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Annamaria Gagno Apr 2012
Where did we go Wrong, Perhaps we weren't meant to BE,
Illusion of our Minds, made to be Taught,
for  what it Means, we both don't Know,
in Time, we thought it was Best,
Best for what, to be Married or to be Part,
a Part from each other,
not knowing where we will BE,
the Facts are there, there is no Truth or Honesty,
we both thought, it was good, but at the End,
a Story became Real, Real to each other,
but then, things Happen, we Forgotten who we are,
Times that went ON, no one new, it would Happen,
Life was Real, knowing each other for so Long,
Going to School, Dating High School,
Dancing in the Wind, Party all Night Long,
but Look at now, we thought it was Good,
we thought Marriage was the Answer,
to be Together, but it became Real,
we didn't know, what we wanted in Life,
Mistake came, Hurt Feels came, Dishonesty and Trust is Lost,
what went Wrong, we both don't Know, the Answers were there,
we just Lost each other in Time, Bordem was there,
Life of Love, where did it go, Thank God, Children weren't involve,
but it all Happen so Fast, we both went to Fast,
Love was in the Air, but not in Marriage, our Distance went further,
we both went Further, we forgotten each other,
Love was there, but in Marriage, we weren't Ready to be,
Thank God, Children weren't involved,
Perhaps this was meant to be, we still can be Friends,
but then again, we both don't know, would we Find each other,
Once again, begin a new Chapter in Life,
Let the Love begin again, Perhaps we would know then, not now,
Long Love Lasted for a while, but in Life, Marriage wasn't the Answer,
to us Both, Lets Part away, Until then, lets not say Good-Bye forever,
it's just Fear, to what went Wrong, but in Life, it was Real,
when we were both Young and Wild,
Love was there, Marriage wasn't, we both weren't Ready,
to be, Man or Wife, Life was Good, but now, Lets Fade away,
In the Mist of Dust, the Light of the Dark,
lets not make anymore Mistakes, will see each other in another Time,
who knows when, if it would Happen, but now,
Distance between us, is knowing, we were Wild and Free,
but Love was there, but not in Marriage.
Annamaria Gagno Apr 2012
A Child calling for Love, Why must this Child Suffer, to Why, we don't know,
for us Adults, child is unknown to the Eye's they see,
why must this Child go on Living a Life of Hate,
Why was this Child Born, to what we may Ask,
Abuse after Abuse,
all the Child asks and calling of Love,
Why two People, Who become Parents,
that One Simple Child to be Place Upon Parents,
Who don't Deserve, the Blessing of a Child,
at Night, Child Sleeps, through hours of Time,
Dreams become Real,
Into their own Little Minds,
there are Issue's of these Dreams,
Horror of Thought's, Horror of Being Abuse,
who will be the striker Upon a Child,
who will not Listen, for the Child Cries alone,
Let a Child be Loved,
this is a World, we Bring a Child,
Child should have, the Love by Two, not only One,
Child should be Blessed by the Gods of their own Endures,
God Shelter a Child, Protect those in need,
a Child is Ignore, every second of the Hour,
Who would Listen,
Tears flow, down into their Pillows,
Dreams of Horror, a Child must not have,
Dreams of Horror,
Illusion become Real, who will Save this Child,
Abuse happens every day Life,
how can we Stop it,
Abuse is a History of Violence of the World,
Creation by Man or Woman,
the Hands Placed upon a Child,
would Surrender to who they are,
Please to Place a Child Love,
exchange for Abuse and Ingore,
a Child is a Beautiful Mind, only the Eye's of Parents,
who Gave Birth, will never know,
a Child is Abuse every second of their Life,
Please Hear the Children Cry,
they only ask for One thing,
A Child Calling For Love, is by Two People,
who become Parents of a Child, they Gave Birth
Annamaria Gagno Apr 2012
God Endures, All his Children, in Time, God watch's from above,
who will Shelter a Life, would God Give the answer,
Children all Over, where do they Go,
they have Forgotten the One who Hears the Most,
the Love of God,
Perhaps Children are Meant, not to Understand,
to Why there is a God,
in the Children Eye's,
what do the Children see, to who they want the Most,
God is the Praise to what we all Endure,
Life is the Precious, God is Precious, to the Eye's of Children,
let the Light Shine Beyond the Hills Over the Banks,
River Flows, the Holy water is the Blessed of the Children,
God Gives, God Listens, but for the Rest,
we must take the Challenge to what we all See and Endure,
Life is not what we see, Life is Violence Place to Live in,
the Modest of Life, War Continues on,
why can't it be Simple,
Children see, the Destroy of our Nation,
God can only do so much,
for the Children that Grow, go on Living a Life,
would they forget, would they know,
Time will Tell,
only the One knows,
God Endures to what he see's, do we Listen or do we Ignore,
Issue build on and on,
Solving Problems become matters of the Troubles,
we all see, in the World of Hate and Anger,
but yet, God Endures all his Children,
God takes away, for Give those, who Hate,
Hate in the World,
we must make it a Peace Full One,
Children of Generation,
what Happen to them,
Children are Forgotten, a Lesson to be Taught,
to why we Pray, to why we must Die, to why we are Chosen to Live on and on,
only One knows,
God Endures all his Children
Annamaria Gagno Mar 2012
Journey to home, the Lord of all, Lord of our Father, One day,
He'll send us to him, Precious Lord, we Seek him,
Lord we Journey through Life,
when it is Time, Come home to you our Lord,
we Pray each day, when we it be Time,
only you our Lord, you Give us the Blessings,
to come home to you our Lord,
Guide us, don't let Fear on going,
let us Rejoice, in the name of our Father,
Lord we are the Children of the Time,
Children of the Past to the Present to the Future,
Time keeps on going, where does one go,
do we Die when Born,
do we Die when Young,
do we Fight a Battle until the End,
what is the meaning of Life and Death,
do we all know,
Purpose to Understand,
is when to let go,
say our Good Byes, Hello to new Arrivals,
but yet,
Journey to Home, when does it Happen,
only One knows, Our Father the Lord above us all,
we are the Children,
he Created us to be who we are,
different not the same, but suffer in many ways,
to Live Life Freely or to Live Life of Dishonesty and Cruelty of Abuse,
but the Road is Long, so is the Journey we all must take,
for One day soon, we don't know,
Journey to Home.
Annamaria Gagno Mar 2012
My Love, I will write to you, many days go by, thinking of you, so far, Distance of each other, is to far to reach out, all my life, I been thinking of One,
Only person in my Life Time, it would be you,
You Give the meaning of Life to Her, in a Beautiful way, so much Endure, so much Passion,
what took to Long, why we were meant to be the Distance of each other,
is it the Game, is a true Story to Tell, why is the meaning of this,
was it the Lord, who kept us Far Beyond a Path, not knowing, One day we will meet,
Look at us now, we are both Older, but Fragile in away,
we both Suffer, within an Illness, but it does not Stop,
we both go on,
the Love of us, is knowing Love is there, True Beginnings,
Last a Life Time, until the Story Ends,
but for now,
My Love, I will write to you,
where shall she begin, where are the words to Tell,
so many wise Chosen words, but yet,
In her Heart, Dignity of her Pride, you showed her the Way,
Life gave a meaning, to what, to Live on, not with herself,
it is with you,
My Love, where have  you been, it to her, long Journey's of a Path,
why did the Lord, make her Suffer,
the Abuse, the Haunted Memories, Horrors of her Dreams, she Dreams at Night,
but yet,
It took her, 3000 miles to Travel a Distance, Life was Real, but it took a While,
to know what is Real out there,
She meant One, Destroy a Life of herself, the Cruelty she Endure, she never Expected,
Life was a Hate full way, once again, Four Years of her Life Time,
Trapped in a Cage, Keys taken away, no site of anyone,
Kept in, no knowing what Society look like, But Fear of her Mind,
Gave her the Scare of a Life Time,
Perhaps it's a Learning Process, But yet she doesn't know,
But in Time, One decide to let her Free, Doors Open,
it set her Free, in Time, she never knew, Life was a meaning Full thing,
Perhaps the Journey was meant to be Long, Hard Times, knowing when it comes or not,
but now, Life to her, is with you,
My Love, I will Write Many Letters, but inside herself, the Letters are meant Locked in,
her Heart, is always there,
but Confuse at Times, so My Love, Letters Written by her,
is the Love of Faith, a Guide to know, is always meant,
Words of Wisdom, is the Chosen words, said and done,
for the Letters she Writes,
is meant for you,
My Love, I Will Write To You
How does one feel about a Relationship. Not knowing what it is. What will Happen. Life is a Game. To understand it Clearly. Relationship after Relationship. Heart Broken, Torn to Pieces, Life is meant to Understand and Learn by our Mistakes.
To understand the one. Let is be Freely. Don't Rush. True Colors must be shown. No Pretend to be who you are to one.
Meaning full of Relationship should be shown. True feelings, True Emotional, True Person to who they are, so their own meaning full way to who they are. Don't Rush. Take the Time. Love doesn't come by freely.

— The End —