//She was sitting alone, booth number twelve, sipping on room temperature coffee. Hand cupped around her chiseled chin as she gazed off into distant thoughts. And just for a second as I peered at her lonely silhouette through the diner window spotted in a damp condensation, I debated my decision to walk through the door. But as the bell in the corner rang with the swift sway of my push, she looked up and gave a slight dimple side smile. I sat. She spoke//
"It felt better than good in that moment of time.
Those words that were only spoken in deceit.
The two beating hearts that touched were so convincing.
Quivering over hands that weren't meant for me to hold, or to let wander.
Vulnerability of incandescent lust is what it was.
Purging passion with marks of disdain ran up and down my neck.
I sat in an alley last night filled with dumpsters, dirt, old brick walls, and the red glowing **** of my cigarette only to reminisce on what is not at a hands distance anymore.
Awakening in the terror of a fantasy is worse than facing day to day reality."
//As I traced my finger around the old rings on the table she threw back what was left of her coffee, grabbed her oversized umbrella and headed out the door. The ring of that bell gave me haunted chills. I would never see her again//