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Jul 2012 · 695
anonymous Jul 2012
There is a place I used to know quite well,
It rained quite often, I love those smells,
On occasion I was visited by some I love,
They would venture down from a place above,
I would smile as they slowly reached my essence,
They would stand aghast, mouths agape in reverence,
At the ramparts around us for it was a castle,
But when I think back I have fought my last battles,
The place I once knew is now in a state of decay,
The shrines to things lost always force you to pay,
For my friends that once came no more exhale the day,
This place is long forgotten, shrouded in doubt,
When I try to return it just kicks me out,
No longer can I feast with my brothers,
Because the place I once knew is cursed by my lovers,
They like to pretend I no longer exist,
I tried to end it; I put up my fist,
But the thing that most haunts me is the lack of your kiss,
But no more will I envy you, your carefree bliss,
For the last time has come when I think of your eyes,
Because every time I sleep my dream slowly dies.
Jul 2012 · 1.4k
I am with you
anonymous Jul 2012
I’m with you in Sisters,
Where our aspirations are only as big as the mountains around us,
I’m with you in Sisters,
Where the only people that matter are right here with us,
I’m with you in Sisters,
Where a harvest moon smiles back at us in the night,
I’m with you in Sisters,
Your dreams of being a painter have come back to you,
And there is no need for artificial bliss,
I’m with you in Sisters,
The sounds of the basketball can be heard with the mirth of a generation,
I’m with you in Sisters,
There are no steps left to take onto the train that leads only to
A future without me,
I’m with you in sisters,
And we can hear the snow before it comes,
And the lamas grazing in the woods with their friends,
I’m with you in Sisters,
We clean the stalls with urgency,
For what awaits inside is better than real life,
I’m with you in sisters,
The smell of spring is here, and the birds won’t stop for us,
And the mountains smile back at the youth left behind us,
I’m with you in Sisters,
Where you can’t forget me so the camera isn’t necessary,
And the scent dancing faintly at the edge of our noses is bread baking in the house,
I’m with you in Sisters,
I wish we grew up here together, would I be different?
Would you?
I’m with you in Sisters,
Where I can’t get the Bridgetown out of my head,
So nothing seems real,
I’m with you in Sisters,
It’s June, and I’ve bought a cabin in the field where we forgot ourselves,
And you all come have a *** of coffee and we go on adventures together,
Where we don’t need swords or magic,
I’m with you in Sisters,
Where the machinations of men can’t affect the splendor of the seasons,
We will never frown again,
We will never sleep again,
We will never fight again,
I’m with you in Sisters,
We are kids forever, and there is nothing to forget because every day is perfect in a different way.

— The End —