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Sep 2016 · 533
Cruel Cruel Nature
Annie Allways Sep 2016
Unperturbed by the downward flow
That covers all life with a mask of snow
As snowflakes flutter blown from the sky
White drifts build up forming where they lie
An owl hoots and swoops upon it's prey
The rabbit squeaks and scoots away
It skittles into the warm burrow hole
All safe and sound such a happy soul
And up above the snow does fall
But bunny is curled in a fluffy ball
The screeching owl soars up so high
Too wise to waste another try
On a branch it perches waiting in a tree
A twisting head what can it see
A rusty fox out for a walk
Too big a meal the owl won't stalk
Now Mr fox sniffs all around
Very soon begins to dig the ground
White snow and earth it scoops behind
A bunny meal is on his mind
Twit twoo a ghostly sound
Keep digging Mr fox below the ground
Suddenly the rabbit flees
And Mr tawny drops from the trees
A rabbit meal a second chance
The sneaky fox it fails to glance
They swoop and pounce all three collide
That's how the owl the fox and the rabbit died
Sep 2016 · 193
Annie Allways Sep 2016
Dreams, are they really for real
They float around in your mind
Determined to help make you feel
They try, and help change the way
Changing light into darkness
Then darkness back into light day

Heat, blazing out of the flame
Pictures flicker and dancing
All jumping and playing a game
High, becoming the new low
Floating may well just be falling
For speed really is the fast slow

Eyes, should only be open
Looking like they should be closed
Squinting not once but quite often
Sleep, the awake of the dreamers
Awake the bane of us all
For dreams are the greatest of schemers
Sep 2016 · 206
A Day
Annie Allways Sep 2016
Dark is lifting
Light is shifting
Warming up the days
Shadows dimmer
Mirages shimmer
Dancing in the haze

Dipple dapple
Dipple dapple
Sparkling through the trees
Clouds a floating
Mist all bloating
Blustered by a breeze

Birds are swooping
Swans are whooping
Winging in the sky
Weather shifting
Snow is drifting
Blown by winds so high

Here comes twilight
Starting the night
Soon a day is done
Snuggle down so
Wait tomorrow
Two becoming one
Sep 2016 · 250
Annie Allways Sep 2016
Push-Let's do it together
Pull-Let's do it my way
Left-Let's meet in the middle
Right-Let's try go astray

In-Let's push to the left now
Out-Let's pull to the right
Up-Let's go down the left side
Down-Let's veer to the right

Yes-Let's say it is my fault
No-Let's try to surprise
Both-Let's do it together
Both-Let's try compromise
Sep 2016 · 475
Annie Allways Sep 2016
I'm a freelance lover
And I know no shame
You don't need feelings
That's not in the game
I'll take you to one side
To tell you all the things
No pride no promise no wedding rings

No need for idle chit chat
No reason for concern
In the game of freedom
There is a lot to learn
Yet do I feel at ease
Is this an empty life life
No husband no lover no waiting wife
Sep 2016 · 221
Annie Allways Sep 2016
Darkness is creeping
It flows in my head
Sunlight can't help me
The dark is my dread

Madness vile madness
Pray tell what is that
I may see a dog
Yet my eyes see cat

I have heard a voice
So loud in my head
Just like a dream
While lying in bed

Talking yes talking
Can sure ease my pain
Darkness vile darkness
Washed clean with the rain
Sep 2016 · 249
King of Kings
Annie Allways Sep 2016
I am the King of Kings and I sit on high
And I am watching you below
If my anger is roused I will throw my bolt
Of lightning on you so

There will be no dark nor will there be no light
Just empty is all you will see
For if you anger me I am your King of Kings
That is the way I will make it be

You must come to me and I will show the way
To save you from your plight
But if you anger me the King of Kings
I will take away your light

Am I really here just looking down on you
Or just a passing thought
With that question raised a thousand times
The answer is always sought
Sep 2016 · 202
Ticking of Time
Annie Allways Sep 2016
I know no reason
I see no crime
I hear you listening
I hear the ticking of time

I have the feeling
I hear the rhyme
I know what's missing
I hear the ticking of time

I ask the questions
They're two a dime
I have no answers
I hear the ticking of time

I have no heart beat
I sense no chime
I feel no pounding
Just the tick tock ticking of time
Sep 2016 · 203
Annie Allways Sep 2016
The sunlight calls me
The darkness calls me
I'm on my way
Yesterday and tomorrow calls me
I'm on my way

I hear them calling
Good and bad are calling
I'm on my way
Cause this is life a new baby squalling
I'm on my way
Sep 2016 · 218
My Little Big Boy
Annie Allways Sep 2016
You **** your head
A puzzled frown
I scratch your neck
Your eyes close down

You love to lie
Upon my lap
Not long you're snoozing
Deep in a nap

We love our walks
we go for miles
I talk you listen
We are both smiles

You ask for nought
I do the same
You answer when called
Zac is your name

They say that you
Are mans best friend
Both loyal and true
Until the end

Love you Love you Love you
May 2016 · 404
Doctor Sally
Annie Allways May 2016
You come in first when you come in last
You forfeit the future when you lose in the past
A postage stamp can take you so far
And ***** old coal can shine like a star
Rub the magic lamp and a genie will appear
See you later on Doctor Sally my dear
Cos time must come and time must go
But you can't stop the clock to make it go slow
May 2016 · 189
Try a Little
Annie Allways May 2016
You tell me it's the age of opinion
But really I say I don't know
You promise the world in a packet
All shiny and tied in a bow
Just take me an hold me and love me
I've set my sights so high
Don't back out and break with tradition
Just hold on and give it a try
The sound of laughter getting louder
I'm up on the high of my peak
So don't kick away my ladder
The packets too shiny and sleek

— The End —