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1.8k · Apr 2013
Remember to Breathe
Anonymous thanks Apr 2013
Remember to breathe.
It’s simple – it is.
It should not be so hard but my lungs would have me suffocate
If my willpower were not so sturdy,
Or merely selfish.

I can’t quite decide how I feel as of yet,
But everything’s changing and my willpower's spent.

I hate being wrong, and despise saying please.
I think begging is weak, but I’m here on my knees.
“I am stubborn, conceited, I don’t need to have friends.”
I tell myself daily that these are my assets.
See, if I’m a freak, well at least I’m the best,
And no advantage can come from a pain in my chest.
Yet it might just be worth it, though it doesn't make sense,
If instead day to day I can look at your face.

I've never admitted defeat before,
I won’t say it aloud, but this is new and I’m lost,
I’m vulnerable, scared – I’m doubtful, unsure.
Emotions are foreign, not of my attributes –
I don’t want them to be. I don’t want to fall into
The same traps that those who are ordinary do,
But I suppose that there are exceptions to rules.

This in no way should work - it’s dysfunctional, wrong.
I’m unstable as ever, but almost feel I belong.
We are both faulted in our own different ways
And we feed off each other, more madness and chaos, more driving of rage.
Yet dichotomy dictates that there's something in this,
something so perfect which can contradict
all of the pettiness, all the insane,
for I've never felt more alive in my pain.

It’s as if you’re the puzzle piece I didn't know I was missing,
The part that completes me and fills me right up,
With a feeling I knew not could ever end up
Affecting or noticing someone like me,
At the midst of it all I just hope that you’d be
In the same situation if I told you my thoughts:
As confused as I am – but could still take the lead – in short:
Stay here, don’t go, I don’t want you to leave.
Now I stand, close my eyes, remember to breathe.
1.5k · May 2013
An Autumn's Musings
Anonymous thanks May 2013
The air is damp and fresh,
the scent of new rain perfumes all that surrounds me
and thin mist lingers in the atmosphere.
It caresses my face when I walk through it's path,
a simple, happy path,
like moth's wings on silk, and it no longer stings.

A large oak tree stands tall and mighty, a magnificent display of solidarity -
but not imposing.
It is kind and bare and humble,
and I see that we are both stripped in some way, raw and defrocked.
I touch the last trace of green it possesses,
the last bit of hope and the last reminder that things come back
and that things move forward,
soft moss under the pads of my fingertips, soaked and sponge like,
and just there - clean and true.

I turn up my collar against the wind and tighten the wrap of my coat around me,
still clinging,
but at least I'm shielding myself from the cold.
I'm still allowed to cling just a little, I think. Sometimes we need to cling -
to help us let go.
And anyway, I know that change has arrived at last, no matter how small it is,
because although the only embrace I receive here, aside from the fabric of my coat, is the bitter cold,
I am not bitter.
And this chill does nothing but bring peace,
and somehow warm my heart this time instead of freezing it.

A ruby under the wet russet leaves
is what I see through the remnants of the rain.
Peel away the outer layers so that I can remember what is beautiful.
These colours do not look like blood anymore;
they're a sunset: fading but with a guaranteed return.

Beginnings, endings, departures and returns -
that is an existence.
But a life
is when we look back with both longing and acceptance,
to never forget but never dwell too long
on what has been.

Sweetness, bitterness, sourness:
a weary traveler making his way along a path
with Autumn meadow on one side: tranquility and rest,
and Autumn meadow on the other: Summer is ended and so are you.
I know which side I'm ready to seek now.

For what is taken in Autumn,
is also returned.
And the evidence is in your being on this side of the path with me.
I know - because I see the good things now.
I see only the beautiful colours and the chestnuts and the mercifully short days.

Yes. This Autumn will be different.
1.1k · Jun 2013
It all means something
Anonymous thanks Jun 2013
To hold a pen, all trembling nib and leaking tip,
At your mercy, supple in your hands,
Over the skin of soon-to-be words, people and places:

Gently exploding ink bombs of which I cherish total control –
Until I have to let them go -
until they are released and left to their own free will.
They bend and curl
And I bend and curl with them – through a place of rubble and debris,
Of clear water on emeralds and grey, creamy smoke.
A wasteland – but far from empty – a silvery mire filled with all the things of this earth.
Something both post and pre-apocalyptic that smells of old wood and heady incense,
Nostalgia and new memories.

Accidentally, messily, flawlessly crafted.

I wait for more sporadic dark poolings,
And they happen within quick succession of one another;
Isolated limbs and drops of a purple chemical
Spreading, bleeding, dissolving
Over the grainy paper.

The page is torn and frayed at the edges
Where almost fabric-like fibres
Were unable to withstand the impact of a knife’s blade,
Ripping all the tiny seams which bind them together,
Coming apart,
Strand by dusty strand.

What is finished, what is done –
Is what has been given kindness,
And settled to rest.
As if drunk, sleepy, disorientated but somehow acutely aware of exactly where you are.
The feeling of dizziness where everything is hazy, fuzzy, blurry –
Inducing a comfortable, ***** slumber
In an old *** and vanilla shop.
Aureate, bronze pearls slide over each other, silky and luke-warm,
As you peer through glass and lace,
The spheres chinking together, a thousand times over.

A pen held above the paper, now still and impassive.
It is mine and I am its,
And we stand alone on the corner of a pavement,
A streetlamp
Rendering the scene golden in the rain.
926 · Aug 2013
To Keep
Anonymous thanks Aug 2013
Give me the quietness
But don’t show me the cost.
I see the braces,
Good graces
And faces we lost

Knowing is a virtue, yes
But here I’d rather not.
I find the traces,
And laces
And places in cloth

In a worldly museum fashion,
I’ll curate every bone of your form;
Every hard, indispensable ration you've got
Beneath muscle and skin and blood pawns.
Make it life-affirming
Need you murmuring my name,
Panting, yearning
We’ll craft a shelter out of the rain.

We are made of many things
And our fabrics rot,
But still I’m racing
Taking, tasting
And my blood clots.

You clot it better than any,
And explain why it needs to be done.
You are peace, you are healing
And you've got me down kneeling
All  I hear, all I’m feeling, every string that I strum.
884 · Apr 2013
Isolated Moment
Anonymous thanks Apr 2013
Frowning through my tears of joy,
I’m the kind of person who
Glowers when happy - plays decoy,
But I’ll always bleed for you.

Kiss me – in the wind and rain.
Touch me – I want to feel the strain.
Hold me – I need to hear your heart beating.
Warm me – in the cold and dark.
Break me – into a million shards.
Take me – I want all of you and nothing else.

Something unbound, something awakened,
Something made of revelations sweet,
Something which we don’t have to hasten,
Somewhere that I don’t have to fear,
Something renowned - lost in translation,
Something of an exploration sweet,
Something without abnegation,
Something born of deprivation’s heat,
Something from our raw starvation,
Something to give affirmation sweet,
Something of pure intoxication,
Something free of all complications prior,
Something in my adoration,
Something in your infiltration sweet,
Something in our desperation,
Something which dares not even one glance back,
Something without hesitation.

But so simple.
837 · Apr 2013
Anonymous thanks Apr 2013
I am selfish, I am needy,
I am weak but I won’t cry;
I’m undeserving of your sympathy,
But I've got no other lies.

Our memories hold little nostalgia,
And you’d seldom care to dwell
‘Pon them, yet the story is written –
Cover bound and faded and dull.

All the bloodstains on the pages,
Old, tattered paper bearing scars,
The cursive writing smudged now –
Under years and years of bars.

See the letters (carefully written),
By your majestic hand,
Woven of elegance, you so delicate
With all your rings and bands.

It was war then: **** then comfort –
So fragile and ornate,
And I wonder, even to this day,
Why you don’t seem to hate.

You’re a light, dear – my hope – even here.
You are warm, you’re like the sun;
I’m a sunflower, but I’m so cold –
I crave your heat, your glow, your touch.
And contrary to popular belief,
I find it’s love that is best served cold,
Since the loving of another
Is a most pressing chore to hold.

Yes, I know you shouldn't help me.
I shouldn't take advantage of you.
But I’m broken. And I love you.
It’s not poetry but it’s true.

Well, at least I assure you I’m real,
Though our roots are bitter and drear;
Still they soak up all the blood here,
For in time, all wounds can heal.

Cry again, dear, if it helps you,
And I’ll try my best not to see
Past the origins of right and of wrong -
If you’ll just stay with me.
This one's more of a song but I guess if you read it with the right rhythm then it sounds okay.
525 · Aug 2013
At the Suicide Spot
Anonymous thanks Aug 2013
Maybe you’ve traded something
for something else -
Somewhere you didn’t want to call home.
And now you’re stuck;
Like light in the window
Seeping through the curtains,
In from the ledge where many once fell.
Light where two birds
Fly, soar and dart
In the hope that they might find their way home.

Here from the pane I watch
The never-ending show –
The way the yellow-grey skies collide.
Like light in the window
Trapped between the blinds,
And tumbling from the sill of a thousand lost souls.
Light telling us that we shan’t
Vow to seek forever
All in the hope that we’ll no longer have to hide.

— The End —