Our lives are not our own.
From womb, to tomb, we are bound by others.
And by each crime, and kindness, we birth our future.
“Everything bad that’s ever happened is my fault.
Nobody wants me here.
I don’t have a family.
Everything I touch falls apart.
Maybe I deserve to be alone.
Why would they care?
I am nobody.
I never came when they needed me.
I am a failure.
Stupid *******, make a wish.
I wish I was dead.”
I want it to end.
I’ve always wondered if there was something wrong with me.
Ever since I was young, I felt like I didn’t belong.
I always thought I wasn’t good enough, so I never showed the real me.
I hated myself.
But then I realized something important.
That no matter how alone and helpless I felt,
whenever I looked around me,
I saw millions of shinning stars.
No matter how scared,
Once I finally jumped,
My wings started to grow.
And the further I flew,
The stronger I got,
And I know you can be strong too.