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552 · Apr 2015
Annaliese D Apr 2015
See the big blue sky
Smell the fresh, crisp, cattail air
It is spring again
524 · Apr 2015
Annaliese D Apr 2015
Sitting out in early spring
The memories come flooding back
Of grasshoppers, dragonflies, Mosquitos, and flies
Something that Michigan would never lack
As annoying as they are
And human blood they claim
They are apart of our world
And without them Michigan wouldn't be the same
385 · Apr 2015
Annaliese D Apr 2015
Jealousy is a ticking clock
Almost too loud to bare
The spinning of my head goes round
While others fix their hair

Jealousy is a gray sweater
With itchy buttons that will not budge
Looking cute and feeling good
When all the girls start to judge

Jealousy creeps inside of you
But is nothing but a mind set
But jealousy is a part of life
And therefore must be kept
248 · Apr 2015
Dear memories Final
Annaliese D Apr 2015
When I was seven
I skinned my knee
On the ground of which I stepped
Playing football with Him

Dear memories

The ground to which I trusted
Drew on with chalk
Now it had betrayed me
With its hard, thick crust of rock

Dear memories

My utopia of snakes
That I'd catch with Him
And when they'd escape
We'd simply try again

Dear memories

To that of which I would always trust
To catch me when I fall
Even without thanks
He's always there to call

Dear memories

When I was seven I skinned my knee
And looked to him to help me heal
And even though he isn't here
I know He'll always be there to catch me

— The End —