Surrounds* me.
I cant avoid looking up every second for light.
There never is light. Tears come to my eyes and I hold them.
I can't cry for help, because you never know who might come.
I cant breathe. my body is so tense that I'm shivering.
I close my eyes, afraid of anything that my weird mind can conjure on this dark.
****. Too late.
I can feel it getting closer to me. Slowly approaching.
I wonder if another position might be better, but I'm too scared to move.
I maintain my position, but I start to feel a presence at my back.
If i keep my position, he will reach me.
I can't let that happen, so I turn around to face it,
and there's nothing there.
I bring a piece of my blanket up and cover my face.
I will wait.
The darkness seems to go deeper every second and I don't stand a chance.
But I wont give up. I will keep myself safe through the night.
I will sleep.