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May 2013 · 925
Never Matching Up.
Annaleisa May 2013
Age 5
There we sat, you in criss cross applesauce,
I sat on my chicken legs.
I remember your small curls didn’t come past your ears
As we slurped our apple juice and gabbed on about Harry Potter.
Our stubbornness and entitlement matched.

Age 7
I remember the day you told me that we were growing apart.
You told me that I wanted to grow up too fast for you,
I think it was my lipstick that did it.
We grew separately.

Age 13
Six years past, and we had finally matched up again.
Growth and maturity was as similar as it could be,
But now I needed to be something for you:
A specific mixture of contentment, judging, intelligence
and a spirit that we both always wanted.

You were blossoming before my eyes, I felt as though
I owned some part of that, we were close knit and joyous.
We belonged together again.
You didn’t like the strange boy who came into my life,
you neglected my heart he resided in,
I moved things around to make you room
but again, it wasn't enough.

Effort was engraved in my voice,
I wanted our mismatched souls together again.
I felt as though I was begging
on my knees for our unconventional love.
Do you remember our fight? Where I believed
we were finally expressing enough to progress to a real level.
I realized the aimlessness of trying to affect you.

There were still spurts of hope in us,
but finally I cut the chord, I doubt you noticed.
Even our glances I struggled to make sure were not glares.
Then the miracle moment, you stand next to me
and speak the empty words, “How are you? I haven’t talked to you in a while.”
In the same voice I sculpted to not sound desperate.
You spoke it effortlessly with no substance,
that right there
was when I truly understood we just never matched up.
Class Assignment.
Mar 2013 · 1.0k
Annaleisa Mar 2013
Rain dancing towards a puddle on my tongue
reaching for something external, an embrace that chokes us.
This beautiful black bike thats engine screams like my fringed back,
I escape on the leather seats and the smooth silver
Blooming baby blossoms on the trees
(as tall as mountain) tops fly back as I race forward
Escaping our planted roots
Picking one by one to bring along, I balance beings.
The afterrain lets on a mystifying mist that wets my hand and the blossoms leak out on the distant pavement
I break in the air.
Stuck in this sanity.
I’m soaring on my engine like a hot air balloon
A smooth transcendent layer of life I ride on.
On clouds and winds past sky scrapers
Insanity is comfort
I float on,
bearing the future of
I enter no oxygen and mouth goodbye to breath.
But the weight is waved off
in a tide of tickling tongues
desertion is destination.
Mar 2013 · 581
Annaleisa Mar 2013
The coins we carried to Kansas trailed out of my hand,
And the ink started dissolving into dirt.
The air we shared tickled into my lungs bit by bit,
And with every reckless ransom we ached to be hurt.
The rates went up and the dares fit the outcome
I clasped the cable for trials and closed it in my car.

Your hair was coiled in light
And my teeth grit
Inch by inch we were closer to Thailand
Trying on reasonable laws
But the flare we shared was ticking,
You wore the laugh wrong
In the light pictures.

Kids clinched the nighttime,
Clicking the fringe on the layers of warmth.
The incoherent sounds pushed from the lullaby
But we understood the raw reason for rhymes.
Jul 2012 · 628
Giving Up
Annaleisa Jul 2012
I give up, completely and fully.

I expel, withdraw, and drop all thoughts of him.

Belittle him from my memory as has me from his heart.

But I can't help reflect as I dissolve from his core,

Minimizing 700 days of your magnitude.

I'm the magnanimous, hopeful fool who believed that he would either evaporate or metamorphose.

Though, neither has happened.

I unwillingly must judge all present, past, and future feelings towards him.

From the alluring curls of your mouth, to the moment you presented the words that changed my heart, to every  lamentable cry that soaked my pillows, to our first embrace, as our lips held each others... to every burden I felt to the depths of my stomach, to every wasted moment, so many ****** moments that could have been spent on much better than him, and I'm stuck.

As always, waiting for the fight you'd make for me.

But the only one who is fighting the possibility of me giving up is, in fact, myself.

700 days waited and wasted, I expel all further fights.
Sorry guys, I haven't written in so long, so this really isn't my best work, but I needed to start somewhere again!
May 2012 · 636
Annaleisa May 2012
Kicking at the opaque tongues
I'm settling for every lie and sound that follows the fabric.
The rhythm of what they want to hear is creeping in their ears
And in their heads.
Do I choose to hear the whimpers?
Why am I nothing to the wind?
Cracks in the night are fogging into your cuts,
and you refuse to be a part of something bigger.
Words like "let go" written gracefully across the wounded lips,
and the lies come out at night.
Apr 2012 · 1.0k
Annaleisa Apr 2012
My lips kiss the heat in the air, pretending you're holding my swollen hips.
I'm hypnotized by your every move and word.
Yet you come and go like our diseases we hold.
The taste in my mouth burns back to my jaw,
so bitter and raw.
Yet when the sweet lyrics come out of your groin,
I'm back again.
So obedient, I'm disobeying my every lesson. Everything I tell myself not to do
but I'm there at every sound and every smile.
Then it turns cold in literal seconds, and my beaming drops to a hallow fall.
You gain and gain every last drop of my changing sleeves, the heart is hidden in this beast.
And I agonize over the idea that history has repeated myself.
What I swore I would do seems so child-like, that I'm tearing it away.
You're tearing me away, too. And you.
Because no matter how much I know your heart could love,
no matter how little softness you posses,
no matter how many miles separate us,
I'm still left so sharp, so bitter.
Feb 2012 · 1.0k
Descending Decades
Annaleisa Feb 2012
It's a rather pathetic feeling to be judged,
you feel miserable, hopeless.
Magic spells relieve the judgment, and
we are crowded with words.
Walls of marijuana paint the street,
Bodies merging to one in lower grounds.
These beautiful histories are slowly falling out of our torn bags.
Wars, treaties, sciences, humans, equations, languages are
tip toeing away
Fearful of my generation.
I pull them closer to me,
they still escape, as hard as I try.
We are losing societies,  flames build our own.
I'm stranded in burns,
the pressure only grows from my generation.
Feb 2012 · 1.6k
Annaleisa Feb 2012
Somedays, I hope my words mean nothing.
They are little glass figures of bunnies sniffing, and china plates my mother puts out when the better people come.
I hope me saying,
“I don’t want to get attached”
does not run about as an “I love you”,
let it be the napkin I spill my nausea into.
Don’t let it be my grandpa’s handkerchief.
These “I love you”’s are building up in my head, glasses, china plates, handkerchiefs.
These antique, vintage pieces keep stacking themselves up in my swollen breaths.
“I do not love you” runs around like the rainbows I see on acid. What a joke.
These “ifs” and “whys” and “buts” are hopping around like my glass bunny.
Poor words.
Dec 2011 · 610
Am I Interesting Yet?
Annaleisa Dec 2011
My day falls heavier than your night.
I'm sinking below your heated limbs,
You kiss my breast and suckle on my lips,
But I'm craving and begging for the opportunity
of your eyes gazing at mine.
I am masked in dark lights and bright nights
Am I interesting yet?
Dec 2011 · 588
Annaleisa Dec 2011
Take a strong gaze at my wispy arms,
For you will never notice such a small bond.
You stare upon my one bloomed smile as its auburn crunch awakes you.
See I’m not stable on my own, I need help to stand as short as I can for you.
My broken bones sway away in the cold grey wind as I became chilled in your seduction.
It seems my roots are the only thing to hold me tall
For it is all I know to grow to be.
I shall never be your center stage for you know too many stronger than me to be bold.
A century sick of my slim strands scoping to be saved,
still I stand single.
My bloomed leaf is so slowly sailing off my ill arm like the known failing life.
Waiting for your end
or perhaps its freedom.
Until I am stung by neglect from this incomplete fevered world.
Dec 2011 · 629
Romance? (10 word poem)
Annaleisa Dec 2011
Thrifting through men
Nothing unique
Pathetic ***** want ***.
Nov 2011 · 610
Computer Hearts
Annaleisa Nov 2011
He was miles away but inches close.
He falls asleep when I awake.
I didn't understand this distance,
His mentality and mine matched.
Pixels created a love I'd never known.
I spent days dreaming of touching his face,
and nights feeling him on me,
my cotton sheets charaded.
It seemed so senseless to society, but I loved you.
The words disappeared, like your screen had broke.
Like you were dead.
Then alive.
Like you were dead again.
And alive again.
You swung, and I was waiting every time you came back.
Still, I wait beside my computer. Hoping today you'll be alive to me again.
Nov 2011 · 511
Who Are You?
Annaleisa Nov 2011
You’re a stranger in the halls, and an acquaintance to my heart.
The pictures are still there, they’ll never change.
But you have. So much.
Nov 2011 · 654
Living in Retrospect
Annaleisa Nov 2011
Bring summer back- full of warm running miles
and natural smiles
Bring our love home- where we don’t live in debt,
but somehow regret
Pack for last time- Where we rerun it all
Where we rise and do not fall
The golden mask,
covers your face
I'm blind in your embrace
Foolish to doubt,
yourself and the lies
focus on the tone in your eyes

We’re living in retrospect
Drowning in fire- burning in ice- the past has a price
We’re dancing in circles- Running through fear-
Until we get through the years with a myriad of tears
We refuse to respect
we cannot connect
until there’s nothing left to expect
We run but can’t hide,
We're living in retrospect.
I'm living in retrospect.
Nov 2011 · 490
Closure's Thoughts
Annaleisa Nov 2011
The only ardor that was present from both parties lays casually in
a lonely apparition.
My eyes were crowding his. Cornering the triangle.
Does my soul mate only exist in my unconscious past?
Had the lips I kissed so long ago touch another’s?
Had the lips touched you more than my soul had a capability of?
I rocked forth and back in a misery you knew.
Was it planned?
The sweet songs of melancholy compromised everything I once owned so well
My rival was now beside me with sincere gratitude that I could not feel yet.
The tears you will cause the poor girl, does she even know?
Did I create this monster who haunts my sleep?
I cleaned out the closet but he’s still hiding under my bed.
Nov 2011 · 2.3k
Annaleisa Nov 2011
My absence was a mortifying misfortune,
The ponies drew their swords at the amity,
The sunset hung close to my crackling toes.
And the rings of ardor were a constant reminder of the fall.
We know we rise again in the sunrise
but the plastic hair gave fraud  to wishes we made days before.
The soldiers clamped their wings tight
The circle had not comprehended the fight we fought for.
The context of these misused actions could be used to modify.
“Please come again” The narrator spoke.
We rode the carousel again.
Nov 2011 · 766
Less Than a Week Ago
Annaleisa Nov 2011
Less than a week ago, my mind, soul and body orbited you.
Long hours of phone talk had diminished to me
obsessing over your facebook page.
Pictures of stomach throbbing sights force loss of self focus and concentration.
The sight of you being feet away from her and simple conversation weakens me.
The idea of closure doesn’t exist in your world.
So lead me on, weeks and weeks.
Month and month.
You have disinherited my love songs, back cracks, back strokes, and your life size teddy bear.
Believe it or not, I am not an emotionless *** toy-
like you are.
Who I am should reflect something our love could never purchase.
My maple heals will feel like stabs in your moronic choice.
My lace dress will feel like the dream that you must awaken from.
My body will look like a mystery to you, **** face.
In less than a week, I metamorphosed into the girl you couldn’t get
At least you were warned.
Close and Sign off.
Nov 2011 · 616
Love's Funeral
Annaleisa Nov 2011
Goodbye, my love.

Who promised me his heart and soul was devoted to mine for eternity.
Who kissed me harder than a hundred bees poking their stingers to my veins
Who cuddled me tighter than the ocean drowning  
my weak bones.
Who vowed to love me unconditionally and never
hurt my broken self.
Who brought me deeper than our
our underwater castle, where our planted roots grow.
Who made me dream of things I was taught not to think of.
Who gave life back to me.

Who makes her laugh
Who is forcing paranoia and images I’ve never seen before
in my wooden head
Who is alienating my life into bits and parts

Who brought my shell back on.
Who has proven me wrong yet again.
and Who gave me something no one else had ever given me.

Thank you, my friend.
Oct 2011 · 1.7k
Annaleisa Oct 2011
The world was crashing before her eyes and the movie was playing
over and over.
Blood flowing through her air, wiped off by bright colors she despised.
She lived in a dream she wanted to fall asleep to.
She whistled and weeped and  wrecked and wed widows
who walked among different grounds than her
She plotted fresh and icy white droplets of mint in her mouth, awaking her morning breath
She masked her soul in itchy wool sweaters and her emotions in
pounds of make up
Melodies and harmonies are plucked by strings. A voice and a wooden guitar create
A symphony of truths
Something never articulated in a conversation was flowed out through this cold and curved instrument and on pure sheets of paper
Piles of pages of stories of those relating to the villains inside our hearts,
All honesty is gone in modern stories of victimization.
A relation to the simple days is caressed in moments of weakness.
Crying the Sh’ma to her God,
to the ferocious tiger,
the trustworthy elephant,
and the regretful giraffe.
A bond reflected through gold and a diamond reveals more hatred and despair than the love and commitment it was given for.
Songs sung sounded of serenades and lullabies all were real abominations and a nuisance
among her razor.
The flame flew away back at camp, all that is left is wax in her seemingly well pampered box. The fire’s flame was filled with water.
Oh, what a cancer.
This was actually an assignment for my American Lit class. Somehow in the style of Allen Ginsberg. I dunno if this totally qualifies as ALLEN GINSBERG worthy, but I sure hope yah like it.
Oct 2011 · 979
The Divorce
Annaleisa Oct 2011
I signed this providence with no reluctance
and I loved him.
His kisses had the same satisfaction of catching raindrops in my mouth,
Hold, my contract dissolved before my eyes,
I felt lumps on his skin that used to be my kisses.
I weakened him and pushed him back so many times.
This bird that flew so proudly was now a corpse and I, the murderer.
I dreamed of raindrops on my tongue, I got them back so many times.
Before the judge, we sat on opposing sides of the halls.
“What caused this end?” The judge questioned, I wondered.
I was floating on the floor. I needed his warmth,
He needed an end.
I signed this providence with only reluctance.
Oct 2011 · 745
Mad World
Annaleisa Oct 2011
Awake at the crack of moonshine, and its our choice.
We live for a day, though, it isn’t our last.
Every woman speaks up for her muffled voice.
The children have the longest, hardest past.
The nuns swear at God while they **** the priests
There’s forgiveness and understanding within the stubborn man’s mind
And peace is spread through the Middle East.
The critic allows himself to be blind.
Black policemen have cars filled of white men in the backseat
The Catholics let their bodies take over their morals
The vegans stuff their face bragging of their raw meat
The new widow in mourning wears nothing but florals.
Men and men. Women and woman unite their love with “I Do”’s
The watches decide to stop all time
The artist killed off his most helpful muse
Not living his life was the old man’s only crime.
Oct 2011 · 519
Rain in my Room.
Annaleisa Oct 2011
Last night it rained
Everything came storming on my little head.
Cracks in the ceiling and puddles on the floor.
Weeping and curling my chest to my knees.
I mastered melancholy long ago
Nights my room was full of fogging clouds.
Nights I had hoped someone would mourn over my
Breathing body.
Mornings my body had drowned in nonexistent water.
And no one even knew.
Oct 2011 · 2.0k
My Love is a Toaster
Annaleisa Oct 2011
Some say I treat you like you’re on a roller coaster
My way of thinking:
My love is a broken toaster,

You give me your all,
Your sweet slice of bread
And when I give it back, your bread will be burnt and dead.

Set a time, a level, a crisp that may appeal;
You’ll get none of what you wished for and
Realize that nothing was real.

I do not supply honey, jam, or anything sweet.
All you receive is a burnt slice of bread
And the feeling of a lonely belly with nothing to eat.
This is a mix of a joke poem and expressing my emotions in this ironic metaphor. Have a delightful day.
Oct 2011 · 538
My Children
Annaleisa Oct 2011
I crave the nurture of her warm body.
I feel the mother I need there.
A friend lies beneath and I never believed that I needed punishment and ridicule.
His shouts and screams feel like shots and beats.
He doesn’t see that I need an emotion.
A human?

So many emotions and qualities they think and believe they own.
These cuts and burns and cries they didn’t believe they owned.
I have it all. The perfect two homes.
I’m raised by maniacs.
I’m raising adults.
Oct 2011 · 569
I am your Fool (Sonnet)
Annaleisa Oct 2011
Perhaps I’m too young to comprehend you.
I miss the gentleness of generic words
If only my soft, kind touch was yours too
To my misfortune, my flinches, unheard.
Apologize for the scrape from the ground,
As time heals my heart, it just makes a bruise
You say sorry without making a sound
Don’t leave now when it’s everything I’ll lose
Rise until midnight, where I say I am strong
Blinded by your shadow, who I think you are
But I will not leave, I come back by dawn
If only who we were wasn’t masked by a scar
Kiss me again, I’m thrown into your pool
Those generic three words make me a fool
Oct 2011 · 672
The Flood
Annaleisa Oct 2011
We received waves through our minds, a connection we didn’t understand.
                  Still we equal two mysteries to each other
The ******* of our minds leaves our bodies with warmth
that others seek in the physical world
                                  Confused qualities clean the relationship
  they accredit us as perfect
                                                                                            this fine
                                                                                            perfect view leaves me addled.
                                              His body leaves me lonely
My heart is left in a warm flood                              I don’t want to move.
Oct 2011 · 900
Goodbye, Home
Annaleisa Oct 2011
Our duffle bags are filled with stained clothing.
    stained memories.
       The sun that burnt our pale skin so many times is now setting
with a soft sympathy.
                                             The Ending Begun,
no mistakes existed in the circle game.
  liquid flashbacks flew from our eyes and eased from our noses.
    Summer had evaporated any grudges we held.
      our dragon, Puff, blew magic in our hearts.
         in our bags
           our duffles weighed more than us and I knew why.
             they held everything we had:
early morning hot chocolates
  air we flew through
    snow ***** that hit our frozen bodies
      lips of those we kissed
        hands of those we held
          hair of those we braided
            Christopher Robin and Winnie the Pooh
              the mountains we Climbed
                the buckets of tears in the ends
                                                            ­              7 Groups of Shoes Thrown.
my jet plane was leaving
I knew what I was leaving behind
and what was now mine.
we weren't going home, not really.
Oct 2011 · 1.4k
Us and the soul
Annaleisa Oct 2011
We hold a soul between our two hearts.
You: the armor
I: the misplaced
Us… We don’t share the universal love songs.
Not the congruent taste of politics.
Of genres
Of wealth
Our soul is an alien to society
God fooled our soul
Our past present future is all we share
Past, a multitude of mistakes we knew we were making
Present, an unforgivable regret
the Future.
Us hold,
A destiny we’re aware will not be our dreams.

— The End —