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I will not hide the disdain I feel, l
For the unfortunate weary souls
who have yet to see the light ,
The half men, who see it fit to belittle its enkindling
gifting unto the legions the absolution of our demise.
Unto them I see no clemency
I cede them nothing but to concede my absence.

Dam them to the merciless scowl of the unwritten histories.

Absolve them no protection,
let unearned, sweat of the brow pool
let it  saturate their scar less heads.
leave only the ice autumn rains to bathe  them
Ignore the frost redden pleas at the year’s end
leave them, to frolic in its benevolent grace.

To know,
To see,
To become,

because To know is to become human
and To be human is to see and do  everything else.
To be human is to be Mortal.

Graceful knowing,
Captivating, expanding, dieing
To be graceful at knowing and graceful at end

Human is To be free
A school project
 Nov 2013 Anndersen Fremin
The shadow of the earth is growing old
The children of the grave are growing bold
Trade your hard earned money for a handful of prayers
Live softly what’s left unaware

You’ll try to cry
You’ll try to die
They’ll follow you till the end of time
Can you feel it
Can you feel the static sun
Empowering your glory
Weakening their gloom

The dried wolves
Are out for a hunt tonight
And fear in your heart they’ll ignite

Traveling all the time
I can’t stand still
I’ll run the world till I get my trill  

Silky is the moon upon us
Bone chilling is the blizzard in your heart
Devastating are the shattered visions from the future
Screaming violins up on the dancing hill
Fiddling a blue moon

The sun boils the water as it rise from beneath the sea
The symmetrical cities are swirling and twirling far away
Red are the nights full of pleasuring pain

The silent alfalfa
The blue field where words are grown
Wheels within wheels are my words
A  mosaic of pithy thoughts
Swift day dreaming

This is just a phase
Everything belongs to the past
And eventually nothing will last
From the womb
To the tomb
SLOWLY the Moon her banderoles of light
Unfurls upon the sky; her fingers drip
Pale, silvery tides; her armoured warriors
Leave Day's bright tents of azure and of gold,
Wherein they hid them, and in silence flock
Upon the solemn battlefield of Night
To try great issues with the blind old king,
The Titan Darkness, who great Pharoah fought
With groping hands, and conquered for a span.

The starry hosts with silver lances *****
The scarlet fringes of the tents of Day,
And turn their crystal shields upon their *******,
And point their radiant lances, and so wait
The stirring of the giant in his caves.

The solitary hills send long, sad sighs
As the blind Titan grasps their locks of pine
And trembling larch to drag him toward the sky,
That his wild-seeking hands may clutch the Moon
From her war-chariot, scythed and wheeled with light,
Crush bright-mailed stars, and so, a sightless king,
Reign in black desolation! Low-set vales
Weep under the black hollow of his foot,
While sobs the sea beneath his lashing hair
Of rolling mists, which, strong as iron cords,
Twine round tall masts and drag them to the reefs.

Swifter rolls up Astarte's light-scythed car;
Dense rise the jewelled lances, groves of light;
Red flouts Mars' banner in the voiceless war
(The mightiest combat is the tongueless one);
The silvery dartings of the lances *****
His fingers from the mountains, catch his locks
And toss them in black fragments to the winds,
Pierce the vast hollow of his misty foot,
Level their diamond tips against his breast,
And force him down to lair within his pit
And thro' its chinks ****** down his groping hands
To quicken Hell with horror-for the strength
That is not of the Heavens is of Hell.
as she cries she
rests her heavy mind onto
the kneeled piano, rivers
running down patchwork cheeks, crashing
oceans on fire to the ivory keys, surrounding
the last song.

it will sound until the
wind that has been knocked,
kicked, slammed out
of her ceases to blow her
to and fro between
worlds, and
lays to rest her heavy
heart somewhere
in between.

she will not find her way to one,
or the other, and
will drift, arms
splayed, legs
splayed, hair afloat around a nowhere,
nothing face, and
her heavy soul will be forever
If truth in hearts that perish
Could move the powers on high,
I think the love I bear you
Should make you not to die.

Sure, sure, if stedfast meaning,
If single thought could save,
The world might end to-morrow,
You should not see the grave.

This long and sure-set liking,
This boundless will to please,
--Oh, you should live for ever,
If there were help in these.

But now, since all is idle,
To this lost heart be kind,
Ere to a town you journey
Where friends are ill to find.
There are dreams
And there are dreams,
That fuel the passion,
The rest all are nightmares.
central to a poem


















I want to kiss you
beneath a lamp light
on a crowded street
and ask you to stay.

Just for me.

But we are not made
for, or of,
celluloid and limelight.
We are

just fragile

flesh and bone.
I am glad to have let him go.  He is doing wonderful things with his life he could not have accomplished here.
In the end,
I will weep.
You don’t have
to remind me of that.

But still
I refuse to simply observe,
to delight in colors which
I cannot taste
and flavors that sting my eyes
from afar.

The process
of becoming
has become

Rather the salt of tears
on my tongue than the sour
of an empty mouth.

Belief is a delicate fixation,
fractured in a blink
and gone where it
cannot be fetched back.

And I do love to believe.
I’ll weep
because the days
have come
for belief to bloom
a child’s dandelion on
giggling exhalation,
fragmented in a hundred
directions of disjointed

The days have come
when I will weep less.
This poem can be found in Venus Laughs, a collection of poetry from Harmoni McGlothlin, available at
 Jul 2013 Anndersen Fremin
Come down from there;
I’m more than just a little angry!

I’ve lost the will to hold my tongue.

This wretched talk,
It drives me crazy.

Forget those words…
You didn’t mean it.
                                           This is far from hopeless.
            My throat is dry….            Please…   Catch the wind…
All this
it leave me breathless.

My eyes are coated
and shining.
And in yours,
the light is dimming.
I wonder which of us
           is more blind?
We are stumbling…
…. bumbling our way,
and it’s not that
I’m Disappointed
as much as
Home is the space between my ears these days.
It isn’t however
A …. safe harbor.
Forget a shining suit of armor.
… “impenetrable fortress”…
… And things aren’t any clearer in here
Than at this precipice.
Can our feet be sure?
Can our path hold true…
If our eyes deceive us?
Collect me…
Fetch me from this wishing well.
I can tell this dream is over.
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