he sounded
Detectives saying recalls selective, I'm not clouded
But it's all boiled down to his dead and I've allowed it
The gun shots rang out, his whole chest caved in
Body hit the ground, the older folks began their praying
Shooters car peeling as soon as they finished spraying
My mind's still saying there's ways that I could've saved him
Concrete beneath seemed to stick to my feet
I kept screaming, "you're not dead, wake up, you're just asleep!"
A horror scene, real things he always sees in his dreams
When nightmares control your life so much more than they seem
Checked the vitals, there was no trace of a pulse
Lost his life to some men who just shoot, **** and bolt
Men who rep to the death their colors, trapped with heat
But colors don't mean **** when you're covered in red, dead in the street
777 · Jul 2010
Push, click
Anthony Duvalle Jul 2010
Push, click

And the ink is exposed to the paper
I am a poet, disguised as a faker
My lies and deceit have made the ink run
Words are dripping down, great, I just spilled my ***

Push, click

So the ink will not dry during clean up
I never get the wishes that I dream up
That's why my *** has been spilled
And the room's yet to tilt
My mind is a quilt with the seams cut

Push, click

Pen, paper
Alleviate, redeem, numb
Please someone get me more ***

Push, click

And **** a cinquain
I'm sick of this ****, I'm done playing games
Always a *****, seems I only complain
Enough of these thoughts, they're always the same
I'll weather the weather, meditate in the rain

Push, click
755 · Aug 2011
Nightmarish Relations
Anthony Duvalle Aug 2011
A familiar theme in the romance scene
Nightmarish relations with the girl of my dreams
I love her too much and cant stand to be that guy
That gets too buck, ***** up and makes baby cry
I sigh, stroke my chin and think of how to resolve
Fix her fractured heart while having my stupid sins absolved
I fall, crawl, straighten back and lift up my chin
Keep my cool, keep those scraps of anger trashed in the bin
Or fin, game over, that’s all she wrote and neither wants that
I’m no magician though, can’t pull solutions outta my hat
We gotta sit down love, and keep the conversation cool
But you keep screaming, steaming, scheming sweethearts acting a fool
And we lovers hold hands the whole haul into Hell
So I’m not quitting on you, hope I’m not just speaking for self
But if I am than give me up and let me **** off my guilt
Can’t believe I broke the beams to the house that we built
Keep your head covered darling, and rush yourself out the door
The weight of mistakes is too much, I’ll just stay stuck to the floor
Anthony Duvalle Jun 2010
Should I kiss the seal of this letter
And attempt to attach my love
Say you're lighter than a feather
That your kisses are like a drug

Would it do justice to add a gift
A gold necklace or a locket
Or say I'll always uplift
Your broken heart and never drop it

Would these things help you to love me
Or to make compassion lasting
I think not! and I hope you'll see
Our love never needed crafting

For you are my soul mate, I swear I'm being honest
And I'll never let you go again, carino, this I truly promise
Anthony Duvalle Dec 2010
Caitlin was her name
My very first girl
I was only eight years old
Thought she was my world
So when we would hold hands
I'd hold hers oh so dear
But then I moved out of the state
And Caitlin just disappeared

Victoria was pure magic
I felt I could fly
She lived so far away
But swore love'd get us by
She spoke to me like I was hers
I held her words so dear
She drifted further over time
And Vicky too disappeared

Sarah was a bit complex
Only cause she loved me so
We were closer than any
Wondered where our future'd go
Our love was one we would make
So the *** was oh so dear
But then I made a big mistake
Now Sarah's gone, disappeared

Elizabeth seems so different
Although I can't explain
So many things to say about her
But not a one I would change
All these things about the past
That I had always held dear
Don't mean a thing with our love
Because our love is still here.
628 · Jun 2010
Love Is...
Anthony Duvalle Jun 2010
Love is an ever-flowing river
Smoothing out sharp, jagged rocks
Love is a surprising thing
Bringing together a hound and a fox
Love is beyond any human words
Yet everyone speaks it so beautifully
Love is a smile with no reason
That speaks to the world so truthfully
Love is the swaying corn stalks
In a golden field of memories
Love is an awkward new home
Broken in by those who live with me
Love is a breathless moment
With only two people in the world
Love is a simply complex thing
That's more than just a boy and a girl
Love is perfect as is
I'm glad that it's inexplicable
Love is it's own new world
Let's hope that its orbit's elliptical
Love is an unselfish hate
Anything to protect your kin
Love is what was missing
In that shiny man made of tin
Love is paint filling negative space
Erasing the confusion of what's beneath
Love is an echoing voice in a cave
And a lesson we all can teach
Love is a connection of the eyes
Just knowing that the other is there
Love is something we all have
I'd hardly say that love is rare
498 · Jun 2010
My Ray
Anthony Duvalle Jun 2010
Tangerine skies have come and gone
All those crisp amber leaves withered away
Day after day I think of you
And for that moment, everything's okay
I lay beneath the willow tree
Empty eyes shut, I feel my whole world sway
Each ray of sun is it's own world
Without you, everyone of them is gray
And opaque, with not a word said
So I'll keep you close and never stray
If I may, I'll take your left hand
Grow with you and live happy by the bay
I'll stay until the end of time
But before I am dead, I have to say
That fate has brought you to my ray
And I wouldn't have it any other way

— The End —