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  Jun 2014 Annie Tompkins
Devon Lane
I wrote you a poem,
But I dropped it amongst the stars.
It wound up on the ceiling
While we were chasing cars.

I wrote you a poem,
But it dissolved into the ocean.
A fisherman caught it
While his net was in motion.

I wrote you a poem,
But it's on the other side of the world,
In another man's hands,
His fingers distorted and curled.

I wrote you a poem,
But you haven't read it yet.
Someday you will,
For now it hides in your silhouette.
  Jun 2014 Annie Tompkins
Devon Lane
My nightmares?
They aren't just nightmares.
They're more like...
night apocalypses.
My entire world
shakes hands with death
in every single
twilight terror...


Life that once so desperately
clung to your lips,
has bestowed it's final kiss.  
Golden flesh is now fresh powdered mountains.
Emerald and fiery yellow hues have
departed the only eyes
I will ever drown in.

Please wake up.
Annie Tompkins Apr 2014
gone like the effortless breeze and the hollowed out phrases that follow.

gone like the farewell that is followed by kisses the sun gives the moon and they cross paths

gone like the space between madness and love

gone like my idea of what perfection truly is

gone like the streak of confidence I tried to evolve around

gone like the open and flowing sea that is now a dry population of emptiness

gone like the feelings I assembled in hopes to construct a new being

gone like the bright window of aspirations that so effortlessly stood, now in shatters of emotion

gone will I be when you need me

gone will I be when I'm the only one "left"

gone will I be when the blue bird whispers a telling that you miss me

gone will I be when you say you love me

gone will I be when you finally realize

that I'm gone.

— The End —