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Jan 2019 · 192
Pieces Of Grace
Anna-Lynn Jan 2019
Pieces of Grace all scattered around,
much like confetti all over the ground.

So hard to pick up, yet easy to see,
I wonder why she chooses to stay here with me.

I cannot understand why she sings so off key,
or why her laugh often sounds like a hive full of bees.

She dances in the rain in nothing but shoes,
and I smile relentlessly as though it was a ruse.

Grace is so muted in such a powerful way,
and I want to be with her all night and all day.

"Please tell me your secrets and I will never tell,
I want to be just like you, so bold and so swell."

Pieces of Grace are what make her so grand,
but she is not alone so please understand,

We all are like Grace underneath our soft skin,
because loving ourselves is never a sin.
A poem of self love
Jun 2016 · 469
It's Time
Anna-Lynn Jun 2016
A scarf rests upon the old rocking chair  my mother would sit in, while she sang me to sleep as a child.
The water colour scarf smells of acrylic paint and dusty cigars.
An old cloudy ash tray hangs off the side of a water-stained coffee table, just waiting to be emptied.
I don't want to move anything, because everything is where it is supposed to be.

I cannot tell you how I've longed for this moment. Where I can hear without listening, and taste without using my tongue.
These memories are the kind that become washed up and used repeatedly, until all that is left is laughter without volume.
Mar 2016 · 342
Anna-Lynn Mar 2016
Body is pensive, eyes are cold.
He opens his arms wide with great intent, but I callously greet him.
I drift to sleep where I dream of me, lost in the woods with no one in sight.
I like it here, where the birds don't sing, and the sun doesn't shine, and you are nowhere to be found.
When I wake, I hope for an empty embrace and an intangible smile.
But there you are, warm and sleepy, only a kiss away.
Body is pensive, eyes are cold.
Jan 2016 · 360
Daisies of Mine
Anna-Lynn Jan 2016
Daisies grow under my bed every time you kiss me goodnight.
I can smell their floral scent as they creep around my bed, trying to wrap me up in their dark green stems.
The petals, they fall, all around the outline of your fragile, milky body.
I cannot touch you, for your skin burns of lust and passion, and you make me feel as though you are too good to be true.
I doubted your existence until the daisies blossomed, because I feared you walked out of my sleeping mind, to fall right into my arms.
The daisies remind me that you were my dream,
and you came true.
Jan 2016 · 344
I wish, therefore, I will
Anna-Lynn Jan 2016
I wish for flowers that bloom every season in the backyard of my mind.
I wish to find happiness in the corners of my own smile.
I wish to feel the sun on the nebula of freckles that spreads across my rosy cheeks.
I wish to create unforgettable paintings with the words I write, and the laughter ensued from late night games of heartbreak.
I wish to make my own memories in the fields of impudence, where you cannot find me.
I wish to be a new, untameable me.
I wish, therefore, I will.
Dec 2015 · 396
Ocean Thoughts
Anna-Lynn Dec 2015
Deep oceans cannot hold what is hiding within my heart, the waves cannot squander my thoughts, oh so dark--
The coral cannot cover my sad hopeful zeal, because I am full of unrealistic ideals--
I drift with the fishes and pretend to be free, but your arms, oh so tight, are wrapped around me--
I plea to the Gods to send me on my way, but I fear that once I go, I will cry out "please let me stay!"--
I am bigger than the ocean, and greater than any God, because I've felt a Tsunami rise up from the sod--
Your eyes are greener than the wild algae below, the gaze that I feel will drag me undertow--
I have yet to discover the treasure I seek, but it must be closer to that mountainous peak!--
Dec 2015 · 600
If I could be anything
Anna-Lynn Dec 2015
If I could be anything, I would be the cavernous moon that hangs above your head as you sleep. From dusk until dawn I would keep you safe, enrobed in the glow of my cold milky light.
*If I could be anything, I would be yours.
Jun 2015 · 326
Washed out
Anna-Lynn Jun 2015
Water colour china shines from the sun, melting the white walls into a rainbow of light. He sits with his mouth twisted into a concentrated thought, and his eyes focused on what used to be me. Only a picture..a tearless memory. My hand translucent against the wood grain table, my heart no longer ticking in time with the aging grandfather clock. No longer cold, no longer warm. No longer full of over joy and life, and no longer filled with sadness or contempt. I cannot smell the wilting daises, I cannot taste the week old cigar smoke likely stale in the air. Nothing is the same, but it is rather comforting.

*Water colour china shines from the sun..
Feb 2015 · 414
Missing, him?
Anna-Lynn Feb 2015
Something was missing the moment I stepped out the door. I wondered frantically at the sight of my bare hands and empty pockets at what that something could be. I walked back inside the dreary blackness of the empty house and searched all over for something that would release this feeling of exile from my chest. I searched the kitchen, the bathroom, my shadowy bedroom, and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I finally checked the heart of the house, the living room and, there! My keys were laid out on the coffee table. I picked them up grasping the cold sharpness from the idoling keys, only feeling a moment of relief to find that, no. *That wasn't what I was looking for.
Apr 2014 · 370
I promise
Anna-Lynn Apr 2014
And because a broken heart takes time to heal, I need you to trust that one day I will love you as much as you love me.
For no one in particular.

I love you
Sep 2013 · 408
My only love
Anna-Lynn Sep 2013
Be still my heart, the aching moon. She smiles for me, my baby, gloom.
Jul 2013 · 424
Anna-Lynn Jul 2013
And then you wonder if this is the end to a story, or the new beginnings of a tale.
The cat caught the mouse, and the birds flew south, and every silver lining shone.
But where was the hunter and the wolf?
Or the dry trees and the fire?
Everything becomes broken because nobody can hold on to a promise long enough,
Because friends are meant to become enemies,
And because lovers never seem to last.
Yet we hold on to these senile relationships, mistake lust for love, and purposely end bonds.
We take who we want and push away who we need.

*Sweet becomes sour when all you have left is yourself.
May 2013 · 1.6k
The birthday cake of denial
Anna-Lynn May 2013
And it just sits there reminding you of new memories to make, futures to come, friends to forget. Denial is in the icing, dead dreams in the wicks of the tacky pastel candles. The blade of regret cuts through the thick layers of new broken promises. Sprinkles to soften the blow of reality, chocolate crumbs to help savor the empty moment. The birthday cake of denial cannot be denied. Nothing is final until the last overly sweetened piece that sits on your tongue, full of expectations is
May 2013 · 1.3k
Deja vu
Anna-Lynn May 2013
My déjà vu was loving you
And now I just forget
May 2013 · 639
Frayed [10 word poem]
Anna-Lynn May 2013
The rope to the anchor of my heart is frayed.
May 2013 · 355
The perfect place
Anna-Lynn May 2013
I sleep on the moon
among the stars and between the planets.
Away from the world
free from any ambit.
May 2013 · 664
The way it is
Anna-Lynn May 2013
We make mistakes and fix them with glue, the cheap sort of glue that can't hold much together. So we wither in our pain and make a boat with our imagination. Because something is better than nothing, and heart ache is better than not having a heart at all. And we give reason to the things that aught not to have any, and we give light to the dark in hopes of gaining some sort of relevance to what we call life. We patch up the stains that are left from the looming sun that breaks the soil from it's dewy demise. We cancel on the weak to find someone willing, and we prey on the minds of weeds in the garden, because no one is perfect, and no one wants to be alone. We end up with who we think we deserve and regret everything and nothing all at once. We accompany our fears to the dinner table, but hide them with the broccoli in our napkins.

I just let it happen because it's something to do.
I just let myself bleed, because it's something to see.
I break the glass on purpose to feel what it's like to be in control.
I push myself to the limit to remember deep down that I'm still sane.
For now
May 2013 · 840
Knotted Wool
Anna-Lynn May 2013
The icy cold stares seep through my pores until they can see my darkest secrets. They judge and they wallow in their supposed morality as I drown in my own peer pressure poison. So I crack a smile and feel it fade because I can't fake what I can't feel in front of those who don't care. I shoot the silver arrow into the crooked branch so I can remember that not everything we want has to be perfect. And that I can find the diamond among the soiled ******* if that's what I deeply desire. I've never wanted anything more than to just be let in the herd and melt into the shadows. But then again, I don't want to lose myself. So I stay on the outside of the porcelain shop and watch all the shallow customers ****** the useless crap with their greasy fingers as I paint my words in colours no one can recognize just to **** with the egos of the cowards that always seem to have something to say. I want to make them all speechless as I sheer the sheep of their knotted wool and show them for who they really are.
Apr 2013 · 1.5k
The Forgotten Fruit.
Anna-Lynn Apr 2013
The peach was soft and fuzzy, bruise less and juicy, waiting to be tasted.
Yet no one would touch it.
Maybe it was because it was the last peach left in the ceramic fruit bowl.
Or maybe no one craved peaches anymore.
It sat in the sun for weeks, getting softer and changing it's pale peach colour to a sandy burnt orange.
No one ate it or threw it away.
It just became part of the bowl, hidden by new, plumper fruit.
Kiwis, oranges, lemons.
Yet no one touched the peach.
Eventually it was noticed, decaying next to a pear.
It was tossed into the compost where it decayed even further, becoming a slushy brown slime.
The peach was forgotten so easily and noticed too late.
It could have been the best peach anyone had ever tasted.
Apr 2013 · 328
Anna-Lynn Apr 2013
Maybe my 'maybes' have gotten so old, that I've forgotten what a maybe means.
Apr 2013 · 1.2k
A Putrid Fairytale
Anna-Lynn Apr 2013
There is no fairytale in misery. Yet I find myself drowning in this unpolished desire to hold the hand of greed. I pulled out the knife too quickly, leaving it to heal improperly. Forever a mistake, forever a lost cause. My light seems broken. Every time I open my eyes, all I can see are shards of multi-coloured glass surrounding the happiness I cannot have. The nightmares have taken root and are a crippling comfort in which I cannot bear. I wipe away the mothering tears and hold back the putrid *****. Passion is my curse and sorrow is my blanket. I lust for the ugly and jagged pieces of hope, because it's all I have left to lean on.
Apr 2013 · 366
An Approach to Love
Anna-Lynn Apr 2013
When I say I love you, it doesn't always mean I do.
Because if I were to love you,
I would hate you too.
Apr 2013 · 942
Anna-Lynn Apr 2013
Raw and uncut, to the bearest of bones.
I am an open novel and full of old woes.

I crack under pressure and wear my heart on my sleeve, I cringe with every soul that I too must grieve.

I am the clouds in the sky that always bring shade
And I try to soften the touch of a blade.

I want to be everything anyone has ever wanted
But I fear instead, my heart may be haunted.

The world tastes of sweet strawberries picked from the yard, yet I know I am too shy to pluck the right card.

I weep for the sorry and smile for the brave,
But I fear one day that I might misbehave.

Please forgive me for the changing of this tune,
You see I only hoped it wasn't too soon.

I ripped out the pages from my own written works, in hopes that I too could change my old quirks.

I pleasure the living and bury the dead, and I feel I might soon just lose my poor head.
Apr 2013 · 733
Anna-Lynn Apr 2013
His name was Sam.

He looked so grown up as he walked away into the night. His under groomed shaggy summer struck hair glued down around his head from the warm pre-fall rain.
He wasn't the one I remembered, but rather the one I forgot. I couldn't help but shed a tear as he sashayed down the street, draped in his long and worn-out tailored coat.

I don't know how this was Sam.

It seemed wrong to just let him leave the way he did. But I think he lost his way. He'll come back when he rediscovers that lanky boy with an obsession for finding beauty in that which didn't exist.
He was the captain of the playground, the president of imagination.

I can't stop thinking about Sam.

I just sat in my car with my window down and my hair the way he always liked.
Somehow it wasn't enough, and somehow it was too much. He needed a reminder of who he used to be. But maybe this was part of growing up.

He was Sam. And I was his.

I kissed goodbye to the wind and hoped it reached him in time.
I lit my last cigarette and just waited.
All I ever did was wait, and it was pointless.
He'll never be back again.
Sam was a misguided free spirit.
Or maybe he had found himself.

His name was Sam.
And he was gone.
For good this time.
Apr 2013 · 820
Anna-Lynn Apr 2013
I begged the moon for a sweeter escape
a passioned embrace, a brand new shape.

I was released into the wild, naked and anew.
and this is where I found the perfection that is you.

I saved my tears for every breath I could no longer feel,
and you stole my heart with your tongue, softer than steel.

I craved your touch more than life itself,
and I released my emotions I kept bottled on my shelf.

You were the lighter and I the wick,
the heat we made would make someone sick.

I shared the parts of me, once unreachable,
you broke open this vase and made me teachable.

I left my comfort for the pain of love,
and I became that small fragile dove.
Apr 2013 · 926
The Sweetest Taste
Anna-Lynn Apr 2013
Slowly tasting every sweetened word that escapes your dewy mouth, I crawl into your arms and
dream of the impossible.

I remembered all at once that I had emotions.

You bring out the best and worst of every tainted thought I think.

I cursed the skies for bringing you, the innocent lamb, into my dark and ominous barn.

You let me taste love in the sweetest form and I never want to eat anyone elses affection.
Apr 2013 · 577
Anna-Lynn Apr 2013
And there he sat with the window open and his big heart, closed.
The stars were somehow dimmer, the moon just a speck in the overbearing sky.
Someday, somehow this will be better.
The music stopped, and the laughter from the children out on the streets was barely a whisper.
His sigh was carried out into the night.
There was something about this simple whimper that made the night go on forever.
And he just sat there with nothing but tears to accompany him as he smoked his Cuban cigar.
It was over.
And all that was left was what had been.
Apr 2013 · 690
The One?
Anna-Lynn Apr 2013
I steal a kiss from your overripe lips as my warm hands explore every corner of perfection that makes up your body.

I find a drum hidden underneath a fragile cage that beats in an uneven rhythm, going faster every time my fingers tickle your silky skin.

I lie back on my pillow taking in each scattered breath going over in my head how perfect this is.

I can't help but feel that you're the one.

The one I've been waiting for all my life.
Apr 2013 · 609
Heartless creatures
Anna-Lynn Apr 2013
Heartless creatures crawl out of my mouth when I'm around you.

They scream and shout cruel words that slap you in the face.

I try to cover them with my cupped hands, but they always seem to find their way out.

I hate that these cruel monsters hurt you the way they do, but I guess they're just letting you know how much it hurt me.

How much it hurt me to look into your eyes and see only her.

How much it hurt to touch your soft golden skin and know I am not the only one who has felt this pleasure.

How much it hurts to have a heart that only beats for you.

How much it hurts to be human.
Mar 2013 · 1.1k
Tango of lies
Anna-Lynn Mar 2013
We danced that exhausting tango.
That tango of lies.
Wrapped up in deceit, spinning in ecstasy.
My feet no longer able to bear the weight.
I crumbled with the belief that you would be there to catch me.

Was I ever wrong.
Mar 2013 · 742
The Summer High
Anna-Lynn Mar 2013
I came here to forget myself for but a few short hours.

The lake is as green as it had ever been, the rocks covered in algae and darkened by the cold and calm water.

My feet dangling off the edge of the dock, my toes just barely grazing the surface.

My body had been transformed into this bronzed beauty, my long golden hair at least two shades lighter.

Summer always changed me.

The bright orange setting sun seeping into my pores.

My lungs taking in every last minute of it.

Soon this will be gone.

Sleeping all fall and drowning all winter.

I don't want to go back. I don't want to be me again.

I want to stay in this summer state, and stay up all night with nothing but fireflies and full moons.

The sun goes down, and I stay until I feel a chill.

Walking away from the last summer memory, I close my eyes and wish for just another week.

Just one more chance to be someone else.

Just one more chance to forget about...

Mar 2013 · 646
Anna-Lynn Mar 2013
I followed the rabbit of despiration down the contradictory hole.
It lead me to believe I could have anything.
But what if what I wanted had no name.
What if what I needed came in the form of a still beating heart.
My flesh was crawling with want. Lust. Desire.
I needed it. I wanted it.
Hopeless and weary, I craved it in an ugly and filthy fashion.
My bones ached for the touch of something real. Something that could feel.
I was ripped of comfort and replaced it with grit.
**** out the pure and pour in the damage.
I don't want to leave.
I can't.
I'm stuck.
*Simply, stuck.
Mar 2013 · 397
Anna-Lynn Mar 2013
I think, just maybe, I had an epiphany.

I think I want this
I think I want all of whatever this could be.
I think I want you
I think I want us
I think this epiphany could be our destiny.
Mar 2013 · 593
My kind of sickness
Anna-Lynn Mar 2013
I don't know how you do it.
Everytime I'm around you, I seem to get these symptoms.
Like a bandit in the night, you steal my breath and cast a spell over my shielded heart, breaking the barrier.
My toes curl when you make your presence known.
I bite my bottom lip, and and my poor unprotected heart beats uncontrollably.
I don't know how you do it.
My cheeks flush, and my stomach boils with pleasure when you push back your shaggy blonde hair.
My voice gets stuck between my teeth when you glide towards me.
I can't help but smile when I stare into your saphire eyes.
I don't know how you do it, but I don't want these symptoms to disappear.
If this sickness is love, I never want to be cured.
Mar 2013 · 737
My deepest regret
Anna-Lynn Mar 2013
I make promises I don't keep and tell stories that never happened.
I lie to you eye to eye, so I don't have to **** you with the truth.
I've made so many mistakes and regret more of my life than I've ever lived. I can't remember the last time I loved another because it has always been you and I.
I tried to fill that gap with body after body, but somehow it just made things worse.

I have the face of an angel but the heart of a monster.
I don't belong here anymore.
I feel misplaced.
I feel forgotten.
I am my deepest regret, and you were supposed to be my forever.
Mar 2013 · 586
Anna-Lynn Mar 2013
I woke up next to an ash tray, and an empty bottle of cheap champagne.

I can't help thinking I've been here before.

Not in this exact motel, just in this moment.

I know this stale smell, I remember the same bright sun at 9:30 in the morning.

I recall this hole being in the same spot.

It was where it had always been.

In my head.

I try to fill it with your sweet talk and the touch of your wandering hands, and for a while it works.

Until I wake up the next morning alone again, sleeping with nothing but wrinkles in the sheets.

I can never remember your face in the morning.

You might as well have been the ash tray and cheap champagne.
Anna-Lynn Mar 2013
He slipped her a silent acknowledgement from under his eyebrows. There he was, across the room but somehow a million miles away. She stroked her arm to let him know she knew. She knew his intentions, just as he knew hers.
It wasn't love they were after that night. It was a warm body against their own that they craved. Someone to hold in their deepest regrets and oldest fears. Someone to kiss the fresh wounds, and to hide the loneliness for but a few hours.
They shared their pain in silence, and let their emotions flow from their bodies onto the sheets. They became one for a night, and that's all they needed.
For now.
Mar 2013 · 1.1k
Anna-Lynn Mar 2013
Your face is a naked palette my dear, it has yet to be blotched with colours of wonder, love, hate and fear. You shower yourself in innocence and write your feelings on the walls.

You are too young to believe in reality, and far too naive to realize that dreams don't come true.
Mar 2013 · 420
Anna-Lynn Mar 2013
If I could be anything, I'd wish to be a star. I want to feel needed and know that every night, someone somewhere is wishing upon me to bring them happiness. Because even though what you see up in the sky is nothing but the reminiscence of a star, you still believe it's alive because its beauty is incomparable. I want to be a star. I want to be beautiful even when I'm gone.
Mar 2013 · 599
Anna-Lynn Mar 2013
I'm a second hand smoker most nights.
I stare into the tip of the burning cigarette ****, waiting for the ash to fall and slowly float onto my tattered, yellow converse.
Each breath deeper than the next. His lips smothering the end until it reaches the filter.
Nothing left but a black and yellow nub. Its life, ****** dry.
With a flick of his finger, it falls to the ground in slow motion. Like we're in an old black and white film.
His cracked black doc martens crushing everything that was left of that tiny cigarette.
We leave, and it just lies there.
As if it were melted into the gravel.
Ripped to shreds and forgotten.
Mar 2013 · 1.6k
Shut up
Anna-Lynn Mar 2013
He thought I needed him.
I laughed.
Why would I need someone who treats me like ****?
I was just physical to you.
Now you say you're lonely.
Shut up.
Just shut up...
Mar 2013 · 832
Anna-Lynn Mar 2013
This has changed me. I am no longer the same. I have too many scars, shed more than enough tears, and have drowned in a pool of self deterioration. I have forgotten what tall green summer grass feels like as it brushes my prickly legs. I have lost the sensation to feel the sun caressing my pale figure. I no longer remember fully feeling a smile stretch across my weary face. I cannot enjoy the softness of rain scrolling down my cheeks because it reminds me of what we used to be. Everything I do, everything I touch brings back the day you said you loved me. I was a nobody feeding off of young love and tender kisses. We were the two cards that were always paired, we were the only clovers left in the middle of a decaying forest. We were something lost in lust, and wrapped up in each other's soft spoken refrains.

I am no longer that girl. I have changed and am slowly becoming acquainted with this new stranger. I do not wish to change who I am becoming, but I do feel sad that I am forgetting who I once was.

I can forgive you for not loving me back the way I loved you, but you stole my entity. And for that you will never be forgiven.

— The End —