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What about me?
You push, and part and now you're breaking my heart,
All for a boy who says he loves you,
So what about me?
Who was there for you when you were upset,
Who was there during those dark days, trying to get you to work,
And who was there when the seems ripped opened and you were hurt?
Yeah…So not trying to be possessive, but what about me?
And I want you to know we never fought,
I can't even remember one disagreement we had,
Our friendship was filled with sparkling smiles and fun,
But no,
I guess it was all just a fling,
Gosh **** it, I can't help but want to inflict the same pain you caused me,
Call it jealousy, but what you're doing to me is injustice
Pure and absolutely douchbaggery at it's finest,
And what do you got to say for yourself,
But a stupid little sorry,
Hell no man,
It'll take a lot more then those garish crocodile tears,
I cannot again help but be mad,
For this is not the first time i've been thrown aside,
Like just being alone is hard enough,
I just keep sliding by,
But ***,
I guess we might be done,
Although this battle you might have one,
Taking my slashed bits of my broken heart,
And breaking it into smaller pieces
I hope that's want you wanted
 Nov 2012 Anna Grose
Emma Johnson
Everything around me swirled

like ink in the rain

drastically surging waves crashing

against me, stringing what I couldn’t quite grasp

across my entirety

until I lay helpless, inside myself

because I had no idea

how to put your pieces back together

even if it was in my place to do so

even if you let me

I wanted to stitch you back to

someone who was happy

but I kept forgetting

how to understand

the world around me

as a stage and choreography

I knew that I wanted to blurt my next line

but the cue was never given

and all these things

wrapped ropes around me

choking my words

chaining them to my lungs

and I meant to try

but I just don’t



*i’m sorry.

— The End —