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252 · Mar 2014
so lost
dancingbear63 Mar 2014
I'm so lost
No matter what it costs
I don't know where I'm going
I wish I knew
Cause i feel so blue
All I want is my pillow
Can't even say ,"hello"
I have no one now
Where is Jenn?
What happened ,when?
I'm so lost
And I don't care what it costs
236 · Mar 2014
dancingbear63 Mar 2014
She lost her phone
But it doesn't matter
Nobody ever bothered to call her

She lost her best friend
But it doesn't matter
Her friend is so much happier without her

She lost her place to live
But it doesn't matter
She can always sleep in her car

She's lost all hope
But, at least, she always has .........

— The End —