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864 · Oct 2012
Primitive of my own experiences,
I will stand in a sea of bodies,
All hot and compressed,
But the energy of the people, like heated atoms,
And the music, bringing forth the collective feeling,
And the simultaneous death-defying appreciation, and nothing but,
Will bring chills so intense to the skin under my sleeves that I will shiver in that sea.
I’ll feel the ground vibrate
And I’ll know every word
And I’ll forget everything else
And dance like nobody’s watching
Because they probably won’t be.
774 · Oct 2012
To Be Free
To be me is to be free,
A one woman anything.
I live by my own rule book
Without anyone’s judgment or approval.
I don’t need a boyfriend or a girlfriend, a sister or a brother,
No friends is no problems,
And I definitely don’t need a mother.
I’ll run away and live in the desert,
**** my own food and supply my own pleasures,
But here in this place I’m already as isolated as isolated goes,
Because to be me is to be so incredibly alone.
554 · Oct 2012
The Big Bang
My universe has been consumed by you.
I see nothing and no one but you anymore.
Like the people around us in a crowd,
They may as well be non- existent.
To me, you are beautiful in every aspect of the word.
And you repel anything smaller than you,
Which, in my eyes, is everything.
                       When you came along, you continuously made everything else matter less
and less
and less
until everything else was just an inadequate speck.
506 · Dec 2012
ode to you
This is an ode to everyone’s “you.”
The beyond significant other.
The sole being who stays in your thoughts
like it’s their very own home,
but you could care less because
it might as well be.

— The End —