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a wildfire Jun 2015
your freckled eyes and stone shaped mouth.
perfect as rocks brushed by the waves.
young apollo.
you are summer shaped in winter's throat.
the fruit that seeds but never blooms.
a secret best kept.

kept tangled in your hair
bathed in spring's first light.
a wildfire Jun 2015
your lips are like the gods.
storm born. raging. your eyes created from the longest of winters.
filled with heat that
could ever keep. it bellows down inside of you. beckoning, swollen
up with flies from last nights ****.

this world gives you nothing.
a wildfire Jun 2015
your braided sandal curls
black as your eyes on a
cold december morning.

peacemaker. promise keeper.
a weight lifted.
you cannot save everyone.
a wildfire May 2015
we loved so much
until we were all gods
an extension of everything
bleeding out over seasons
over years that cannot be covered.
the way summer lit up your eyes
in the late afternoon
you were born from gold and
there you'll lay for the last time.
i loved you more than anything.

the trees were greenest the day you left.
i can't speak for you,
sometimes i can't speak at all.

eight floors up, i'm thinking of you again.
a wildfire May 2015
we are all flesh and love and bone. my head hurts from thinking about the past.
who I was isn't who I am but I get mixed up when I think about us.
the amount of blood I've seen spilled over you would pour out over the mountains where we first met. filling valleys. washing over me and mixing with my own.
I can't forget because you still laugh the same. your eyes carry that same burden. pain you've bore your whole life long.
I heard someone say:
"there are all kinds of love but never the same love twice."

I believe them.
a wildfire May 2015
you are talking and i hear nothing
except flowers missing spring
buried deep beneath winter
burdened so heavy with purpose
but no way of showing.

i have retraced steps
to when you were golden
glowing at the back door
and i was april
standing open wide,
waiting at the storm door to let you in.

your laugh is like a familiar song.
i know the words but can't sing them without you.
a wildfire Apr 2015
you were tall and brave
and everything that i wanted.

funny how the weather makes you remember things.

you ripped me limb from limb
but i will carry you inside of me until i die.
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