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Annie Aug 2013
A whisper in the wind;
a butterfly soaring too close to my face;
a penny in an impossible place.

I feel you beside me with every breath
I take, every time I move, every blink.

Yet I question your existence beyond
existence, I struggle to fully accept
that this isn't just my overactive imagination.

I never got to say goodbye, and maybe
that's why I don't utter those two syllables
anymore--I missed my chance.

"I wish it had been me"
"I could have prevented it"
Shameful thoughts, yet they exist
just the same.

I'll never have the strength to listen
to that final call; I know the last
words but not the fleeting thoughts.

"Hold on and pray"
either ironic or powerful,
however you choose to look at it.

Did you spend your last moments
praying to someone that would let
you down? Or did you just
cry out for help?

Did He save you? Or is that what
we tell ourselves to stay sane?

Even when I tell myself the best,
there's no chasing away this insanity.

I yearn for your comfort.

I'm not praying right now,
(I don't anymore)
I'm crying out for help.
Annie Sep 2013
I wish you were the type of boy that could fall in love with words,
who believes that the way my hair falls and the width of my legs aren't
the only parts of me that can be beautiful.
If you could become infatuated with a combination of syllables
then maybe you could learn to appreciate
the girl who wrote them.

But you're not that boy, you're too busy trying to
overcome your own past, and in a way,
I understand.

What I will never grasp, however, is
how you could hurt a girl that only ever
confided in you, a girl that gave you
every inch of her aching heart and just
wanted for you to listen to the
irregular beats.

I simply wanted for you to notice that I was
but you assumed that I was

I never was, and never will be, broken.
I ******* promise you that.
Annie Jul 2013
A girl with the world on her shoulders;
her brother is her saving grace,
except when she's alone at night.

She refuses to look in the mirror,
as she is still unable to face
the grief and trouble reflected in the glass.

She has been forced to hide her family problems
beneath the linen and lace,
accompanying each day with a new excuse.

She yearns to leave the responsibility
and disappear without a trace;
to succumb to a place that only knows peace.
Annie Nov 2013
This time last year I choked on every
breath I tried to take and I broke down
at every other 2 a.m. that came along.
Nights were the only time my eyes were
dry because I didn't want to cry at the
hospital. That would be too cliche
and too much for you to take.

You were supposed to die that night,
nobody expected you to live a couple
more hours and now it's been over a year.

You scared us again that December.
I didn't go to my soccer tournament
because I was too emotionally unstable
and I was sure you were going to die.
You didn't.

You were still in the hospital in January
and now you were hallucinating.
A man died in the room next door and I was
convinced that was a sign that you were next.
I'll never forget the screams of his family.
I prepared myself for that to be us.
It hasn't happened yet.

You got back your remission, but you
lost your ability to walk. You have
become the ever present voice in my ear
and your eyes beg me to save you from
your own personal hell.

But I can't save you. I've tried.
I've spent countless nights thinking about
what I could do better and what I had
already done wrong, but the lack of sleep
never inspired any solutions.

I'm sorry that I'm not your hero.
I'm sorry that he couldn't be your savior.
I'm sorry he couldn't even keep himself afloat.
But most of all,
I'm sorry that I'm waiting for you to die.
Annie Aug 2013
beep*                    beep          beep

The constant hum assures us you're alive,
yet is a reminder of how close you are to
vanishing before our eyes; a steady sequence
to make sure we realize how fragile we all are.

I used to wonder why people
hated the hospital; I thought it
was a place for life and healing.
I now know it is an unwanted
ending in an all too familiar
place for far too many. A young
man's next breath is placed in
the hands of a man who is
performing from memory and
who is thinking about the next
life he has to save. Nurse's
faces transform from animated to
burdened as the days progress,
and their eyes have a sadness to
them when they greet you by name.
The air lingers in your chest long
after you leave; it's heavier than it
should be, weighed down with
whispers, tears, and last breaths.

Is it prolonging life or suffering?

Are we saving her or us?

Do we come here to live or to die?
Annie Aug 2013
a ripple in the ocean,
a single leaf in the forest;
part of something, yet
completely overlooked.
an eyelash on the sidewalk,
a step in the right direction;
a tear that falls at night,
and is dry by morning.
Annie Aug 2013
An all consuming feeling like that of
being buried alive, when every bone
feels as if it will snap in half the
next time you breathe. Your
brain feels like it is going to break
out of your skull and bounce down
the hall to the room you cried yourself
to sleep in every night since you were
twelve. Every thought runs into another
and there's a seven car pileup inside
your head. Your nail polish is chipped
an hour after you paint them because
you've found something that is easy to
peel away; you pretend it is your skin
with every rip, tear, and scuff. The only
thing that seems to be going right in life
is that your bed still feels like home even
after you wake up from the same nightmare
four nights in a row. You keep your door
closed to keep the darkness out but it only
serves to trap the demons in. Your fingers tap
at a dimly lit keyboard hoping that a string
of letters and syllables can release you
from the grief. You inhale someone else's
problems and exhale their smile, but the
curve on your lips always seems to be
facing downwards. Stop trying to fix every
single thing around you, and start with
broken up rambling
Annie Sep 2013
It's 12:01 am and you're crying.
It should be the beginning of a new day,
a fresh start, a blank slate.
But instead you're sitting there
unable to control your breathing,
victim to the way your sobs rock
your body and how your thoughts
invade every safe haven in your mind.
You want so badly to cry out for help,
but you know your voice isn't strong
enough for anyone to hear anymore.
And so you wish for sleep, whether
temporary or permanent, and wait
for the tears to subside so that you
can finally close your eyes.
Annie Mar 2014
I have been learning how to die:
My ribs are poking through and my coat is getting thin.
Love lies hidden in every rose,
It’s a restless hungry feeling that don’t mean no one no good.
Nothing is permanent in this wicked world;
You must let them go, they were born to go.
There was never meant to be clarity.
Let nothing disturb you; let nothing frighten you.

When the wind blows, the grass bends;
There are so many fragile things after all.
The earth has music for those who listen,
But those songs and bells were the laughter of guns
And their echoes are truly endless.
You said I should learn to sing along,
There’s paranoia in your veins.

Stop wearing your wishbone where your backbone ought to be,
The world is filled with broken things.
You must have chaos within you,
You can turn a phrase into a weapon.
Words are the most powerful drug used by mankind;
I always have to justify how my tongue dances.

Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple:
When you cease to exist who will you blame?
part of a cento
Annie Jul 2013
She lies in the corner after he
hit her and screamed, but
his touch is still the only
thing she yearns for.

She’s become dependent
on a love that can never
support her; a narcissistic
excuse for caring.

That’s the worst kind,
when the one person
you should be able to
trust, is a stranger.

Yet she stays because he’s
promised her the world, and
eternity with the wrong one is
better than forever with no one.
Annie Jul 2013
Be weary of the boys
that show that they care,
for those are the most
dangerous ones.

They slowly work their
way into your thoughts
until they envelope
your heart with an
iron grip that won't let

And when you plead
for them to just forget you,
they do. But the problem
is that they've left bruises
and scars imprinted on
your skin and in your bones
and all throughout your mind,
permanently etching themselves
into everything you do.

So while the caring boy moves
on exactly as you asked, you're
left to pick up the pieces of
heart you begged him to break.
Annie May 2014
I am strong now.
My voice doesn't shake when I talk
and I smile more than I frown.
I've changed, but that's inevitable
when you're living on the brink of death.
My sense of humor has gotten darker
but I'm learning to refine it, to refine myself.
I know now that I will be working on myself
my entire life and will always be rediscovering who I am.
I find that kind of comforting:
the bad parts of me now will eventually fade,
and maybe they'll be replaced with worse but
there's still the chance that they'll be replaced with better.
And that's what I'm striving for: better.
Day by day I become more sure of myself,
every second brings with it a new lesson.
I am ready to finally be happy.
Annie Nov 2013
I'm tired of feeling alone every time I
open my eyes and overwhelmingly
lonely whenever I close them. I blink
in the hope that happiness might come
in the millisecond between the two but
it never does and I'm left with something
stronger than disappointment.
Annie Jul 2013
The irony of burying
your best friend's
skeleton underneath
a mound of dirt
and calling it respect.

The reality of letting
go of the one person
who ever meant
anything to you
and calling it love.

The pain of reliving
and criticizing
every thing that
you've ever done
and calling it the past.
Annie Jan 2014
I'm scared of so many things right now.
Like if I'm making the right decision about my future:
Am I independent enough to leave my home and seek adventure?
What if I'm not living out my life to the fullest?
I don't want to regret these years but I can't seem to change myself.
Am I just as bad as what I complain about?
I'm terrified that I am my biggest pet peeve
and that I will never be able to escape myself.

I'm scared that my newfound anger isn't just a phase.
And how am I supposed to overcome my problems
if I instinctively shut them out before I have the chance to try?
I'm scared that second chances don't exist and
fear that I've ****** up the only one I get.
I worry that true happiness will never come to me again
but I know I'm probably just being overdramatic.

I'm terrified that I'm wrong about her and that
I will be too late to do any saving.
I know she doesn't want to be saved but I still fear
she'll choose death over us.

I fear that I'm wrong about everything.
I'm scared that nobody cares.
I'm terrified of being lonely.
Annie Jul 2013
with the
fine china
that will
stay on
the same
it cracks
Annie Aug 2013
My mother taught me how to
doubt myself; now I look in
the mirror with hatred and
see a girl who's an expert
at disappointment.

My father showed me that
alcohol turns you into someone
you swore you would never be,
yet I drink it now to forget
what he did to me.

I see my parents reflected
in myself, two people I
promised myself I would
never resemble, yet here I am:
an identical copy.
Annie Sep 2013
She laughs like she's never
Been hurt, her smile isn't
Broken though she's on the
Verge of breaking down.
Annie Jul 2013
Your sorrow cries out
and breaks every bone
I have left in my body.

There's not much left
after you cracked my ribs
when you said goodbye,
And after you tore my
skin apart when you
said it was all a lie

But I will pick up the remains
of my broken skeleton
and bury the pieces six feet under
the swing you claimed was special,
when you told me you loved me.

Maybe when you bring your next
girl to the same place, you'll hear
my voice invading your every thought
and haunting every inch of your body.

I hope you do,
and I hope it kills you too.
Annie Jul 2013
Fall in love with the comfortable
silences shared in the car ride home

Fall in love with the hint of a smile
on her face when she recognizes a song

Fall in love with the way the hair on the
right side of her face is always out of place
because she's forever twirling it around her finger

Fall in love with the way she talks about the
birds outside, as if they are the most enchanting
things on earth (besides you of course)

Fall in love with how she is constantly
writing, and you know it's about you

Fall in love with the way she has a playlist
for falling asleep, yet it always finishes
before she's even closed her eyes

Fall in love with the way
she falls asleep

Fall in love with a writer
and you will discover new
things about yourself to love
Annie Aug 2013
I miss your thoughts breathing
down my neck, and your comfort
crawling around my feet. The
temporary release from living,
and just being; but that's all we
ever were: temporary, unstable.
A ship that I took control of as
we were sailing into shore,
we never had a chance to change
the course or our time spent
together. And now we've finally
docked and I knew that as soon
as your feet hit the warm, grainy
sand you would be long gone.
And I was right; I glimpsed back
and all I could see was your shirt
flicking in the wind and regrets
and passion falling behind with
every rushed, forceful step.
So this is my farewell to the boy
I used as a stepping stone, the
casual forever that will never
be fulfilled.
Annie Jan 2014
Late September nights filled with
hushed voices and hand sanitizer
instead of essays about Romeo and Juliet.
You fell asleep in plastic chairs to the
melody of a constant beeping lullaby.
A walk to the cafeteria where you found
company in the doctors with circles
under their eyes. During these months
you redefined a "midnight snack" and
the journey was always longer than
the walk to the fridge at home.

Then a change of scenery came, but
the same routine remained. Days
blended into nights and soon you
were in the hospital on Christmas
holding back tears.
One foggy winter afternoon became
the date after the dash on a man's
gravestone; you knew because those
screams only ever mean one thing.
You wondered who would be next
and heard those cries for days after.
Your friends wondered why your
face grew cold when someone's
voice got too loud-you blamed it
on lack of sleep. But you weren't so
bad after a week, you were better right?

Well you were better in the sense that
your heart still beat and you knew the
exact cost of a grilled cheese and chocolate
milk in the cafeteria. But you were worse
in how you always forgot a straw to take
back upstairs and you didn't know her
room number, only the that it was the
third door on the right.

Your mom knew the security guards like
they were old friends but you didn't even
know their names because you were always
ashamed to be leaving. You saw the different
stages of grief on the faces of people in the
elevator and could tell when the last time
they cried was (it was always the night before.)

You knew her medication better than the doctors
and that scared you so you focused on the lines
on the monitor that you barely understood.
You grew used to sympathetic looks from familiar
faces in the halls. You hoped the families on those
couches would only be there for the night and not
the month like you were. You took on responsibility
you never wanted and that nurses didn't acknowledge.

You've grown into someone you don't want to be anymore;
filled with anger and grief. You laugh at everything hoping
you can force yourself to be happy, but it never works.
You don't allow yourself to think about anything other
than the bad and you don't know how to stop.
You can't tear down the very wall you built.
Annie Apr 2015
They found it.

they found my words,

my feelings,

my raw destruction of everyone around me.

I can't face them.

I'm not the person they thought I was.

they found me.
Annie Aug 2013
Four years.
Countless tears.
I miss you more
with every breath I take.
My chest heaves and I
crumble under the burden
of living without you.
How am I supposed to make
it when the only person who
kept me going is gone?

Just like that. Gone.

No heart-wrenching scream
or desperate plea will ever
bring you back.

And I hate myself for that.
I hate myself every
******* day.

The guilt eats me alive
and tears at my will to live.
Regret fills every crack in
my body that formed
since you died.
Grief doesn't even begin
to describe this hollow
feeling that I can never
chase away with any amount
of alcohol or drugs, no matter
how hard I try.
And I try, oh do I try.

I'm sorry I didn't try that night.
I'm sorry praying didn't help.
I'm sorry.
RIP to a best friend better than best.
Annie Sep 2013
I've lived for 1,485 days
without hearing your laugh,
and now I find it hard to
smile even once a day.

It's been 2,138,400 minutes since
I've had insignificant conversation
with you, and I struggle to
make small talk lately.

I've gone 128,304,000 seconds without
a shared glance across the room
and I don't remember the last time
I looked someone in the eyes.
Annie Aug 2013
I feel so fake.
I'm full of lies and deception and hatred
and everyone just sees my **** crooked smile.
When will you finally realize that
I am a horrible person?
Get it through your head:
I do not care about you.
It must run in the family because
I'm only capable of caring about myself,
and I even fail at that.
A failure in every sense of the word.
Pathetic. Weak. Forgotten.
Annie Jan 2014
Hey God, am I allowed to break down now?
Is this a convenient time for me to fall to
pieces or do I need to make an appointment?
Can I cry now, God? Has this test ever
been passed? It sure feels like you just
gave up on me and sent me to Hell early.

Am I still alive, God?        Do I even want that answer?

I know I've sinned a lot and I'm sorry but
it's truthfully a miracle that I'm still breathing.
She's not. Breathing, that is. You stopped that
in November. I remember that, God: her cold hand
in mine and the overpowering sound of oxygen.

Are you sorry, God?

Because I think you took the wrong person.
I think you meant to take me--I swear I heard
you calling my name and I was ready and
then you ******* took her away.

Did you make a mistake, God?

Everybody does.
Annie May 2015
a year ago i didn't know the turmoil i would go through
and i didn't know the kind of happiness i would experience.
a happiness so great i could never explain in words, and an
appreciation for everyday life that came out of nowhere but
what seemed like second nature to me, enveloping me
with every inhale and exhale.

i found friendship in places i least expected, i found
distraction when i needed it the most, and i learned that
i have to set my own standards or people can and will
walk all over me.

i learned that it's okay to want to be wanted, but
that i cannot let that define me or i will end up feeling
more lost than when i began.

i learned that it's okay to be lost, and it's okay to not
know how to seek help even when you're trying with
every fiber of your being; even when absolutely nothing
is working, the sheer will to keep going is enough to
keep you alive.

it's important to remember that breathing is involuntary and
so that's one less thing you have to try to do and your heart
pumps blood all by itself and so when you think you aren't
doing anything, your body will take over and let you do
nothing and you are still alive.

and when you look at life like that, any effort you put
in can only be a positive no matter the outcome because
you did more than was physically necessary to get by
and who cares if you ****** up for god's sake you're alive.

the sun will still come up tomorrow no matter what you did
and you may not see it because of the clouds or you may sleep
through it because you were up so late trying to fix what you
think you did wrong or you may be too busy looking down to
realize it but the sun will rise whether you do anything at all or not.

this past year I learned the importance of giving that extra
effort, and how much joy it can bring.
but more importantly, i learned the necessity of not doing
anything at all in order to stay afloat, and that everybody does
it sometimes and even if they don't, they do.

we weren't made perfect beings,
you can't expect yourself to become one.
Annie Oct 2013
I can tell by your laugh that you've never known grief;
you've never had thoughts that follow you endlessly,
you've never hurt so much that you don't hurt at all.

I can tell by your laugh that you've never been lost
and you've never endured loss.
Nightmares have never kept you from breathing
and you've never feared life.

I can tell by your laugh that you still fear death,
you still fear the unknown.
Your eyes aren't weighed down with experience yet
and your smile is genuine every single time.

I can tell by your laugh that nothing haunts you.
I can tell by your laugh that you're still alive.
Annie Aug 2013
I haven't prayed since you left us.
I remember the phone call like it
was yesterday, and I still get anxiety
whenever I hear that ringtone or
feel a buzz in my pocket.

"Their car what...? Oh my god.
Crushed? What about them?"

I was so naive.
I remember thinking that someone
had stolen your car, trying to
piece together fragments of a
conversation I relive everyday.

"She's gone. Her and her dad...
and her mom? They're gone."

I was so ******* naive.
My worst thought was that you
had been kidnapped. The fact that
you could be permanently gone
had never crossed my mind.

As I watched my mom cry sitting
in that front seat, I began to do the
same without knowing how truly
agonizing this would be.

"What happened mom?"
"They're gone."
"Gone? Where?"
"No, Annie. They're dead."

My dad's hands tightened on the
wheel, no doubt wishing it was
the neck of a bottle. My brother
gasped next to me then became
very occupied with the wrinkles
on the back of the passenger seat.
Mom turned back around as her
body was overcome by silent tears
at first, then very loud heaves of
grief. But I knew she was grieving
for herself, because the family that
had come to be my own was now
gone and she had to take care of
her own ****** up kid.

I remember one tear falling, from
which eye I don't remember, then
another, as I stared out the car
window. They silently fell until
we arrived at our destination,
which was our last "family" trip.  

I don't remember much except
for how I didn't sleep more than an
hour those couple of days, but instead
tried to find a song that could come close
to what I was feeling.

I haven't found one.

Then the funeral service came and
there were girls sobbing with lines
streaking down their faces who didn't
even know your favorite time of day
or how you winked in between silent
conversations or the way your laugh
rocked your entire body and I sat there
unable to form a single ******* tear.

An emotionless corpse.
Just like you.

Someone told me what the last words
were in the car. I didn't ask, but of course
I found out just the same.

"Hold on..hold on and pray...pray."

I don't pray anymore.
Annie Jul 2013
Sorrow flows in her veins,
anger runs in her family.
She yearns to cut off every relative
and cut out every capillary,
to forget every moment
she was surrounded by the
hatred that seeped into her skin
and settled within her bones.
She's sick, she claims, infected
with an invisible disease capable
of killing her from the inside
Annie Dec 2013
Your hands went cold in mine and I'm still searching for warmth.
I can hear your laugh when I sit on the couch and
I swear you call my name whenever I pass by your door.
Annie Jul 2013
Why do people always assume
bird chirps are happy songs?
Maybe they're just as sad as us,
but we see beauty in their pain.
Imagine if we accepted the
grief of others like we welcome
that found in nature.
These melodies of birds are
spoken in tongues, and while
we can't understand it, we
still manage to appreciate them.
Annie Aug 2013
Every bone feels like it's breaking at once.
My throat is raw from screaming and
my eyes are sore from the tears.

These are the signs of someone
who is weak beyond measure.

Beaten into believing that nobody
will ever love me, especially not an
alcoholic father or a sadistic mother.

Told I will never amount to anything
more than a pathetic waste of space,
that I'm lucky to even have two parents,
though they aren't as fortunate to have me.

A bruise from you turned into a nasty
play in soccer, scratches on my arms were
that **** girl that didn't clip her nails.

But nobody asked about how I ached
every time I took a breath, when last
night came rushing back but I couldn't
say anything because my lips were
locked together with fear.

It's okay though, I'm better now.
Annie Aug 2013
I'm not going to fall apart.

There isn't going to be a boy
that comes along and stitches me
back together.
He isn't going to make a puzzle
out of me and fill in the missing
places with parts of his heart.

There won't be a best friend that
will make sure I'm okay every
minute of the day.
She won't read my mind and
know that I'm lying when I tell
her I'm just tired.

I have to keep myself together,
because I'm the only one that knows
where every piece of me goes.

I have to be okay, because that's
what everybody needs right now.

I am fine, and I will never be broken.
I will be strong enough to stay in
one piece, or I will die trying.
Annie Sep 2013
Her smile cracks in the middle,
and she covers her mouth, trying
to keep her words from escaping.
Thoughts tickle her throat and she
coughs up a few apologies, but
that's all that makes its way out.
Annie Jul 2013
She wrote a note to him
outlining the way he
made her heart beat,
and why, because of
this, she couldn't stay.

She wrote a note to him,
slowly and methodically,
carefully planning
every syllable and
letter that graced
the page to him.

She wrote a note to him,
and realized how
much she cared for
him, and knew she
had to let go before
it was too late.

She wrote a note to him
and when she got
to the end of the letter,
she artfully signed it,
*insincerely yours.
Annie Sep 2013
I think I might be dead.

I don't feel my heart beating anymore,
I can never quite catch my breath.
I think more than I talk and they
tell me that I'm a ghost.

I think I might be dead.

My hands are always cold and
people seem to talk right through me.
You look at me with frightened eyes
and whisper that you think I'm going to die.

I think I might be dead.
I wish I was.
Annie Jul 2013
I grew up watching my father down
a beer to drown his fear, and so I learned
that it is best to hide your feelings.

His fright turned to anger, which he
never covered up, and I found new
hiding spots to escape his rage.

But there is no way to live
in the shadow of an incomplete
family, kept together by an eight
year old son and his baby sister.

We inherited our parents' mistakes,
constantly torn between cruelty and silence.
We only know hate and grief,
broken with nobody to fix us.

I've come to know that there are more
bad nights than good days, and that
nobody will stay to keep you company
when your thoughts overwhelm you.
Annie Dec 2013
breathing is both a blessing and a curse.
friends aren't best friends until they prove it.
tears don't always come when you expect them to,
they usually come when the only thing you're
praying for are dry eyes for two more minutes.
broken things can be fixed. broken people can
only be restored if they want to be.
that empty feeling doesn't go away easily.
if they don't care for you, it's best to let go before
you get hurt or hurt yourself.
anger evolves into bitterness.
people believe a smile sooner than they
believe a creased forehead.
nobody will put you first, so it is imperative
that you do so yourself.
sunsets take away every single bad thought.
attachment is a recipe for destruction.
time doesn't exist in hospitals.
even psychologists will look at you funny.
some people just won't get you, and that's okay because
others will understand you better than you do yourself.
venting is an art form.
books are always an escape.
nightmares are hard to shake off and the only
thing that helps is time.
sometimes conversation will seem pointless,
and that's because it is.
everyone has their own story, and sometimes
it's best to just leave it at that.
as of 12/8/13
Annie Jul 2013
Her house hasn't been a home for months now,
filled with ghosts that are burdened with life
and whose words scream with built up tension.

She goes unnoticed in a room full of chaos,
only looked to when the mood needs to be lifted.
How does she tell them that she wants to be lifted,
not in spirits, but from every thought and burden.

Her heart aches with every breath
and she feels her chest might collapse,
leaving her heart dark and untouched forever.
Annie Sep 2013
Stop blaming your problems on
"society" when you trap yourself
in your own mind.

Don't call yourself  broken
if you've never tried to fix

If you haven't used up every
single remnant of your strength
trying to stay alive and
trying to be positive, don't you
dare even think about giving up.

Even when you have reached all that
you can take, take some more.

Your heart is still beating,
your lungs still function,
and you're still blinking,
and you don't even have to
think about controlling
any of that.

So now you think you're broken,
society has hurt you, judged you,
and you can't take it anymore.

Go back to the basics.

Live. Breathe. Blink.
Annie Jul 2013
Lie to me and tell me you'll never leave,
that you love me and forever is a reality.
Promise me that everything will be alright,
when we both know it never was and never will be.

Be my knight in shining armor, and let me
discover the aluminum foil and the dents.
Become a professor, but instead of teaching biology,
help me learn how to love myself.

Ah, loving oneself, what a daunting task;
but so is loving someone else.
So when I confess that I just can't do it anymore,
please lie and tell me you know I'm strong enough.
Annie Aug 2013
It's kind of funny.**
I think of myself as a very open person,
yet I can't remember the last time I let
someone in. I always think I'm going to
be strong enough, but my heart gets in
the way of my words--or maybe it's my
mind. Because there's never a right time to
tell someone you're breaking down,
there's not a perfect moment to explain
how you hate yourself and everyone
around you. Because when someone's
happy, it would be cruel to take that
away from them--you couldn't possibly
be so selfish when you know the
struggle for the smile they're wearing.
But when the same person is sad,
it's not your place to bring yet another
problem into their life; you have no right.

So when will you ever find that millisecond
to say that you need help--will you ever?
Will you just breakdown in between bites
of cereal on a Wednesday morning?
Or will the truth spill out during the ten
minute drive to the grocery store?
You try so hard to be strong and happy
because nobody has time to fix you, so
you learn to fix yourself. And maybe you
don't ever really get it; maybe you'll never
love the shape of your nose or the extra fat
on your arms. But, despite all of this, you'll
learn to love every happy person you meet--
be it with tears in your eyes sometimes.

You can't fix yourself because we aren't
intended to become something different.

You improve yourself, you
continue on, and you learn.

Everyday isn't going to be a good day,
but it is someone else's best day--
and isn't that something to celebrate?
just some thoughts to get out, not poetry
Annie May 2015
it's funny how i kept going back to you.
i was told time and time again how you
didn't want anything more, and I tricked
myself into believing that I didn't either.
I truly believed that I was content with a
weekend romance mixed with friendly hello's.

But I was wrong.

I wanted you to ask me how I was doing and
I wanted to tell you that I'm falling apart.
I was drawn to your calm state of mind because
it seemed like everyone around me was moving
and I was standing still and I wanted to stand still
with you.
I wanted to have someone who felt the same and
I thought it could be you but I didn't realize that
I couldn't make you want that too.
You didn't want to be tied down by a girl overwhelmed
by her dreams and you didn't want to spend time
talking to someone who had the potential to ruin
the tranquility you had so carefully established.
And I understood that, but I couldn't accept it.

But I am finally accepting it.
I'm letting you go and I will be better for it.
And maybe if I keep telling myself that enough,
I'll believe it.
Annie Jul 2013
I sit here tonight with raw eyes, no not
from tears like the night you betrayed
us, but from never-ending thoughts
circling around and around, begging
me for answers to the question: why?

Why would she stay when every muscle,
every instinct, every ounce of her being,
is screaming to run?

Why would she ever think that she
could fix you; a monster with a heart
that only beats for yourself.

How could you hurt a family that
had no support? How could you make
all of those ******* decisions that are
going to **** her?

I hate you for making her so sad,
for taking the light from her eyes.
I hate you because now her only
comfort is her loneliness and I
hear her cry at night.

When will it all finally come to an end?
Will it be when my throat runs dry and I
can't yell for help any longer? Or maybe when
blood stops flowing through my veins
because there's no longer a heart to pump it.

I've come to the point where I don't
care how it happens, I just want
an end.
Annie Jul 2013
I long for your love,
yet I know I wouldn't
be happy with a man
who steals girls' hearts
in the middle of the
night, only to replace
them with empty
voids and false promises.
Annie Jul 2013
What is a home that
relies on strangers to
keep the peace? It's
barely even a house,
with foundations collapsing
leaving nothing but
broken memories and
empty promises.

A house that had
doubt hanging from the
ceiling and grief dripping
down the windows.

Angry hallways and
insults screaming from
the scales and mirrors.

Rooms with lying walls
that told you all of this
is normal.

Addiction was waiting
at the door for you,
ready to take you just
like it's swallowed
everyone you used
to know.
Annie Mar 2014
It's been one hundred and twenty two days since you died.
Some people prefer to say passed away,
or went to a better place,
but I'm still having a hard time believing you're
gone so I guess I'm trying to convince myself.

It's been one hundred and twenty two days since you died.
That was the longest week of my life,
watching you but unable to talk with you.
I remember holding your hand knowing
that I was going to wish I could do the same
in one hundred and twenty two days.
I was right.

It's been one hundred and twenty two days since you died.
We cleaned out some of your apartment today,
but it took us 10 hours to get through your closet
because we didn't want to let go of any piece of you.
But we did, we gave away 15 bags and 2 boxes of you.

It's been one hundred and twenty two days since you died.
I found two pennies while we were working,
I know you were there watching.
But even if I believe that with my entire heart, it doesn't
take away the ache that has grown within me since you died.

It's been one hundred and twenty two days since you died.
You brought happiness to every single person you talked to,
and I know you would want everyone to do the same.
I'm trying to let my sadness go, but it isn't easy.

It's been one hundred and twenty two days since you died.
I didn't think I would make it one hour without you,
but you held my hand through it all.
poorly written but idc

love and miss you aunt leisa
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