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426 · Sep 2013
a boy
Annie Sep 2013
I wish you were the type of boy that could fall in love with words,
who believes that the way my hair falls and the width of my legs aren't
the only parts of me that can be beautiful.
If you could become infatuated with a combination of syllables
then maybe you could learn to appreciate
the girl who wrote them.

But you're not that boy, you're too busy trying to
overcome your own past, and in a way,
I understand.

What I will never grasp, however, is
how you could hurt a girl that only ever
confided in you, a girl that gave you
every inch of her aching heart and just
wanted for you to listen to the
irregular beats.

I simply wanted for you to notice that I was
but you assumed that I was

I never was, and never will be, broken.
I ******* promise you that.
414 · Dec 2014
too far
Annie Dec 2014
Your hands in mine
Your lips on my neck
Your breath heavy, your eyes begging
Too much begging

Too far

You're gone now
I can't find my clothes
I can't find my dignity
I lost myself

Too far
412 · Sep 2013
i'm sorry
Annie Sep 2013
Her smile cracks in the middle,
and she covers her mouth, trying
to keep her words from escaping.
Thoughts tickle her throat and she
coughs up a few apologies, but
that's all that makes its way out.
410 · May 2015
Annie May 2015
Imagine a building falling on top of you,
first it crushes your bones
then it spreads your brain a couple blocks over
and leaves pieces of you scattered
so far apart and in such tiny fragments
that they can't tell if that is part of your
finger or trash that someone was too
careless to throw away.

Now imagine floating on a cloud
so light that you think your breath
is heavier than your body, and
every thought is so happy it makes
you want to cry because you never
knew life could be that good.

Combine the two and you enter
a perpetual state of confusion, of
too many emotions in the wrong
time and the wrong place.

Combine the two and prepare
to see your life falling apart
and coming together and prepare
to lose everything that you aren't
even sure you care about.
Annie Sep 2013
I've lived for 1,485 days
without hearing your laugh,
and now I find it hard to
smile even once a day.

It's been 2,138,400 minutes since
I've had insignificant conversation
with you, and I struggle to
make small talk lately.

I've gone 128,304,000 seconds without
a shared glance across the room
and I don't remember the last time
I looked someone in the eyes.
408 · Sep 2013
Annie Sep 2013
You yearn for someone to care
about you so much that it hurts,
for someone that listens more
than they give their opinion.

You dream of a boy that is
capable of keeping you together,
even though you know you
are the only one responsible.

You've never known love,
raised by a man that taught
you to fear touch and quick
movement and stale breath.

You've known hatred though,
your mother passed down
self-loathing and you've
become a professional by now.

Is it still possible to turn a
self-loathing person
into a
self-loving person?

You've missed your chance
to get help, and now you
self medicate just to
numb yourself.

But numb is terrible.
You're still alive
when you're numb.
Annie Mar 2014
It's been one hundred and twenty two days since you died.
Some people prefer to say passed away,
or went to a better place,
but I'm still having a hard time believing you're
gone so I guess I'm trying to convince myself.

It's been one hundred and twenty two days since you died.
That was the longest week of my life,
watching you but unable to talk with you.
I remember holding your hand knowing
that I was going to wish I could do the same
in one hundred and twenty two days.
I was right.

It's been one hundred and twenty two days since you died.
We cleaned out some of your apartment today,
but it took us 10 hours to get through your closet
because we didn't want to let go of any piece of you.
But we did, we gave away 15 bags and 2 boxes of you.

It's been one hundred and twenty two days since you died.
I found two pennies while we were working,
I know you were there watching.
But even if I believe that with my entire heart, it doesn't
take away the ache that has grown within me since you died.

It's been one hundred and twenty two days since you died.
You brought happiness to every single person you talked to,
and I know you would want everyone to do the same.
I'm trying to let my sadness go, but it isn't easy.

It's been one hundred and twenty two days since you died.
I didn't think I would make it one hour without you,
but you held my hand through it all.
poorly written but idc

love and miss you aunt leisa
404 · Jul 2013
Annie Jul 2013
Why do people always assume
bird chirps are happy songs?
Maybe they're just as sad as us,
but we see beauty in their pain.
Imagine if we accepted the
grief of others like we welcome
that found in nature.
These melodies of birds are
spoken in tongues, and while
we can't understand it, we
still manage to appreciate them.
397 · Aug 2013
all too familiar
Annie Aug 2013
beep*                    beep          beep

The constant hum assures us you're alive,
yet is a reminder of how close you are to
vanishing before our eyes; a steady sequence
to make sure we realize how fragile we all are.

I used to wonder why people
hated the hospital; I thought it
was a place for life and healing.
I now know it is an unwanted
ending in an all too familiar
place for far too many. A young
man's next breath is placed in
the hands of a man who is
performing from memory and
who is thinking about the next
life he has to save. Nurse's
faces transform from animated to
burdened as the days progress,
and their eyes have a sadness to
them when they greet you by name.
The air lingers in your chest long
after you leave; it's heavier than it
should be, weighed down with
whispers, tears, and last breaths.

Is it prolonging life or suffering?

Are we saving her or us?

Do we come here to live or to die?
396 · Oct 2013
Annie Oct 2013
Your smile still reaches your eyes,
and the corners never try to drag you down.
You walk with a confidence I never had,
a piercing glare that dares me to give in to you.

Do you know how lucky you are?
To have happy thoughts more than those filled with grief?
Have you ever known pain?
I hope you never do; I never want to see
the happiness leak from your body.

I think I'm drawn to you because you're everything
I never allowed myself to be.
Maybe what I've gone through has been worth
it if you never have to suffer the same.

Stay young.
Stay happy.
Annie Aug 2013
I'm not going to fall apart.

There isn't going to be a boy
that comes along and stitches me
back together.
He isn't going to make a puzzle
out of me and fill in the missing
places with parts of his heart.

There won't be a best friend that
will make sure I'm okay every
minute of the day.
She won't read my mind and
know that I'm lying when I tell
her I'm just tired.

I have to keep myself together,
because I'm the only one that knows
where every piece of me goes.

I have to be okay, because that's
what everybody needs right now.

I am fine, and I will never be broken.
I will be strong enough to stay in
one piece, or I will die trying.
386 · Jul 2013
Annie Jul 2013
Her phone has killed too many
people, taken hopes and dreams
along with it.

Her phone has made people sick,
and kept them in the hospital

Her phone has given away secrets,
ones she wishes she'd never told.

It has been the end of many
friendships and the start of
failed romances.

A simple call that turned her
world upside down forever,
a few words that tore at her
will to live.

Now she's bound to it inexplicably,
unwillingly attached to the
only source of grief in her life.
385 · Jul 2013
Fall in love
Annie Jul 2013
Fall in love with the comfortable
silences shared in the car ride home

Fall in love with the hint of a smile
on her face when she recognizes a song

Fall in love with the way the hair on the
right side of her face is always out of place
because she's forever twirling it around her finger

Fall in love with the way she talks about the
birds outside, as if they are the most enchanting
things on earth (besides you of course)

Fall in love with how she is constantly
writing, and you know it's about you

Fall in love with the way she has a playlist
for falling asleep, yet it always finishes
before she's even closed her eyes

Fall in love with the way
she falls asleep

Fall in love with a writer
and you will discover new
things about yourself to love
385 · Jul 2013
call it...
Annie Jul 2013
The irony of burying
your best friend's
skeleton underneath
a mound of dirt
and calling it respect.

The reality of letting
go of the one person
who ever meant
anything to you
and calling it love.

The pain of reliving
and criticizing
every thing that
you've ever done
and calling it the past.
384 · Jul 2013
Annie Jul 2013
I sit here tonight with raw eyes, no not
from tears like the night you betrayed
us, but from never-ending thoughts
circling around and around, begging
me for answers to the question: why?

Why would she stay when every muscle,
every instinct, every ounce of her being,
is screaming to run?

Why would she ever think that she
could fix you; a monster with a heart
that only beats for yourself.

How could you hurt a family that
had no support? How could you make
all of those ******* decisions that are
going to **** her?

I hate you for making her so sad,
for taking the light from her eyes.
I hate you because now her only
comfort is her loneliness and I
hear her cry at night.

When will it all finally come to an end?
Will it be when my throat runs dry and I
can't yell for help any longer? Or maybe when
blood stops flowing through my veins
because there's no longer a heart to pump it.

I've come to the point where I don't
care how it happens, I just want
an end.
377 · Jul 2013
Annie Jul 2013
Your best friend is laying down
in the casket before you
and it's all wrong.

She's wearing a dress, yet
everyone knew that
the only time she wore
one was to mock those
who "colored inside the lines."

Her hair is up, but she
always had it down
to cover her flaws and
the distant look in her eyes.

Her lips are in a straight line,
but she was known as
the girl who would be laughing
at her own funeral, and here
she was, tightlipped.

Looking at her body that
would soon only leave
bones behind, it was
obvious that nobody ever
looked past the skin deep
features, nobody took notice
of a girl who strove to
blend in, and succeeded.
377 · Jul 2013
Annie Jul 2013
She has a twisted sense of what’s beautiful,
carving feelings into her skin and calling it art;
the kind of girl that thinks more than she breathes.
She thinks maybe writing will calm her nerves,
so she lets the words flow from her pen,
but her heart still aches the same.
Do you have the same fascination with words
as you once shared with her,
or have you moved on from that too?
She keeps the books you gave her because she
can see where your fingers traced the page,
mesmerized by the words of someone else’s story.
She tragically waits for a boy who never
really cared about the words she wrote,
and will never care about her.
375 · Aug 2014
Annie Aug 2014
Our first date was innocent and perfect and slow.
We talked for hours and I committed the way your hands felt to memory.
We kissed and I was nervous and you didn't push me.

The dates in between were a blur.
Casual hang outs we both knew were more.
I was truly happy.

But our fifth date was different.
It felt rushed and the look in your eyes was off.
We talked for hours again but this time you hit me.
We got into the back of my car and the next
morning I woke up feeling ***** and bruised.

By this point I knew you were not what I wanted.
I was no longer happy with you but you had an
unexplainable grip on me and I was practically
on my knees begging you to love me.

I did not like you, I did not like what you did to me.
You made me feel childish and insecure even
when I could see how you were simply using me.
But we were temporary, so I stayed.

On our last night, you told me you couldn't figure me
out and you never called me after that.
I guess in trying to protect myself I became a
mystery so complex you didn't want to bother.

And somehow, despite all the pain you put me through,
you leaving out of nowhere is what hurt me the most.
(not really a poem, just needed to get it out)
374 · Apr 2015
Annie Apr 2015
Loud voices.

Hurried walks.

Too much talking,
not enough listening.

Why shouldn't

myself completely?
354 · May 2014
Annie May 2014
I am strong now.
My voice doesn't shake when I talk
and I smile more than I frown.
I've changed, but that's inevitable
when you're living on the brink of death.
My sense of humor has gotten darker
but I'm learning to refine it, to refine myself.
I know now that I will be working on myself
my entire life and will always be rediscovering who I am.
I find that kind of comforting:
the bad parts of me now will eventually fade,
and maybe they'll be replaced with worse but
there's still the chance that they'll be replaced with better.
And that's what I'm striving for: better.
Day by day I become more sure of myself,
every second brings with it a new lesson.
I am ready to finally be happy.
352 · Aug 2013
Annie Aug 2013
You claim your heart doesn't work properly anymore,
it doesn't beat the same, and seems to have forgotten
its purpose. But don't you know that it was never
taught how to care, so it can't possibly be labeled as
broken now that it refuses to beat for someone else's
warm breath and crooked smile.

And so I carefully tear at your skin and gently shift
your ribs aside--you're so convinced that it's impossible to fix
and needs to be replaced. You expect me to insert a heart
that will love your body and not the boy who
broke you, but all I can find is an ***** that can
barely pump blood and has no feelings at all.

I'm sorry I couldn't fix your sadness, but I did manage
to give you a new heart, just like you asked.
349 · Jul 2013
Annie Jul 2013
We associate death
with peace
but what if life
is the most
peaceful thing
we ever experience?
349 · Sep 2013
i think i might be dead
Annie Sep 2013
I think I might be dead.

I don't feel my heart beating anymore,
I can never quite catch my breath.
I think more than I talk and they
tell me that I'm a ghost.

I think I might be dead.

My hands are always cold and
people seem to talk right through me.
You look at me with frightened eyes
and whisper that you think I'm going to die.

I think I might be dead.
I wish I was.
345 · Jul 2013
She for he
Annie Jul 2013
She painted him
sunsets and mountains
and love, to try to take
the grief away.

She wrote words of
inspiration and hope
and complexity
to show him how simple
happiness could be.

But she failed to see
how deep his sorrow went,
and she couldn't draw a
rope long enough to rescue
him and every escape she tried
to write for him led to a dead
end, and he was left to
sit there and be consumed
by every malicious thought
ever to exist.
338 · Mar 2014
Annie Mar 2014
Being broken isn't fun, it's not beautiful, and
it won't make people love you.

Pushing people away doesn't somehow
make everyone care like you think it will,
it only hurts them when you never seem to make time for them.

Denying your problems isn't a sign of being strong,
it's being so weak that you can't even look yourself in the mirror.

And that. Not being able to look yourself in the
mirror doesn't make you tragically beautiful,
it tears you apart and destroys everyone around you.

You make excuse after excuse but one day people
are going to start giving up on you,
and it will be your own **** fault.

But you won't be able to see that you caused
all of this, because you're too busy trying to be
hopelessly broken.
328 · May 2015
hindsight 20/20
Annie May 2015
a year ago i didn't know the turmoil i would go through
and i didn't know the kind of happiness i would experience.
a happiness so great i could never explain in words, and an
appreciation for everyday life that came out of nowhere but
what seemed like second nature to me, enveloping me
with every inhale and exhale.

i found friendship in places i least expected, i found
distraction when i needed it the most, and i learned that
i have to set my own standards or people can and will
walk all over me.

i learned that it's okay to want to be wanted, but
that i cannot let that define me or i will end up feeling
more lost than when i began.

i learned that it's okay to be lost, and it's okay to not
know how to seek help even when you're trying with
every fiber of your being; even when absolutely nothing
is working, the sheer will to keep going is enough to
keep you alive.

it's important to remember that breathing is involuntary and
so that's one less thing you have to try to do and your heart
pumps blood all by itself and so when you think you aren't
doing anything, your body will take over and let you do
nothing and you are still alive.

and when you look at life like that, any effort you put
in can only be a positive no matter the outcome because
you did more than was physically necessary to get by
and who cares if you ****** up for god's sake you're alive.

the sun will still come up tomorrow no matter what you did
and you may not see it because of the clouds or you may sleep
through it because you were up so late trying to fix what you
think you did wrong or you may be too busy looking down to
realize it but the sun will rise whether you do anything at all or not.

this past year I learned the importance of giving that extra
effort, and how much joy it can bring.
but more importantly, i learned the necessity of not doing
anything at all in order to stay afloat, and that everybody does
it sometimes and even if they don't, they do.

we weren't made perfect beings,
you can't expect yourself to become one.
324 · Jan 2014
Annie Jan 2014
Hey God, am I allowed to break down now?
Is this a convenient time for me to fall to
pieces or do I need to make an appointment?
Can I cry now, God? Has this test ever
been passed? It sure feels like you just
gave up on me and sent me to Hell early.

Am I still alive, God?        Do I even want that answer?

I know I've sinned a lot and I'm sorry but
it's truthfully a miracle that I'm still breathing.
She's not. Breathing, that is. You stopped that
in November. I remember that, God: her cold hand
in mine and the overpowering sound of oxygen.

Are you sorry, God?

Because I think you took the wrong person.
I think you meant to take me--I swear I heard
you calling my name and I was ready and
then you ******* took her away.

Did you make a mistake, God?

Everybody does.
323 · Mar 2014
Annie Mar 2014
You only seem to care for me when I'm happy,
with one hint of a frown I know you'll be gone.
I thought this would be good for me, that
I would learn to be happy and full of smiles.
But I can't make my thoughts disappear and you
don't seem to understand that smiling no longer
means happiness for me anymore.

Smiling means convincing you that I'm okay
when that's the last thing I am.

Smiling means being normal when you want me
to be and not letting you see that I can't breathe.

**Smiling means suffocating.
can not give a **** enough to read this over srry
303 · May 2015
Annie May 2015
it's funny how i kept going back to you.
i was told time and time again how you
didn't want anything more, and I tricked
myself into believing that I didn't either.
I truly believed that I was content with a
weekend romance mixed with friendly hello's.

But I was wrong.

I wanted you to ask me how I was doing and
I wanted to tell you that I'm falling apart.
I was drawn to your calm state of mind because
it seemed like everyone around me was moving
and I was standing still and I wanted to stand still
with you.
I wanted to have someone who felt the same and
I thought it could be you but I didn't realize that
I couldn't make you want that too.
You didn't want to be tied down by a girl overwhelmed
by her dreams and you didn't want to spend time
talking to someone who had the potential to ruin
the tranquility you had so carefully established.
And I understood that, but I couldn't accept it.

But I am finally accepting it.
I'm letting you go and I will be better for it.
And maybe if I keep telling myself that enough,
I'll believe it.
300 · Apr 2015
Annie Apr 2015
They found it.

they found my words,

my feelings,

my raw destruction of everyone around me.

I can't face them.

I'm not the person they thought I was.

they found me.
291 · Dec 2013
I love you most
Annie Dec 2013
Your hands went cold in mine and I'm still searching for warmth.
I can hear your laugh when I sit on the couch and
I swear you call my name whenever I pass by your door.
284 · Dec 2014
Annie Dec 2014
the circles under my eyes are growing
i'm running out of makeup
i'm running out of excuses
283 · Sep 2013
Annie Sep 2013
The hospital air lingers in her lungs;
it's heavier than it should be,
weighed down with screams, tears,
and last breaths.

She still carries them with her,
unable to shake that which vows
to heal. Funny how she's been sick
ever since she left.
278 · Aug 2013
someone else
Annie Aug 2013
I have no right to grieve
for someone who isn't even
gone yet.

I have no reason to be sad,
when I am not the one

Yet every day I struggle with
the same thoughts, and I fight
the same nightmares.

I have no comfort anymore, no
one to help me through; so I sit here
upset by someone else's problems.
272 · May 2015
what now?
Annie May 2015
i refuse to chase anyone anymore.
i used to think that it was brave to go
after what i wanted, that my confidence
would be taken in such a way that
would attract you even more;
but it just left me open and vulnerable
and alone when it turned out that
you never wanted me back.

but i'm not settling for your "sometimes".
your name doesn't make me smile anymore
and i'm making memories with other people:
better people.

I am not defined by your
inability to love me.
I will find someone who not only desires
me, but values me.
I'm not expecting someone to take away the bad,
I simply want someone to enjoy the good with.
I want to talk in whispers on a Tuesday afternoon
so we can hear the wind and laugh in the middle
of class because I remember something you said earlier.
I'm finally in a place where I can enjoy the world,
and I won't be held back by someone who can't enjoy me.
263 · Jul 2013
Collected Dust
Annie Jul 2013
with the
fine china
that will
stay on
the same
it cracks
258 · Apr 2015
Annie Apr 2015
I can't take a deep breath
I can't take a breath at all
teach me how
please help me I'm trying
but my lungs can't keep working
like this I can't keep working
253 · Oct 2013
Annie Oct 2013
only the good die young so i know i've got some time to ****
243 · Aug 2014
Who I Am
Annie Aug 2014
I fell for the way your words were
laced with hidden truths about myself.
But not in the good way--oh how I wish.
No, these truths revealed how guarded
I was and how you saw right through it.
You saw through my walls and
picked out my worst insecurities;
insults disguised as jokes outnumbered
any kind words coming from your lips.
You were toxic and your eyes
undressed me and all of my armor.
I kept coming back for more, begging you
to tell me something I didn't know about myself.
When you finally got tired of my story,
you were gone faster than you came and
I was left here questioning who I am.
****** late writing
237 · Jul 2013
Annie Jul 2013
She has infinite words
at her fingertips, but
she can't find the right
combination of letters and
balance of syllables to
describe the way her heart
aches every moment of the day.
237 · Aug 2014
Annie Aug 2014
Holding hands is dangerous because at some point somebody has to let go.
229 · Aug 2014
Annie Aug 2014
I hope you see something every day that
reminds you of me and I hope it kills you.

I hope you can't breathe when you hear my
name and I hope you can't stop thinking
about my laugh and how well you knew
my tone of voice.

I want you to regret that you can't hear
me talking to you this very second.

I want you to remember how I sang along to
every song because I didn't know the lyrics
but wanted to prove you wrong.

I want you to miss how stubborn I was
and I want you to regret ever letting me go.

I hope you think about pushing me away
and I hope it tears you apart.
220 · Sep 2013
Annie Sep 2013
my writing is ****.

that's it.
207 · Jul 2013
Annie Jul 2013
I told him I felt lost and so
he handed me a map
and told me to drive
wherever my heart leads me.

His face didn't
show an ounce of surprise
when I pulled up to his
206 · Aug 2013
Annie Aug 2013
I honestly don't know
how much longer
I can keep

that I am strong enough

that I  care enough

that I am human.
197 · Aug 2014
Annie Aug 2014
I hate how my dreams about you are always good.
I hate waking up from them.
I hate waking up.

— The End —