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205 · Apr 2017
Anna Page Apr 2017
Mirrors are simply a piece of glass.
They are able to catch an image of
You based on how the light reflects.

Realize that you are more than your
Reflection. Your reflection doesn’t show
Your heart, or the way you light up when
You talk about something that you’re
Passionate about. It doesn’t show the
Way you’re able to make people feel like
They are loved and how you make them
Feel like they matter. Your reflection
Doesn’t capture you at your best moments,
Where you truly shine at being alive.
It doesn’t do justice in showing your
True beauty.

So often we look back at
Our reflection and only see our flaws.
We can only see the things that we want to
Change, instead of the things that make
Us good. You are more than your reflection.
You are way more than little lights
reflecting against glass and
catching bits and pieces of you.

If only you could see yourself
The way others do. If only you could see
Your heart for others and your enthusiasm
To do wonderful things. If only you could see
That you truly are beautiful. If only you could
See that even if you weren’t, it doesn’t matter.

Don’t get so hung up on that one flaw that  
Stares back at you in the mirror. Don’t get hung
Up on the lies that you are being
Fed, because you are so much more than
The way light hits a little piece of glass.

— The End —