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Aug 2013 · 467
I'm better now
Annie Aug 2013
Every bone feels like it's breaking at once.
My throat is raw from screaming and
my eyes are sore from the tears.

These are the signs of someone
who is weak beyond measure.

Beaten into believing that nobody
will ever love me, especially not an
alcoholic father or a sadistic mother.

Told I will never amount to anything
more than a pathetic waste of space,
that I'm lucky to even have two parents,
though they aren't as fortunate to have me.

A bruise from you turned into a nasty
play in soccer, scratches on my arms were
that **** girl that didn't clip her nails.

But nobody asked about how I ached
every time I took a breath, when last
night came rushing back but I couldn't
say anything because my lips were
locked together with fear.

It's okay though, I'm better now.
Aug 2013 · 586
get it through your head
Annie Aug 2013
I feel so fake.
I'm full of lies and deception and hatred
and everyone just sees my **** crooked smile.
When will you finally realize that
I am a horrible person?
Get it through your head:
I do not care about you.
It must run in the family because
I'm only capable of caring about myself,
and I even fail at that.
A failure in every sense of the word.
Pathetic. Weak. Forgotten.
Aug 2013 · 455
alone, insignificant, gone
Annie Aug 2013
a ripple in the ocean,
a single leaf in the forest;
part of something, yet
completely overlooked.
an eyelash on the sidewalk,
a step in the right direction;
a tear that falls at night,
and is dry by morning.
Aug 2013 · 807
an autobiography
Annie Aug 2013
An all consuming feeling like that of
being buried alive, when every bone
feels as if it will snap in half the
next time you breathe. Your
brain feels like it is going to break
out of your skull and bounce down
the hall to the room you cried yourself
to sleep in every night since you were
twelve. Every thought runs into another
and there's a seven car pileup inside
your head. Your nail polish is chipped
an hour after you paint them because
you've found something that is easy to
peel away; you pretend it is your skin
with every rip, tear, and scuff. The only
thing that seems to be going right in life
is that your bed still feels like home even
after you wake up from the same nightmare
four nights in a row. You keep your door
closed to keep the darkness out but it only
serves to trap the demons in. Your fingers tap
at a dimly lit keyboard hoping that a string
of letters and syllables can release you
from the grief. You inhale someone else's
problems and exhale their smile, but the
curve on your lips always seems to be
facing downwards. Stop trying to fix every
single thing around you, and start with
broken up rambling
Aug 2013 · 429
Annie Aug 2013
I miss your thoughts breathing
down my neck, and your comfort
crawling around my feet. The
temporary release from living,
and just being; but that's all we
ever were: temporary, unstable.
A ship that I took control of as
we were sailing into shore,
we never had a chance to change
the course or our time spent
together. And now we've finally
docked and I knew that as soon
as your feet hit the warm, grainy
sand you would be long gone.
And I was right; I glimpsed back
and all I could see was your shirt
flicking in the wind and regrets
and passion falling behind with
every rushed, forceful step.
So this is my farewell to the boy
I used as a stepping stone, the
casual forever that will never
be fulfilled.
Aug 2013 · 555
1 am thoughts
Annie Aug 2013
A whisper in the wind;
a butterfly soaring too close to my face;
a penny in an impossible place.

I feel you beside me with every breath
I take, every time I move, every blink.

Yet I question your existence beyond
existence, I struggle to fully accept
that this isn't just my overactive imagination.

I never got to say goodbye, and maybe
that's why I don't utter those two syllables
anymore--I missed my chance.

"I wish it had been me"
"I could have prevented it"
Shameful thoughts, yet they exist
just the same.

I'll never have the strength to listen
to that final call; I know the last
words but not the fleeting thoughts.

"Hold on and pray"
either ironic or powerful,
however you choose to look at it.

Did you spend your last moments
praying to someone that would let
you down? Or did you just
cry out for help?

Did He save you? Or is that what
we tell ourselves to stay sane?

Even when I tell myself the best,
there's no chasing away this insanity.

I yearn for your comfort.

I'm not praying right now,
(I don't anymore)
I'm crying out for help.
Annie Aug 2013
It's kind of funny.**
I think of myself as a very open person,
yet I can't remember the last time I let
someone in. I always think I'm going to
be strong enough, but my heart gets in
the way of my words--or maybe it's my
mind. Because there's never a right time to
tell someone you're breaking down,
there's not a perfect moment to explain
how you hate yourself and everyone
around you. Because when someone's
happy, it would be cruel to take that
away from them--you couldn't possibly
be so selfish when you know the
struggle for the smile they're wearing.
But when the same person is sad,
it's not your place to bring yet another
problem into their life; you have no right.

So when will you ever find that millisecond
to say that you need help--will you ever?
Will you just breakdown in between bites
of cereal on a Wednesday morning?
Or will the truth spill out during the ten
minute drive to the grocery store?
You try so hard to be strong and happy
because nobody has time to fix you, so
you learn to fix yourself. And maybe you
don't ever really get it; maybe you'll never
love the shape of your nose or the extra fat
on your arms. But, despite all of this, you'll
learn to love every happy person you meet--
be it with tears in your eyes sometimes.

You can't fix yourself because we aren't
intended to become something different.

You improve yourself, you
continue on, and you learn.

Everyday isn't going to be a good day,
but it is someone else's best day--
and isn't that something to celebrate?
just some thoughts to get out, not poetry
Aug 2013 · 324
Annie Aug 2013
You claim your heart doesn't work properly anymore,
it doesn't beat the same, and seems to have forgotten
its purpose. But don't you know that it was never
taught how to care, so it can't possibly be labeled as
broken now that it refuses to beat for someone else's
warm breath and crooked smile.

And so I carefully tear at your skin and gently shift
your ribs aside--you're so convinced that it's impossible to fix
and needs to be replaced. You expect me to insert a heart
that will love your body and not the boy who
broke you, but all I can find is an ***** that can
barely pump blood and has no feelings at all.

I'm sorry I couldn't fix your sadness, but I did manage
to give you a new heart, just like you asked.
Aug 2013 · 367
all too familiar
Annie Aug 2013
beep*                    beep          beep

The constant hum assures us you're alive,
yet is a reminder of how close you are to
vanishing before our eyes; a steady sequence
to make sure we realize how fragile we all are.

I used to wonder why people
hated the hospital; I thought it
was a place for life and healing.
I now know it is an unwanted
ending in an all too familiar
place for far too many. A young
man's next breath is placed in
the hands of a man who is
performing from memory and
who is thinking about the next
life he has to save. Nurse's
faces transform from animated to
burdened as the days progress,
and their eyes have a sadness to
them when they greet you by name.
The air lingers in your chest long
after you leave; it's heavier than it
should be, weighed down with
whispers, tears, and last breaths.

Is it prolonging life or suffering?

Are we saving her or us?

Do we come here to live or to die?
Aug 2013 · 595
Annie Aug 2013
My mother taught me how to
doubt myself; now I look in
the mirror with hatred and
see a girl who's an expert
at disappointment.

My father showed me that
alcohol turns you into someone
you swore you would never be,
yet I drink it now to forget
what he did to me.

I see my parents reflected
in myself, two people I
promised myself I would
never resemble, yet here I am:
an identical copy.
Annie Aug 2013
I'm not going to fall apart.

There isn't going to be a boy
that comes along and stitches me
back together.
He isn't going to make a puzzle
out of me and fill in the missing
places with parts of his heart.

There won't be a best friend that
will make sure I'm okay every
minute of the day.
She won't read my mind and
know that I'm lying when I tell
her I'm just tired.

I have to keep myself together,
because I'm the only one that knows
where every piece of me goes.

I have to be okay, because that's
what everybody needs right now.

I am fine, and I will never be broken.
I will be strong enough to stay in
one piece, or I will die trying.
Aug 2013 · 258
someone else
Annie Aug 2013
I have no right to grieve
for someone who isn't even
gone yet.

I have no reason to be sad,
when I am not the one

Yet every day I struggle with
the same thoughts, and I fight
the same nightmares.

I have no comfort anymore, no
one to help me through; so I sit here
upset by someone else's problems.
Aug 2013 · 178
Annie Aug 2013
I honestly don't know
how much longer
I can keep

that I am strong enough

that I  care enough

that I am human.
Aug 2013 · 1.1k
Annie Aug 2013
A breath caught between her
lungs and her lips; she's unwilling
to say the words that could set her
free, or further imprison her
in her own mind. A stutter that
reflects her brain whirring at
impossible speeds, unable to
keep up with her emotions.
She tries to let you know how
she's suffering, but the syllables
never quite fit together and the
letters can't seem to form the right
sentences; and so she seeks solace
in herself when overcome by the darkness.
Annie Jul 2013
I still talk to you every night
right before I go to sleep,
as if that will bring you back.
I know you can hear me,
or so I hope you can. I hope
you're at peace and laughing
at my incomplete thoughts
and silly mistakes. I wish
you were here to make these
mistakes with me and to
respond when I ask you
what's new. But for now I'll stick to
having one-sided conversations with
you in the dark, always ending with
"how're you doing lately? I hope it's heaven."
Jul 2013 · 182
Annie Jul 2013
I told him I felt lost and so
he handed me a map
and told me to drive
wherever my heart leads me.

His face didn't
show an ounce of surprise
when I pulled up to his
Jul 2013 · 643
a graceful exit
Annie Jul 2013
A girl with the world on her shoulders;
her brother is her saving grace,
except when she's alone at night.

She refuses to look in the mirror,
as she is still unable to face
the grief and trouble reflected in the glass.

She has been forced to hide her family problems
beneath the linen and lace,
accompanying each day with a new excuse.

She yearns to leave the responsibility
and disappear without a trace;
to succumb to a place that only knows peace.
Jul 2013 · 508
love lies
Annie Jul 2013
Lie to me and tell me you'll never leave,
that you love me and forever is a reality.
Promise me that everything will be alright,
when we both know it never was and never will be.

Be my knight in shining armor, and let me
discover the aluminum foil and the dents.
Become a professor, but instead of teaching biology,
help me learn how to love myself.

Ah, loving oneself, what a daunting task;
but so is loving someone else.
So when I confess that I just can't do it anymore,
please lie and tell me you know I'm strong enough.
Annie Jul 2013
She lies in the corner after he
hit her and screamed, but
his touch is still the only
thing she yearns for.

She’s become dependent
on a love that can never
support her; a narcissistic
excuse for caring.

That’s the worst kind,
when the one person
you should be able to
trust, is a stranger.

Yet she stays because he’s
promised her the world, and
eternity with the wrong one is
better than forever with no one.
Jul 2013 · 350
Annie Jul 2013
She has a twisted sense of what’s beautiful,
carving feelings into her skin and calling it art;
the kind of girl that thinks more than she breathes.
She thinks maybe writing will calm her nerves,
so she lets the words flow from her pen,
but her heart still aches the same.
Do you have the same fascination with words
as you once shared with her,
or have you moved on from that too?
She keeps the books you gave her because she
can see where your fingers traced the page,
mesmerized by the words of someone else’s story.
She tragically waits for a boy who never
really cared about the words she wrote,
and will never care about her.
Jul 2013 · 565
lessons learned
Annie Jul 2013
I grew up watching my father down
a beer to drown his fear, and so I learned
that it is best to hide your feelings.

His fright turned to anger, which he
never covered up, and I found new
hiding spots to escape his rage.

But there is no way to live
in the shadow of an incomplete
family, kept together by an eight
year old son and his baby sister.

We inherited our parents' mistakes,
constantly torn between cruelty and silence.
We only know hate and grief,
broken with nobody to fix us.

I've come to know that there are more
bad nights than good days, and that
nobody will stay to keep you company
when your thoughts overwhelm you.
Jul 2013 · 351
Annie Jul 2013
I sit here tonight with raw eyes, no not
from tears like the night you betrayed
us, but from never-ending thoughts
circling around and around, begging
me for answers to the question: why?

Why would she stay when every muscle,
every instinct, every ounce of her being,
is screaming to run?

Why would she ever think that she
could fix you; a monster with a heart
that only beats for yourself.

How could you hurt a family that
had no support? How could you make
all of those ******* decisions that are
going to **** her?

I hate you for making her so sad,
for taking the light from her eyes.
I hate you because now her only
comfort is her loneliness and I
hear her cry at night.

When will it all finally come to an end?
Will it be when my throat runs dry and I
can't yell for help any longer? Or maybe when
blood stops flowing through my veins
because there's no longer a heart to pump it.

I've come to the point where I don't
care how it happens, I just want
an end.
Jul 2013 · 873
Silent Suffocating
Annie Jul 2013
A silent night with distant screams,
she swore someone must have heard her pleas.
But still her nightmare stumbles through the door
filled with rage and grief and more.
One drunken step from side to side,
and in this moment she tries to hide.
A day filled up with laughs and light
has transformed into a dreadful night.
His voice bellows from outside her door
words slurred together, fright restored.
She can smell the whiskey and *** on his breath
and so she leans down and prays for death.
She knows too well what is coming next:
one more bruise along her neck.
Some children collect coins and silver dollars,
while she keeps these bruises around her collar.
A prized collection, he takes much pride
in leaving his mark and leaving her to cry.
People asked about the shadows on her arms and face,
but she covered them well with linen and lace.
It's been five years since this all began
and she can't bring herself to trust a single man.
His presence still haunts her, even though he's "changed"
nothing can erase those hits exchanged.
Her will to live is now slipping slowly,
why should she live in a world so lonely?
So the girl who cried out for help that time
now sits alone and makes these rhymes,
quietly waiting on her time to die.
Jul 2013 · 2.0k
Annie Jul 2013
Be weary of the boys
that show that they care,
for those are the most
dangerous ones.

They slowly work their
way into your thoughts
until they envelope
your heart with an
iron grip that won't let

And when you plead
for them to just forget you,
they do. But the problem
is that they've left bruises
and scars imprinted on
your skin and in your bones
and all throughout your mind,
permanently etching themselves
into everything you do.

So while the caring boy moves
on exactly as you asked, you're
left to pick up the pieces of
heart you begged him to break.
Jul 2013 · 315
She for he
Annie Jul 2013
She painted him
sunsets and mountains
and love, to try to take
the grief away.

She wrote words of
inspiration and hope
and complexity
to show him how simple
happiness could be.

But she failed to see
how deep his sorrow went,
and she couldn't draw a
rope long enough to rescue
him and every escape she tried
to write for him led to a dead
end, and he was left to
sit there and be consumed
by every malicious thought
ever to exist.
Jul 2013 · 607
The thinker
Annie Jul 2013
Don't fall in love
with the boy who
stays up until
2 am, for he
is thinking about
too many things.

He's contemplating
how the world works
and trying to figure out
what makes each
person tick.

He's searching for
answers in the depths
of the ocean when he
should be looking in the
your eyes.

He focused on knowing
something about everyone,
so he'll never have time
to know everything about
someone, even on those
sleepless 2 am nights.
Jul 2013 · 579
Annie Jul 2013
What is a home that
relies on strangers to
keep the peace? It's
barely even a house,
with foundations collapsing
leaving nothing but
broken memories and
empty promises.

A house that had
doubt hanging from the
ceiling and grief dripping
down the windows.

Angry hallways and
insults screaming from
the scales and mirrors.

Rooms with lying walls
that told you all of this
is normal.

Addiction was waiting
at the door for you,
ready to take you just
like it's swallowed
everyone you used
to know.
Jul 2013 · 539
Annie Jul 2013
Would you be able to
tell that this was a
if it was not spaced
out like so?
Is it even a poem

Poetry is not simply
rhyme schemes and
counting syllables,
it's raw emotion
that leaks out in

Poetry is self
expression, placed
on a page for the
world to view.

Poetry is the
deepest thought you
have, kept to yourself.

Poetry is a trivial
conversation brought
to life by a rearrangement
of letters and phrases.

You are a poet,
and in the same moment,
you are a poem.
Jul 2013 · 798
Annie Jul 2013
Her hands glide across
her own collarbone,
hoping she'll find that
your fingers still remain.
But no trace is left
from that night she
will forever remember,
and the night that you
drink to forget.
Jul 2013 · 366
Annie Jul 2013
Why do people always assume
bird chirps are happy songs?
Maybe they're just as sad as us,
but we see beauty in their pain.
Imagine if we accepted the
grief of others like we welcome
that found in nature.
These melodies of birds are
spoken in tongues, and while
we can't understand it, we
still manage to appreciate them.
Jul 2013 · 409
night thief
Annie Jul 2013
I long for your love,
yet I know I wouldn't
be happy with a man
who steals girls' hearts
in the middle of the
night, only to replace
them with empty
voids and false promises.
Jul 2013 · 340
Annie Jul 2013
Your best friend is laying down
in the casket before you
and it's all wrong.

She's wearing a dress, yet
everyone knew that
the only time she wore
one was to mock those
who "colored inside the lines."

Her hair is up, but she
always had it down
to cover her flaws and
the distant look in her eyes.

Her lips are in a straight line,
but she was known as
the girl who would be laughing
at her own funeral, and here
she was, tightlipped.

Looking at her body that
would soon only leave
bones behind, it was
obvious that nobody ever
looked past the skin deep
features, nobody took notice
of a girl who strove to
blend in, and succeeded.
Jul 2013 · 352
call it...
Annie Jul 2013
The irony of burying
your best friend's
skeleton underneath
a mound of dirt
and calling it respect.

The reality of letting
go of the one person
who ever meant
anything to you
and calling it love.

The pain of reliving
and criticizing
every thing that
you've ever done
and calling it the past.
Jul 2013 · 326
Annie Jul 2013
We associate death
with peace
but what if life
is the most
peaceful thing
we ever experience?
Jul 2013 · 416
Annie Jul 2013
It's been four years, yet it feels
like it was only yesterday
that I heard your giggle erupt
from behind me while we ran.

We were running from everything,
there was no one to chase us
except our pasts and our futures.

We were running from old age
and sickness and responsibility.
We were running from rules
and friendships and love.

But we didn't know that the
further you get from one thing,
the closer you get to something else.

We were running from joy and
youth and didn't know we were
headed straight for fear and grief.

That day you ran away from me,
our paths never crossed again
and they never will.

That day you ran towards peace
and forgiveness and acceptance,
and I ran straight for sorrow
and a life filled with heartache.

I don't run anymore.
Jul 2013 · 468
Annie Jul 2013
Sorrow flows in her veins,
anger runs in her family.
She yearns to cut off every relative
and cut out every capillary,
to forget every moment
she was surrounded by the
hatred that seeped into her skin
and settled within her bones.
She's sick, she claims, infected
with an invisible disease capable
of killing her from the inside
Jul 2013 · 359
Annie Jul 2013
Her phone has killed too many
people, taken hopes and dreams
along with it.

Her phone has made people sick,
and kept them in the hospital

Her phone has given away secrets,
ones she wishes she'd never told.

It has been the end of many
friendships and the start of
failed romances.

A simple call that turned her
world upside down forever,
a few words that tore at her
will to live.

Now she's bound to it inexplicably,
unwillingly attached to the
only source of grief in her life.
Jul 2013 · 481
Insincerely yours
Annie Jul 2013
She wrote a note to him
outlining the way he
made her heart beat,
and why, because of
this, she couldn't stay.

She wrote a note to him,
slowly and methodically,
carefully planning
every syllable and
letter that graced
the page to him.

She wrote a note to him,
and realized how
much she cared for
him, and knew she
had to let go before
it was too late.

She wrote a note to him
and when she got
to the end of the letter,
she artfully signed it,
*insincerely yours.
Jul 2013 · 229
Collected Dust
Annie Jul 2013
with the
fine china
that will
stay on
the same
it cracks
Jul 2013 · 451
Annie Jul 2013
Your sorrow cries out
and breaks every bone
I have left in my body.

There's not much left
after you cracked my ribs
when you said goodbye,
And after you tore my
skin apart when you
said it was all a lie

But I will pick up the remains
of my broken skeleton
and bury the pieces six feet under
the swing you claimed was special,
when you told me you loved me.

Maybe when you bring your next
girl to the same place, you'll hear
my voice invading your every thought
and haunting every inch of your body.

I hope you do,
and I hope it kills you too.
Jul 2013 · 350
Fall in love
Annie Jul 2013
Fall in love with the comfortable
silences shared in the car ride home

Fall in love with the hint of a smile
on her face when she recognizes a song

Fall in love with the way the hair on the
right side of her face is always out of place
because she's forever twirling it around her finger

Fall in love with the way she talks about the
birds outside, as if they are the most enchanting
things on earth (besides you of course)

Fall in love with how she is constantly
writing, and you know it's about you

Fall in love with the way she has a playlist
for falling asleep, yet it always finishes
before she's even closed her eyes

Fall in love with the way
she falls asleep

Fall in love with a writer
and you will discover new
things about yourself to love
Jul 2013 · 215
Annie Jul 2013
She has infinite words
at her fingertips, but
she can't find the right
combination of letters and
balance of syllables to
describe the way her heart
aches every moment of the day.
Jul 2013 · 969
Progression pt. 3
Annie Jul 2013
The wind gets colder as the sun recedes
And marks the first sign of the ending day.
Minds go numb and people’s thoughts will decay.
Slip to bed and let their bodies concede
To the dreams and nightmares that come with greed.
The stars emerge as memories replay,
The constellations are now on display.
As minds lose focus and the night proceeds,
The attention shifts towards current troubles.
And rather than help, we choose to ignore
The simple answers that solve the struggle.
The birds laugh as we argue and quarrel
Over issues that are petty at the core;
We can’t see past the lining of rubble.
(School sonnet assignment)
Jul 2013 · 625
Progression pt. 2
Annie Jul 2013
A glimpse of light travelling through the air,
while chased by time, it can never quite win.
The morning ends and the day can begin.
Shadows that are shifting from here to there,
move on the walls in the shape of despair.
The lies that the sky tells are a sin;
promise forever but have never been.
The whispers among the trees seem to swear
and curse about action and destruction.
We fail to notice the impending end,
caught up in the money and corruption.
Between dawn and dusk the city awakes,
but it can never seem to comprehend
its future of infinite construction.
(School sonnet assignment)
Jul 2013 · 482
Progression pt. 1
Annie Jul 2013
With thoughts as scattered as the morning sun,
the impatient breeze dances in my lungs.
The melodies of birds spoken in tongues;
wisps of clouds are constantly on the run.
The leaves are the signs of a battle won
between the laurels and the air that hung.
The fading moon tells a story unsung
and the sky awakes as the lonely one.
Constant movement becomes reality.
Consumed with both the future and the past,
Disconnected from present mentality.
A broken relationship with nature;
it’s the one thing we hope we don’t outlast,
trust to withstand our own brutality.
(School sonnet assignment)
Jul 2013 · 419
Annie Jul 2013
Her house hasn't been a home for months now,
filled with ghosts that are burdened with life
and whose words scream with built up tension.

She goes unnoticed in a room full of chaos,
only looked to when the mood needs to be lifted.
How does she tell them that she wants to be lifted,
not in spirits, but from every thought and burden.

Her heart aches with every breath
and she feels her chest might collapse,
leaving her heart dark and untouched forever.
Jul 2013 · 2.2k
Annie Jul 2013
The earth cracked under every step he took,
weighed down with the burdens of tomorrow;
self-involved, caught up in his own sorrow.
See, he wouldn't even bother to look
in the eyes of others, he was a crook,
stealing hope, leaving only the shadow
of a once happy soul, now left hollow.
He's gone through every excuse in the book,
explaining why he has the right to hurt
she who let him be the sun in her sky.
She never let anyone see her cry;
upon seeing weakness, she would revert
to building a wall nobody could climb
or ever break down, protecting her heart.
(failed sonnet attempt)

— The End —