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Jul 2014 · 302
Be a kind person.
“If you don’t like me,
Okay, that’s fine.
If I don’t like you,
That choice is mine.
But don’t go talking behind my back,
Just say it to my face or move ahead.
If you can’t say something nice then don’t say anything at all.
Just be a kind person,
The world could use that overall.”
Jul 2014 · 383
“Why do you say things without thinking,
Words hurt too.
But you obviously don’t get it,
Because nobody is mean to you.
Everything you say can be like a knife through someones heart.
Think of what you say before you’re the reason somebody’s falling apart.”
Jul 2014 · 322
“Lately i’ve been feeling more,
More alone than before.
I have no one,
It’s just me, myself and I.
I don’t know how different I can describe,
Describe what’s going on, what’s going through my head.
If you’d ever know my thoughts, you would probably think i’m mad.”
Jul 2014 · 346
“Sometimes people say i’m mean.
Or as heartless, I can be seen.
But what most people don’t know is my story.
Because if they knew, they’d probably worry.
Nobody knows my thoughts, and maybe it’s for the best,
So adventually, the demons inside me can get some rest.”
Jul 2014 · 255
08/07/2014 [ 11:57 PM ]
“I’m empty, I don’t know how to feel.
Staring at the wall, is this even real ?
Am I really alive, or just simply existing ?
Just being here, wondering what the future will bring.
But all of this is just an illusion, bringing nothing but confusion.
Well I have some advice.
Don’t get trapped in this empty hole,
Just go and keep up this happy role.”
Jul 2014 · 273
09/07/2014 [ 00:09 AM ]
“I try so hard not to focus on this,
But I guess this is just another big wish.
I wish to not be so alone, or at least lonely.
Wait, that’s not true.
My biggest wish is to be free.
Free from all the hatred, to live without a care.
To be breathing, and actually feel the air.
Independent, on my own.
Whatever you’ll say, I will not frown.
Freedom is happiness, to your mind and to your soul.
To love the life you live, to be in control.”
Dec 2013 · 3.7k
The first time we met...
You catched my eye the first time we met,
I don't know but I hope my first impression wasn't so bad.
We started talking a little and soon you had my heart,
You may not know you have it but please don't tear it apart.
I really like you and for the first time it feels right,
And to be honest, you're all I can think about at night.
One single thought off you can get a smile on my face,
It's something you can't just simply erase.
I really do hope that you maybe might like me as much as I like you,
I wish it wasn't too good to be true.
Dec 2013 · 363
Your smile, your lips, your hair and your eyes.
It makes me want to be with you and never say goodbye.
You're so cute it makes me a little shy, and to be honest, I don't know why.
You're really funny, you make me laugh.
I'm just really glad we met.
Oct 2013 · 406
Just because..
Just because they listen,
Doesn't mean they care.
Just because they're here,
Doesn't mean they're there.
Just because they're dead,
Doesn't mean they're gone.
Just because one day is bad,
Doesn't mean eveything is wrong.
Sep 2013 · 480
When you're done with crying,
You've got to get up and keep trying.
Fight with the demons inside,
Who make you feel like you want to die.
Feel like you're never good enough,
But you are, it's true.
So get up and try,
Go on and fight.
Sep 2013 · 497
I need a hero, could it be you ?
To be honest, I wish it was true.
I need to be saved 'cause i'm drowning inside.
The demons are taking over my soul,
They've created this big dark hole.
So a hero has to come and save me,
Or I'll never be free.
Sep 2013 · 1.6k
That weird girl.
When the night comes to life and the moon has arrived.
When the clouds disappear and there's no one near.
That weird girl from down the street, cries herself again to sleep.
Even with tears streaming down her face, she would tell you that she's okay.
You can tell by her eyes that she's telling a lie, all we want to know is why.
Why is she lying ?
Why is she crying ?
Is there something that she is hiding ?
Yes there is but she's staying strong and she won't ever tell you what the hell is wrong.
Sep 2013 · 318
The grass is green, the sky is blue.
All day i'm dreaming of things that won't ever come true.
Thinking about your smile, your lips and your eyes.
Hoping that someday, you will be mine.
But it are just dreams that won't ever come true.
Because i'm me and you are you.
Sep 2013 · 368
2 AM.
2AM, She's still awake.
Endless thinking and ready to break.
Lying there, thinking about what she could do.
Knowing the only one to blame is you.
Would she choose the razor or the gun ?
And after hours of crying she decides the devil has won.
She takes the gun and set it to her head.
She pulled the trigger, and then she was dead.
Sep 2013 · 500
The sun.
Waking up, the sun’s shining bright.
When I look into the sun, i’m getting blinded by the light.
I love how the sun, touches my skin.
It’s a way to let the positive energy in.
But when I look further, I can see a rainbow too.
It might be strange but it reminds me of you.
Those cheerful collors, it radiates happiness.
It’s making me think about you and your smile.
I keep thinking about you for a while.
Happy thoughts cross my mind.
Thinking about how you’re so kind.
I start the day with some positive energy,
Just so I can handle reality.
Sep 2013 · 1.3k
That person.
Looking for someone who cares,
Waiting until that person appears.
So i’m sitting here, waiting.
Thinking off you,
I wish my dreams would come true.
Maybe you’re that person,
The one who will care.
But probably not,
Because if you where, you would be here, with me.
And then I wouldn’t have to miss you.
But know I do..
So i’m sitting here, waiting.
Waiting until that person appears,
The one who cares.
Sep 2013 · 331
Why am I the only one in pain ?
Why do I always get the blame ?
I know I do everything wrong,
But i’m trying my hardest to stay strong.
Why can’t these feelings just go away ?
It keeps haunting me day by day.
Sep 2013 · 293
Why are we dreaming ?
We know they won’t come true.
Maybe I’ll keep dreaming,
Because I like to dream of you.
And I would like to make myself believe,
That all this isn’t just a dream.
But then I remind myself I need to think straight,
And dreams are called dreams for a reason.
The thing is, you just need to believe it.
But I can’t believe them because I know they won’t come true,
Cause you don’t like me but I do like you.
Sep 2013 · 352
I would rather sleep,
Because that’s the only way to dream.
Dreaming about you,
Why can’t dreams come true ?
Probably because they are made up in my mind,
Where all my wishes are left behind.
Also the memories that faded away,
But the problem is, the scars stayed.
Sep 2013 · 377
I know..
I know i’m stupid, ugly, fat and lazy,
And sometimes I get a little bit crazy.
Crazy of the people who judge about me all the time,
And I always need to pretend i’m fine.
I try so hard to convince myself that it’s okay,
To feel  this way.
But my feelings could mean everything,
Or just nothing at all.
And I would not like,
To see myself fall.
Sep 2013 · 405
In the night.
When you look outside in the middle of the night,
You’ll see the stars shine, shining so bright.
With rain comming up, the clouds are here.
And I don’t think they will disappear.
Rain falling on the ground,
Hearing that amazing sound.
Sitting in silence,
Listening to the rain.
Lost in your mind,
Whit thoughts driving you insane.
Sitting alone in your room,
Staring at the beautiful  moon.
Seeing the stars, shining so bright.
In the middle of the night.
Sep 2013 · 377
One day.
One day, everything fell out of place.
I walked right into the maze.
Feeling so lost and confused,
Torn apart, ready to lose.
Hurt, broken, must I go on ?
Lonely , sad, it’s happening for so long.
Sep 2013 · 590
Inner thoughts.

These feelings can’t be cured.
They’ll stay forever in my mind,
The words people spoke that are so unkind.

Not good enough.

My life became so tough.
But still, I try to stay strong,
Even when everything goes wrong.
Sep 2013 · 536
Ghosts are comming into town,
Everybody, scream and shout.
Only the happy people scream,
But the broken ones don't care, it seems.
The ghosts are taking over this place,
While singing this happy song they made.
'' Oh oh, sing along.
The humans are finally dead and gone.
The happiness that we killed,
Oh oh, i'm so thrilled.''
And suddenly the ghosts disappeard,
But actually, no one cheered.
The happiness is gone,
and so is my soul.
The happy thoughts are killed,
in this place they don't belong.

— The End —